英语人>词典>汉英 : 反封建 的英文翻译,例句
反封建 的英文翻译、例句


anti-feudalism · against feudalism
更多网络例句与反封建相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the Great May 4 Patriotic Movement, it was peking University which first lighted the revolutionary torch of anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism


Before 1949 the CCP was faced with political task of anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism in the period of the old-democratic revolution. As a revolutionary party of proletariat, the CCP\'s object of the first importance is to lead and motivate strength of the class.


The May 4th Movement was an anti-imperialist as well as an anti-feudal movement.


The may 4th movement is a movement both anti-imperialist and anti-feudal.


The first aspect discussed is the historical roots including the economic foundation--the vast sea of small-scale peasant economy, the political foundation-the long feudal dictatorship, cultural and ideological foundation-the ideology of utter devotion to the sovereign in the traditional culture, the incomplete eradication of feudal ideologies because of their deep-rootedness, the incompletion of anti-feudal movement, and peoples bluntness of human rights and democracy.


So he have to deal with them .As a clan head, though live in times of revolting system of enfeoffment ,he still take on full of spirit value.


The advanced nature of the European Renaissance exists not only in new thoughts, new cultures, the opposition to feudalism and theological obscuration, but also in the advanced culture of People First.


The characteristic China modernization follows the antifeudal movement, different from every other country's one in the world and is deciding modernized orientation and development model to a great extent.


First is the antifeudal thought,The antifeudal thought is historical necessity which Lu Xun complied with the time of May 4 thought revolution.


Therefore,it will exert a profound influence on the strategy of developing the country by science and technology and on the improvement of people′s making to research his antifeudal thought today.


更多网络解释与反封建相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anti-imperialist movement:反帝国主义运动

新民主主义New Democracy | 反帝国主义运动anti-imperialist movement | 反封建运动anti-feudal movement


他也用过"康白度"(Comprador)作笔名,这是回敬林默讥他为"洋行买办"的即兴反攻,难道鲁迅"喜爱"买办?他也用过"丰之余",这是他对创造社人定他为"封建余孽"的反嘲,难道鲁迅"喜爱"封建余孽?这种理由其实是没话找话,近于胡扯. 理由三,

Martin Luther:路德

无一不对文化的保存与发展做出了巨大的贡献.宗教改革是资产阶级在宗教外衣下进行的一次反封建斗争.天主教会是中世纪西欧封建制度的精神支柱,一切反动势力的总代表.宗教改革是从教会营垒内部进行的针锋相对的斗争,它始于1517年马丁 路德(Martin Luther)在维登堡大学宣布的宗教改革纲领,

La marseillaise:马赛曲

作为世界音乐殿堂里的不朽经典,>(La Marseillaise)气宇轩昂的旋律所传达出的反封建反压迫信念,已经超越国界,成为全人类的宝贵精神财富. 其国际革命歌曲伟大奠基者的崇高地位令人景仰. (领唱者罗伯特-


antiferromagnetism 反铁磁性 | antifeudal 反封建的 | antiforeign 排外的


antifeudal | 反封建的 | antifibrinolysin | 抗血纤维蛋白溶酶 | antiflex cracking | 抗折裂


antifeudal 反封建的 | antiforeign 排外的 | antifreeze 防冻剂



a launching pad:重要阵地

反帝反封建 against imperialism and feudalism | 重要阵地 a launching pad | 努力实践校训 strive to live up to the motto of