英语人>词典>汉英 : 变暖和 的英文翻译,例句
变暖和 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
warm  ·  warmed  ·  warms

更多网络例句与变暖和相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The mainest environment problem has the whole world air temperature to change now warm, air pollution , water resource contaminate wait, specifically for all above problem, blowoff I think that the primo ought to control the automobile tail gas, the tail gas sends warm air pollution to make and the air temperature is changed into more than the correct or required number to have interwovenness relation , secondary, the industrial sewage and domestic sewage overanxious and purifying, cut down contaminating to water resource.


With electroacupuncture, acupuncture needles are placed at selected points and then pulsed with an electric current to stimulate the acupuncture points; moxibustion is a warming and energizing treatment produced through the burning of herbs; cupping is the application of glass cups to the skin to create a vacuum and affect the flow of qi or blood.


And then there is methane, a primary contributing gas in global warming and ozone layer depletion.


Spring will come soon, and the weather will get warmer.


This curriculum was designed to introduce the scientific controversy over global warming and contextualize the investigations of the greenhouse effect using the GEV as part of understanding how global warming might occur and how it might be affect energy and temperature data.


First is due to global warming and the effect of the change is the biggest.


In this world of global warming and political unrest.


There have been rightward shifts on climate change and tax, but the change is mostly a matter of tone.


Land areas blanketed with vegetation heat and cool more slowly than barren areas do.


Mulched areas usually warm up more slowly in the spring and cool down slowly in autumn.


更多网络解释与变暖和相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agitate for:鼓动, 煽动(改革、自由、运动等)

warm up 1.使...变热(暖和) 2.(体育锻炼之前, 音乐演奏之前的)热身 | agitate for 鼓动, 煽动(改革、自由、运动等) | agitation for 活动, 鼓动

be busy doing sth = be busy with sth:忙着做某事

25.get warm 变暖和 | 26.be busy doing sth = be busy with sth 忙着做某事 | 27. fall from... 从. . . 摔下

get warm:变暖和

get up 起床,起立 | get warm 变暖和 | get well 痊愈

get warmer:变得更暖和

warm adj. 暖和的 | get warmer 变得更暖和 | crop n. 庄稼;收成

The radio says the weather will get warmer later on:收音机说稍后天气将变得更暖和

31、雨天你最好看点书 You had better do some reading on rainy days. | 32、收音机说稍后天气将变得更暖和. The radio says the weather will get warmer later on. | 34、许多其他的地方 many other places





tree line:樹線

世界各国高山地区, 包括北美落基山脉的树线(Tree Line)一直在上升. 树线上升已归因于全球气候变暖和火灾. 森林侵占到高寒区的后果之一就是高寒草甸变得支离破碎. 在过去的50年中,加拿大艾伯塔省落基山脉Jumpingpound山脊上树线的上升导致高寒草甸面积减少,


独木舟固定在一处,运动员表演的招式类似单板滑雪、冲浪和溜冰等运动中常见的"旋转"(spin)、"翻身"(flip)和"转身"(turn). 有些运动员甚至可以连同独木舟离开水面,飞到空中. 要知道,在过去的 2007年中,有太多关于全球气候变暖和二氧化碳减排的消息,

MAN: Get out of the way! Yee-haw:别挡路

I know. Me, too.|我也有跟你一样的愿望 | MAN: Get out of the way! Yee-haw!|别挡路 | Gettin' warmer.|天气变暖和