英语人>词典>汉英 : 受苦的 的英文翻译,例句
受苦的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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His heart ached for the suffering child bride.


His heart ache d for the suffering child bride.


Our commiseration requires us to use the most efficient and ultimate way to release the pain of people, which means to give them a comfortable way of death.

怜悯对我们的要求乃是,用最有效、最永久的方法减轻人的痛苦,就是给受苦者安乐的死亡。3 。对受苦的家人,这是仁慈的做法

He could have slipped away in the darkness in the Garden of Gethsemane.


There are many people on this globe who suffer on a daily basis.


Hence Damascene says (De Fide Orth. iii, 4) that "Christ Who God and Man, is called created and uncreated, passible and impassible."


On the part of the selfish, the prejudices, shadows of costly education, appetite increasing through intoxication, a giddiness of prosperity which dulls, a fear of suffering which, in some, goes as far as an aversion for the suffering, an implacable satisfaction, the I so swollen that it bars the soul; on the side of the wretched covetousness, envy, hatred of seeing others enjoy, the profound impulses of the human beast towards assuaging its desires, hearts full of mist, sadness, need, fatality, impure and simple ignorance.


We need to suffer in order to empathise with others who suffer.


Hence Damascene says (De Fide Orth. iii, 4) that "Christ Who God and Man, is called created and uncreated, passible and impassible."


In the Old Testament, there were two different pictures painted of the Messiah-one suffering (Isa. 53:2-10, Ps. 22:6-8, 11-18) and one reigning as King (Ps. 2:6-12, Zech. 14:9,16). As we look back on these scriptures, we see they predicted two separate comings of the Messiah-the 1st coming as a suffering Messiah and the 2nd coming as a reigning King.


更多网络解释与受苦的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

agonize vt. 1:使受苦(身体上) 2. 使苦闷(精神上)

agitate v. 1. 鼓吹,煽动 2.使激动,使恼怒;使狂躁不安;使焦虑 | agonize vt. 1. 使受苦(身体上) 2. 使苦闷(精神上) | agreeable adj. 1. (指计划等)使人愉快的,合意的 2. 容易相处的


坐禅(sitting in meditation )时也一样,心是平静的(calm),但杂染并没有真的平静下来. 身体成长而老了与得病的方式(way )并没有错,它只是顺著它的天性罢了. 因此,不是身体导致我们受苦的,而是错误的想法. 当我们坐禅的时候,


班德曾提到同情怜悯(compassion)这个字的拉丁文字根有"同受苦"的意思. 班德认为自己父母虽然没受过什么训练,但他们对印度村民正体现出这个字"同受苦"的真义,来传达耶稣基督的大爱. 我相信也正是由于这份大爱与母亲美好的榜样,

Ecclesia Stricte Dicta:(狭义的教会)

Ecclesia Patiens (受苦的教会) | Ecclesia Stricte Dicta (狭义的教会) | Ecclesia Synthetica (混合的教会)

Ecclesia Militans:(争战的教会)

Ecclesia Late Dicta (广义的教会) | Ecclesia Militans (争战的教会) | Ecclesia Patiens (受苦的教会)

The reprobate and Satan will suffer eternal punishment in hell:被弃绝的人和撒但会在地狱受到永恒的刑罚

21. 地狱是一个永恒受苦的地方或是一种永恒受苦的经历. Hell is a place or ex... | 22. 被弃绝的人和撒但会在地狱受到永恒的刑罚. The reprobate and Satan will suffer eternal punishment in hell. | 八、 伦理学Et...

He falls apart like worm-eaten wood, like cloth devoured by the moths:我的生命已如腐爛的朽木,已如蛀蝕的衣服

你寫下了我受苦的判詞,使我承當我青年時的... | 你把我的腳縛在木樁上,窺察我的一切行動,又為我的... | 我的生命已如腐爛的朽木,已如蛀蝕的衣服. He falls apart like worm-eaten wood, like cloth devoured by the moths.

Why torment a wind-blown leaf or pursue a withered straw:難道你要喝走被風吹落的樹葉,要追逐已枯乾的碎階

你為何遮掩你的面容,將我視作你的仇人?Why ... | 難道你要喝走被風吹落的樹葉,要追逐已枯乾的碎階?Why torment a wind-blown leaf or pursue a withered straw? | 你寫下了我受苦的判詞,使我承當我青年時的罪過. But ...

Your daddy the war machine:妳那暴力相向的父親

They're all gonna fade away 他們終究會過去 | Your daddy the war machine 妳那暴力相向的父親 | And your momma the long and suffering 妳那長期受苦的母親

Portuguese man-of-war:不是"葡萄牙的军舰", 而是"僧帽水母(动物)

Peruvian bark不是"秘鲁的树皮", 而是"金鸡纳桑(树)皮". | Portuguese man-of-war不是"葡萄牙的军舰", 而是"僧帽水母(动物)". | Roman holiday不是"罗马假日", 而是"欣赏别人受苦的娱乐".