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变色的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
allochroic  ·  allochromatic  ·  versicolorous  ·  allachroic

更多网络例句与变色的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With low molecular weight and simple structure, AphA has predominance in studies on dynamic states of reversible photochromism and photoswitch design.


In order to force the leaf color to change, we need to understand how leaves change color in the fall. In short, the temp drops and blockage in the veins is formed inside the leaves and it stops water from reaching every corner of the leaves. Then the chlorophyl disappears and they are replaced by those red and yellow pigments.


Objective: This paper was designed to study the pathology process in discolored gingiva adjacent to porcelain fused to metal crowns.

目的 :研究金属烤瓷修复体毗邻变色牙龈组织的超微结构变化,探究牙龈变色的病理生理过程。

The paper carries on qualitative analysis to the acetone extractives before and after discoloring, shows the main components of the extractives and then takes comparison. The results shows :①The hydroxyl is oxidized and then shifted to the carbonyl,carboxyl, ester and ketone groups during inducing discoloration under the pretreatment conditions,which makes the wood color deep;② There are plenty of auxochromic groups in the acetone extractives of silver chain, the interaction between the auxochromic groups and the chromophoric groups makes the wood color deep.

摘 要:本文通过对刺槐变色前后丙酮抽出物的定性分析,得出变色前后丙酮抽出物的主要成分,进行对比分析,初步得出抽出物对诱发变色的作用为:①变色前后羟基在预处理条件下氧化成羰基,羧基,酯基和酮基等官能团,使木材颜色加深;②刺槐丙酮抽出物的主要成分中含有大量助色基,这些基团会与木素中的发色基团相互作用,使木材颜色加深。

Since photochromic ma-terials have extensive application prospect in science, technology, and daily living, studieson photochromism are very important.


So it has become all-important to design and synthesize novel pyrazolone derivatives with excellent photochromic properties in the solid state and study the photochromic properties and photochromic mechanism.


MethodThe qualitative analysis to the acetone extractives of silver chain wood before and after discoloring was carried on showing the main components of the acetone extractives and then taking comparison.


The methods and the precesses of the silver anti-tarnishing ,such as extremely thin metal coating,anodic passivation treatment,cathodic electrophoresis,chemical passivation and self-assembled monolayer,have been evaluated.


Silver electroplating of beryllium bronze with thiosulfate was used to replace conventional toxic silver plating with cyanide in accordance of the characteristics of the beryllium bronze .


The heat-chromism was studied and the reaction mechanism was presented according to electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum and Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy.


更多网络解释与变色的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

tarnishable:易暗晦的; 易失去光泽的; 易变色的 (形)

tarn 小湖 (名) | tarnishable 易暗晦的; 易失去光泽的; 易变色的 (形) | tarnished 暗晦了的; 有污点的 (形)


weather-bound /因恶劣天气受阻的/ | weather-stained /因日晒雨淋而变色的/ | weather-wise /善于预测天气的/


allocarpy 杂交果 | allochroic 变色的 | allochroism 变色


allocholane 别胆烷 | allochroic 别色的;变色的 | allochroite 粒榴石


alligation 合法,混合法 | allochroic 变色的,非本色的 | allochromatic 义质色的


amphicheiral knot | 双向纽结 | amphichroic | 双变色的,两性反应的 | amphichrome | 双色植物 两色花


photochemistry 光化学 | photochromic 对光反应变色的 | photochromism 对光反应变色

photochromic:光色 光色敏的 光致变色的

photochrome 彩色照相 | photochromic 光色 光色敏的 光致变色的 | photochromiccompound 光色化合物

pleochromatic:多色的 变色的

pleochroism多色性 多向色性 复色现象 | pleochromatic多色的 变色的 | pleocidin满杀菌素


vernin 豊豆嘌呤核苷;乌(嘌呤核)苷 | versicolor 杂色的;花斑的;变色的 | version 模型