英语人>词典>汉英 : 发亮 的英文翻译,例句
发亮 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
kindle  ·  lighten  ·  luster  ·  lustre  ·  polish  ·  shine  ·  shininess  ·  resplend  ·  kindled  ·  kindles  ·  lightened  ·  lightens  ·  lustered  ·  lusters  ·  polishes  ·  shines

light up · become shiny · brighten up
更多网络例句与发亮相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whether he believed on the rational grounds put before him by the freemason, or believed, as children do, through the intonations, the conviction, and the earnestness, of the mason's words, the quiver in his voice that sometimes almost broke his utterance, or the gleaming old eyes that had grown old in that conviction, or the calm, the resolution, and the certainty of his destination, which were conspicuous in the whole personality of the old man, and struck Pierre with particular force, beside his own abjectness and hopelessness,—any way, with his whole soul he longed to believe, and believed and felt a joyful sense of soothing, of renewal, and of return to life.


Nutlets smooth, shiny, each with a basal-dorsal areole.


Seeds 1 per locule, obovoid or subglobose; testa black and shiny, arillode absent; hilum orbicular.


Seeds subglobose or slightly flat; testa pale brown, shiny, leathery, arillode absent; hilum transversely elliptic, large; embryo curved.


In a city known for its glittering winter Ball Season, couples waltz in the ballroom of Vienna's Auersperg Palace.


His eye was alight, his color coppery, his air swagger, devil- may -care, bacchanal


Packed with engaging projects for boys and girls, activities such as clay modeling, beadwork, decorative painting, papermaking, and paperfolding come to life in this bright, colorful guidebook.


We shot the moon---please shine Please shine We Shot The Moon Fly away on a plane Just like you came to me Take a bow,you take a bow Your spirits left with me Watch the clouds making shapes And picture me with you I'm so alive,I'm so alive You color up my world Halleluiah was all that I could sing Halleluiah You shine,I shine My dear,my life Is washed up like a seashell longing to be dry So please shine,please shine ah ah ah ah sh ...

我们射击月亮---请发亮发亮我们射击月亮在一个飞机上的离开飞就像你一样走近了我采取弓,你采取弓你的精神向左与我看作形状的云而且和你画我我如此活着,我这么活着你在我的世界上面涂颜色 Halleluiah 是所有的我可以唱 Halleluiah 你发亮,我使我的亲爱的,我的生活被洗在像贝渴望上面是干因此请发亮,请发亮啊啊啊啊 sh 。。。

Spikelets oblong to gaping, shining, laterally compressed, florets 2–3(–5), disarticulating below each floret; rachilla pilose, extended beyond uppermost floret; glumes lanceolate to oblong, subequal,± equaling spikelet, membranous, shining, keeled, lower glume 1-veined, upper glume 1–3-veined; floret callus small, pubescent to conspicuously bearded; lemmas lanceolate to oblong, hyaline to shiny cartilaginous, back rounded, finely 4-veined (5th midvein extended into awn), glabrous, awned from near base or in lower half, apex membranous, broad, 4-toothed or denticulately truncate; awn straight or weakly geniculate, usually not exserted from spikelet; palea hyaline, subequal to lemma.

小穗长圆形为了张口,发亮,侧面压扁,小花2-3(-5),在每小花下面脱节;小穗轴具柔毛,在最重要的小花以外延长;披针形的颖片到长圆形,近等长,多少等长,膜质,发亮,龙骨状,下部颖片1脉,上面颖片1-3-脉;小花结茧小,青春期对显著公然反对;外稃披针形的到长圆形,对发亮软骨透明,背面圆形,好4脉(中脉第5 延伸进芒),从小穗直或者身体虚弱膝曲,通常不外露的芒;透明的内稃,近等长于外稃。

He had been so spoiled by the flatteries of bright eyes that had looked, or seemed to look, the brighter when he drew near, that without being possessed of one shadow of personal vanity, he had yet come to think that he had only to make an offer to the prettiest girl in Essex, to behold himself immediately accepted.


更多网络解释与发亮相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

His eyes were bright with ardour:他因为满腔激情而两眼发亮

77. the rebuff did little to dampen his ardour.他虽遭严拒,但热情丝毫没有减弱. | 78. His eyes were bright with ardour.他因为满腔激情而两眼发亮. | 79. rebuff an invitation from sb.回绝某人的邀请

brighten:使发亮 使高兴

briefly短暂的 M | brighten使发亮 使高兴 M | brilliant 卓越的 聪明的 M

brighten up:发亮

bright-light district 都市的娱乐区 | brighten up 发亮 | brighten 变亮


brightsome 明亮的 | brightwork 发亮金属 | brill 欧洲比目鱼

Candace, Candy:(希腊语) 白得发光、发亮

Camille, Cammy (法语) 少女 | Candace, Candy (希腊语) 白得发光、发亮 | Cara, Kara (意大利语) 亲爱的人;朋友

FLUOR fluorescent:发亮的

FLT flight (飞机的)班次 | FLUOR fluorescent 发亮的 | FMC flight management computer 飞行管理电脑

gleaming eyes:眼里闪着光辉(闪闪发亮的眼睛)

4金秋时节 golden fall | 5眼里闪着光辉(闪闪发亮的眼睛)gleaming eyes | 7主权国家sovereign nation

shone:发亮 ","发亮

"shock","震动 ","震动 " | "shone","发亮 ","发亮 " | "shook","摇晃 ","摇晃 "

ashine:发亮的 <单词词性>发亮地

make terms 达成协议 | ashine 发亮的 <单词词性>发亮地 | uncommonly 罕见地,很

ashine:发亮的 发亮地

ashimmer | 闪闪发光的 闪闪发光地 | ashine | 发亮发亮地 | ashing crucible | 灰化用坩埚