英语人>词典>汉英 : 反作用力矩 的英文翻译,例句
反作用力矩 的英文翻译、例句


restoring torque · reactionary torque
更多网络例句与反作用力矩相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the establishment of mathematical model of flywheel and the analysis of disturbance and noise,the feedback compensation control system is designed.


DC torque motor under the reaction flywheel control mode was used in nacelle azimuth control in this paper.


In this paper,nacelle attitude driven by reaction wheels and the full digital decoupling control system of high delicacy torque sensor are studied.


Meanwhile, three orthogonally magnetic coils installed are used to unload wheel momentum.


In this paper,the design of a feedback compensation control system for reaction wheel of torque mode is introduced.


Firstly, a coupled mechanical and electric dynamics model consisting of theodilite and reaction wheels and considered mass eccentricity and friction moment is deduced from Lagrange-Maxwell equations.


Firstly, the control of reentry phase and the model of RCS jets are presented. Then the flight control system is divided into two subsystems based on the time-scale separation principle. The fast states subsystem corresponds to the three body-axis angular rates, the slow states subsystem controls the angle-of-attack, sideslip angle and the rate of the bank angle about the velocity vector. Lastly, the proportional-plus-integral feedback is designed to increase the system robustness.


更多网络解释与反作用力矩相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

reactionary torque:反作用力矩

reaction-type wheel 反击式水轮机 | reactionary torque 反作用力矩 | reactionless servo-mechanism 无反作用的伺服机构

restoring torque:反作用力矩

response time,响应时间 | restoring torque,反作用力矩 | restricted breathing enclosure,限制通气外壳

restoring torque:回复力矩,反作用力矩

restoring moment 回复力矩 | restoring torque 回复力矩,反作用力矩 | restrain 抑制

restoring moment:回复力矩

restoring force 回复力,恢复力 | restoring moment 回复力矩 | restoring torque 回复力矩,反作用力矩

reaction wheel:反动式水轮

reaction turbine 反动式轮机 | reaction wheel 反动式水轮 | reaction moment 反作用力矩

torque arm:(悬架)扭矩杆,反作用杆

torque 转矩,扭转力矩 | torque arm (悬架)扭矩杆,反作用杆 | torque box (车架/车身)抗扭箱形断面件

reaction torque arm:反扭矩杆

reaction torque ==> 反抗转矩,反扭矩,反转力矩,反作用力矩,反作用扭矩=>リアクショントルク | reaction torque arm ==> 反扭矩杆 | reaction tower ==> 反应塔

anti-torque:反向转矩 反作用转矩

antitonicregression反序回归 | anti-torque反向转矩 反作用转矩 | antitorquemoment抗扭力矩