英语人>词典>汉英 : 古典作品 的英文翻译,例句
古典作品 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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For this CD, I recorded some classical and well-known pieces, like Barrios'"Choro da Saudade," which is a piece I hadn't done before.


This classic piece features a duet between a coloratura soprano and and a mezzo-soprano.


In planning his stories, he tries to retain 保持 the grand epical form of the classical works but at the same time keeps faithful to his realistic presentation of common life as it is.


O By far the most inquired about classical work, O Fortuna is played in hundreds of movies, television programs, commercials, and other forms of media.


Boston Brass, a quintet consisting of a trombone, two trumpets, a tuba, and a French horn, will perform a collection of classical pieces in addition to jazz- and Latin-influenced numbers throughout Taiwan during May.


In the field of literature,the Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works.this tendency is known as neoclassicism.


His words impliedly suggest that there is absolutely no final model upon which how a classic, which is Phaedra in our case, should be performed.


His choice to move further away from true classical pieces is a good decision as his tenor seems better suited to modern pieces like the inspirational "La Fiamma Sacra" or the alluring duet with Lara Fabian "The Alchemist," a theatrical song that sounds like a lost treasure from Broadway's Miss Saigon or Chess (get this man a show!).

他选择远离真正的古典作品还是一个很好的决定,因为他的高音似乎更适合去演唱现代作品,比如,令人精神鼓舞的"La Fiamma Sacra"或者是和Lara Fabian一起演绎令人陶醉的"The Alchemist"――这是一首让人听起来像是来自于百老汇的西贡小姐或国际象棋中被遗失的宝藏的戏剧曲目。

So it's two things melting together, some sort of European influence, which is quite strong, which has shown a long study of all the works from Leonardo da Vinci and Titian; and also there's Chinese way that coming from his work.


During the early twentieth century, art underwent dramatic changes. Without blindly following the contemporary trends, Soutine selectively inherited the previous modernism art achievement and learned from the classical art works as well to solve specific problems that he faced. He created a strikingly expressive modern art language while embedding the charm and spirit of traditional art. His unique style has inspired and affected a great number of artists.


更多网络解释与古典作品相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

brass band:管乐队

铜管乐队(Brass Band)有固定的乐队编制和声部配置,乐队规模可大可小,按照实际需要而定,演出形式灵活多样,既可以在室外演奏,也可以在室内以音乐会的形式演出,演奏曲目和风格既可演奏古典作品,也可演奏流行和爵士音乐.

brass band:铜管乐队

铜管乐队(Brass Band)有固定的乐队编制和声部配置,乐队规模可大可小,按照实际需要而定,演出形式灵活多样,既可以在室外演奏,也可以在室内以音乐会的形式演出,演奏曲目和风格既可演奏古典作品,也可演奏流行和爵士音乐.

classical music:古典音乐

"古典音乐"(classical music)原系指古代流传下来堪称经典的音乐作品,后其义经延伸,广指音乐作品具有深刻的思想内容与完美的艺术形式者,皆谓之"古典音乐".

coffee table:桌

它是一件结合了中国古典花瓶形态而制成的现代作品. 房中盒(House Box)此储物盒作品拥有不同的尺寸,它的灵感来自于中国古式木箱. 咖啡桌(Coffee Table)此装饰木桌的图形设计取材于中国古典窗花.


除巴格达外,哥多华(Cordova)、开罗、大马士革、西西里和撒马尔罕(Samarkand)等地都成为伊斯兰教──阿拉伯文化中心. 希腊的古典作品通过西班牙和西西里传回西欧,对西欧文化的发展和文艺复兴运动的兴起起了推动作用. 此外,

On the hour? Classic, running on military:在小時? 古典作品,在軍隊上的賽跑

over the duties. / 在責任之上.... | "On the hour? Classic, running on military / "在小時? 古典作品,在軍隊上的賽跑 | rules, what stupid jerks." he mumbled as he / 規則,多麼愚蠢的性情古怪的人. " 他喃喃而...


semicivilized 半文明的 | semiclassic 准古典式的 | semiclassical 半古典作品


semiclassic 准古典式的 | semiclassical 半古典作品 | semicolon 分号

Song And Dance:<歌声舞影>

>由韦伯亲自选曲,收录了"歌剧魅影"、 "猫"、"日落大道"、"歌声舞影"(Song and Dance)、"爱的观点"等经典名剧中的歌曲,以及三首新曲. >是由Angel与EMI为她联合制作,里面收录了四首全新作品,以及许多她最喜爱的精选古典作品,

The Princess of Cleves:深宮後院

萨科齐日前公开对外界表示,他在学生时代曾被学校强迫阅读一本名为<<深宫后院>>(The Princess of Cleves)的古典作品,而由于这部作品是用古代语言写成,而且内容非常"晦涩难懂",他认为学校的这种强迫要求简直无异于是"虐待或者白痴"的行为.