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发作 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
access  ·  paroxysm  ·  spasm  ·  fit  ·  accessed  ·  accesses  ·  fits  ·  bouts  ·  paroxysms  ·  spasms

show effect · have a fit of anger
更多网络例句与发作相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Days after a convulsant dose of KA, the seizure susceptibility were found in KA+NS group and enhanced in KA+PL017 group, whereas significantly decreased in KA+β-FNA group (p.01).β-FNA prolonged the latency and reduced the stage of seizures in dose-dependent manner.


Seizure frequency decreased by at least 50% in 47% of patients, by at least 75% in 24% of patients, and by 100% in 7% of patients. Of those receiving oxcarbazepine monotherapy, 59% had at least a 50% reduction in seizure frequency, 36% had at least a 75% reduction in seizure frequency, and 10% were seizure-free. Adverse events reported most frequently were dizziness in 46%, headache in 32%, fatigue in 30%, diplopia in 30%, nausea in 26%, abnormal vision in 21%, and somnolence in 21%.


There were 613 breaks of ischemia symptomless in which 504 broke while at rest or sleeping, lasting for 3~5min and 88 breaks were symptomatic in which 53 broke while at rest and 25 broke in daily activities, lasting for 1~3 min and there were significant changes of ischemia on DCG and the ST segment descent for 0.1~0.3 mV.

结果:138例患者24h监测发现在所有ST段下移1mm以上的缺血发作701次,无症状发作613次,其中休息和睡眠时发作504次,持续时间为3~5min;有症状发作88次,其中休息和睡眠53次,日常活动时 25次,持续时间为 1~3 min,DCG检测中有明显的心肌缺血表现,ST段降低幅度0.1~0.3mV。

RESULTS Based on the epilepsy typing method and Video-EEG data,54pa-tients(42.2%)were diagnosed for epilepsy syndrome in the128child patients,including25cases of benign epilepsy of children with centrotemporal spikes,3cases of childhood ab-sence epilepsy,1case of juvenile myoclonic epilepsy,5cases of frontal lobe epilepsy,13cases of West syndrome and7cases of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.The types of epilepsy seizures in49(38.3%)patients were conformed,including10cases of tonic and/or clonic seizures,33cases of partial seizures,5cases of myoclonic seizures and1cases of atonic seizures.

结果 128例癫痫患儿中有54例(42.2%)进一步确定了癫痫综合征的诊断,其中儿童良性癫痫伴中央-颞区棘波25例,儿童失神癫痫3例,少年肌阵挛癫痫1例,额叶癫痫5例,West综合征13例,Lennox-Gastaut综合征7例;有49例(38.3%)可明确其发作类型,其中强直或阵挛发作10例,部分性发作33例,肌阵挛发作5例,失张力发作1例,另外有25例(19.5%)尚无法分类。

Experts divide seizures into generalized seizures (absence, atonic, tonic-clonic, myoclonic), partial seizures, nonepileptic seizures and status epilepticus.


ResultsIdiopathic nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy has distinctive clinical seizure characteristics. The onset age is younger than 20 and the ratio of male cases to female cases is 2 to 1. The most notable clinical characteristics are nocturnal clustered postural or dystonic seizures and complex motor activities, with 14% of the patients have epileptic family history. The interictal routine EEG of 22.9% and active EEG of 28% cases in wakeness and 38% cases in sleep showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge while the ictal EEG of 66.7% cases showed frontal lobe epileptiform discharge. Drug therapy is effective in 80% cases with 30% completely controlled.

结果 特发性夜间额叶癫痫具有特征性的临床发作特点,大多数于20岁之前起病,男女比例2:1,以夜间成串的偏转性、姿势性强直及过度运动发作为最显著的临床特征。14%有阳性癫痫家族史。22.9%清醒发作间期常规脑电图及28%清醒发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,38%患者的睡眠发作间期动态脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电,66.7%患者的发作期脑电图可见额叶癫痫样放电。80%药物治疗有效,30%可完全控制。

The extracellular amino acid neurotransmission levels in hippocampus of free-moving rats were detected by microdialysis with HPLC.3. Results:(1) The extracellular GAB A concentration in the CA1 area decreased immediately after the administration of PTZ but increased at about 3d after PTZ injection and lasted about 2 weeks. However, Glu level increased remarkably after the PTZ injection and decreased at 3d until 14d after PTZ injection.

结果: (1)在发作期,细胞外液GABA的浓度为38119.7±912.7nmol/L,较发作前明显下降,在发作后3天升高,发作后14天仍有升高;而Glu的浓度在发作期为4742.0±201.2nmol/L,较发作前升高,在发作后3天下降,瘫痛大鼠海马区细胞外液氨基酸的动态变化和托毗酷对癫痛大鼠辛l〕经元损伤的保护作用中文提要在发作后14天仍低于发作期。

Results The age of the onset of symptoms ranged from 3 to 12 years. The clinical attacks lasted a variable time from 1 hour to more than 3 weeks. Definite medical causes were identified in 78% of the patients. Each patient had a prolonged change of consciousness, accompanied by psychological and behavioral changes. The characteristics of ictal EEG in CPSE patients generally included slow activity and δ or θ activity in the temporal region. After antiepileptic drug treatment, the conditions of 11 patients were under complete control, 4 patients had no CPSE but complex partial seizures, and 2 patients had no improvement.

结果 17例CPSE患儿起病年龄为3~12岁,临床发作持续时间为1 h~3.5周;78%的患儿有明确的病因,CPSE临床表现多样,所有病例均有意识障碍,同时伴有不同程度的精神和行为异常,发作期脑电图主要以基本电活动变慢伴颞部局灶性慢波或痫样放电的持续或周期性发放为特征,经抗癫痫药物等治疗,11例患儿持续发作完全控制,4例持续状态控制,仅有部分性发作,2例未能控制。

Results The concordance between the location of MEG spike foci and the location identified by the ictal and interictal EEGs was 76.6% and 80.9% respectively, and the concordance with ECoG was 80.0%. In 39 operated patients, Engel Ⅰ was achieved in 21,Ⅱ in 10, and Ⅲ in 8. In the operated patients, intraoperative proper management was performed according to MEG-showed eloquent foci in 29 whose area to be excised involved the eloquent cortex, without postoperative exacerbation of neurosurgical dysfunction.

结果 MEG显示痫灶位置与发作间期和发作期V-EEG结果吻合率分别达76.6%和80.9%,与发作间期和发作期ECoG的吻合率均为80.0%。39例手术病人中,术后Engel Ⅰ级21例,Ⅱ级10例,Ⅲ级8例;其中29例拟切除的区域涉及到解剖学意义上的功能区,术中根据MEG显示的功能区位置进行了适当的处理,术后神经系统功能障碍未加重。

Results Twenty-one of 60 children (35.0%) whose episodes had been diagnosed as epileptic seizures were identified as non-epileptic attacks by ictal Video-EEG. Twenty-four of 28 cases (85.7%) with other seizures were identified as non-epileptic attacks.

结果 经发作期Video-EEG监测证实,60例初诊为癫痫性发作的患儿中,21例(35%)为非癫痫性发作;28例其他症状发作中,24例(86%)为非癫痫性发作。102例痫样放电患儿中82例(80.4%)确定了发作类型,35例(34.3%)确定了癫痫类型。

更多网络解释与发作相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absence seizure:失神发作

1、失神发作(absence seizure) 多见于儿童,女孩较多. 临床表现为短暂的失神,此时呼之不应,两眼发直,有时伴眨眼或轻度自动症动作. 一般持续几秒或十几秒,一天多时发作十余次或几十次. 脑电图在发作间歇期可见不规则的每秒三次的棘慢波综合,

act up:发作,尤指疾病发作

acquire a taste 对......有兴趣,开始喜欢 | act up 发作,尤指疾病发作 | add up 加,加起来,加到一起

atonic seizure:失张力发作

6.失张力发作 (atonic seizure) 是姿势性张力丧失所致,部分或全身肌张力突然降低导致垂颈(点头),张口,肢体下垂(持物坠落)或躯干失张力跌倒或猝倒发作,持续数秒至1min,短者意识障碍不明显,长者短暂意识丧失,发作后立即清醒和站起,

atonic seizure:失张力性发作

强直发作(Tonic seizures)、失张力性发作(atonic seizure)与失神性发作(小发作)( absence seizures)最常见,不过强直阵挛发作(tonic-clonic)、肌抽跃发作(myoclonic)与其它类型抽搐也会发生,抽搐的各种类型和频率会造成发育迟缓及行为异常.

Depressive episode:抑郁发作

1.抑郁发作 既往曾将抑郁发作(depressive episode)的表现概括地称为"三低",即情感低落,思维缓慢和语言动作减少,迟缓,意志消沉,这3种症状是典型的重度抑郁症的症状,不一定出现在所有的抑郁症病人,甚至并非出现于多数抑郁发作中,

grand mal:大发作

医学上有所谓"小发作"(Petit Mal)、"大发作"(Grand Mal). "小发作"代表一种癫痫(Epilepsy)的发作,症状没有全身或局部剧烈抽搐,时间也很短,不过几秒钟;"大发作"则相反,症状是全身抽搐且意识丧失. 这种发作,

petit mal:小发作

医学上有所谓"小发作"(Petit Mal)、"大发作"(Grand Mal). "小发作"代表一种癫痫(Epilepsy)的发作,症状没有全身或局部剧烈抽搐,时间也很短,不过几秒钟;"大发作"则相反,症状是全身抽搐且意识丧失. 这种发作,


1.疟疾发作(paroxysm) 疟疾的一次典型发作表现为寒战、高热和出汗退热3个连续阶段. 典型的间日疟和卵形疟隔日发作一次;三日疟为隔2天发作1次;恶性疟隔36-48小时发作一次. 3.疟疾的再燃和复发 疟疾初发停止后,患者若无再感染,

petit mal epilepsy:癫痫小发作

癫痫小发作(petit mal epilepsy)的特点是短暂的意识丧失,主要见于儿童与少年,癫痫小发作尽管其表现形式通常是微妙的短暂性意识丧失,但发作儿童接受迅速有效的治疗,因为这种发作可能会干扰孩子的学习.

Raptus hystericus:癔病性暴发狂,协识脱离性暴动发作

"暴动发作,暴发狂","Raptus" | "癔病性暴发狂,协识脱离性暴动发作","Raptus hystericus" | "忧郁性暴动发作,忧郁性暴发狂","Raptus melancholicus"