英语人>词典>汉英 : 受难 的英文翻译,例句
受难 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

be in distress · suffer calamities or disasters
更多网络例句与受难相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This serves as one of the main answers to the charge of anti-Semitism against "The Passion of the Christ."


In chapters 35, 38, and 48 of Justin's Apologia , that Father appeals confidently as a proof of the miracles and Passion of Jesus to "Acts" or records of Pontius Pilate existing in the imperial archives.

章35 , 38 ,和48贾斯汀的辩解,神父呼吁满怀信心作为证据的奇迹和耶稣受难的"行为"或记录,在本丢彼拉多现有帝国档案。

The plot of suffering of hero widely exists in the Red Classics, which lead to important features of proletarian revolutionary hero and form a suffering model.


The Crucifixion relief Manzu executed in 1942 was restated in the 1950 commission of Four Stations of the Cross for the church of S. Eugenio in Rome. In 1951 he did the high reliefs for Antwerp's Middelheimpark.


In this book, Pinn surveyed the history of African-American responses to the problem of evil, or theodicy, from the slavery to the twentieth century. He argues that the theodical approach, developed by spirituals and church leaders and centered on the notion of redemptive or fruitful suffering, cannot solve the pressing issues of black liberation. Therefore, he outlines the Black humanism as a resolution to the problem of evil and especially investigates the strong humanism.


The remaining pieces have been lost since Bach's time. Bach considered St Matthew his greatest work as he proudly signed the original manuscript at St Thomas Church in Leipzig, Germany. Indeed, it took him three years to finish this musical and religious masterpiece. Resting on the great infrastructure of the Matthew Gospel (Ch. 26, 1-75; Ch. 27, 1-66), Bach inserted 28 adrigalesque? pieces and 12 simple protestant chorales.


Following the two-millennium Christian tradition, today on Easter Sunday, the coworkers of our church offer a special presentation on the Passion of Jesus Christ.


Description: Latin for 'The Passion' A cross woven in thorns and symbolic of the Crucifixion, the five wounds and a broken, bleeding heart, with seven Swarovski crystals.

The Passion'为受难的拉丁文,荆棘缠绕的十字架象征着季度受难,七颗施华洛世奇水晶分别代表五处伤口和一颗受伤流血的心。

Although born in poverty, Rouault lived in Paris and once repaired chromatic glass. He saw the poor and humiliated prostitutes; therefore, he understood bitterness of religious life and salvation deeply. But he never saw the painful land as well as the stubborn life in the land.


THE WAY OF SUFFERING \ 受难之路 Ethiopian Christian Orthodox worshipers carried wooden crosses along the Via Dolorosa, the path Christians believe Jesus walked while bearing the cross, in Jerusalem's Old City Friday.


更多网络解释与受难相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But Calvary:除了耶稣受难的那片髑髅地

Nothing to show 无以明证 | But Calvary. 除了耶稣受难的那片髑髅地. | AS if some little Arctic flower, 仿若北极的一朵小花,

la Via Crucis:耶稣受难像

仪式 la funzione religiosa | 耶稣受难像 la Via Crucis | 雕像 la statua

Good Friday:耶稣受难节

基督受难日(耶稣受难节)(Good Friday)即为纪念耶稣基督被钉在十字架上受难的日子.是复活节前一个星期五.据圣经记载.耶稣于犹太历尼散月十四日上午九时左右被钉在十字架上.于下午三时左右死去.耶稣唯独吩咐门徒要纪念他的死亡.(路加


16.受难乐(passion)用音乐表现>福音书中耶稣受难故事的古老题材. 17.华丽风格(glant style)音乐风格富于装饰性,崇尚雅致优美,形式结构短小、赏心悦目,供人娱乐与绘画中的洛可可相对应,是古典主义的先声,有大库伯兰倡导.

Passion Week:(救主受难周)

Passion Tide (救主受难期) | Passion Week (救主受难周) | Pastor (牧师)

Passion music:受难乐

"经过六四和弦","Passing six-four" | "受难乐","Passion music" | "受难神剧","Passion-Oratorio"

Passion music:受难曲

受难节/Good Friday | 受难曲/passion music | 受训运动员专用餐桌/training table

Passion music:[宗]耶稣受难曲

burning passions 灼热的情感 | Passion music [宗]耶稣受难曲 | Passion play [宗]耶稣受难

passion play:基督受难剧

基督受难剧(Passion Play)在德国南部阿默高(Oberammergan)表演基督受难,14~16世纪广泛流行于欧洲

Passion Sunday:(基督受难主日)

Passion Play (救主受苦剧) | Passion Sunday (基督受难主日) | Passion Tide (救主受难期)