英语人>词典>汉英 : 友善的 的英文翻译,例句
友善的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
affable  ·  amiability  ·  amicable  ·  genial  ·  sociable

更多网络例句与友善的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

" Retailers who're responsive and friendly are more likely to smooth over issues than those who aren't so friendly ,"said professor Stephen Hoch.

" "和蔼而友善的零售商比不友善的要更容易缓解争端。斯蒂芬教授说道。

If you are kind, people may accuse you of sel...


Green Gables was built at the furthest edge of his cleared land and there it was to this day, barely visible from the main road along which all the other Avonlea houses were so sociably好交际的;友善的situated.


Thaler and Koval's The Power of Nice describes how to be nice in the business world.


Trust Territory of the United States to stop testing nuclear weapons and the high seas _ _ Sina blog-friendly dog, friendly dogs, recent ,...


A friendly look with the wrong facial expression can turn into an unfriendly stare, and nervousness may be wrongly understood as unfriendliness.


The unshy; friendly nature or the equally unfriendly wielders of poshy;litical and economic power enable labor to have no surshy; plus of accumulated purchasing power.


Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates!


Daisy air gun fun-雏菊气枪的乐趣- A family-friendly game combining all the fun of air gun competition and plinking with all the safety and instruction needed to teach and guide even the most novice of shooters!

MB 对家庭友善的游戏结合起来,所有的乐趣,气枪竞争和plinking与所有的安全和教学的需要,教导和引导,即使是最初级的射手!

His journey soon takes him into the mighty Sahara Desert, where he finds some friendly Berbers and a not so friendly Horned Viper.


更多网络解释与友善的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

amiability:和蔼可亲的, 亲切的, 友善的

Ami | 阿眉语 | amiability | 和蔼可亲的, 亲切的, 友善的 | amiable composition clause | 友好调解条款

disagreeable: a.1:不合意的,令人不快的,讨厌的 2.不友善的,难相处的,脾气坏的

dim: v.使暗淡,使模糊,使失去光泽 | disagreeable: a.1.不合意的,令人不快的,讨厌的 2.不友善的,难相处的,脾气坏的 | discipline: n.科学

disagreeable: a.1:不合意的,令人不快的,讨厌的 2.不友善的,难相处的,脾气坏

dim: v.使暗淡,使模糊,使失去光泽 | disagreeable: a.1.不合意的,令人不快的,讨厌的 2.不友善的,难相处的,脾气坏 | discipline: n.科学

forthcoming a.1:即将来到的 2. [一般作表语]现成的 3. 友善的

formulate v. 1. 系统地 2. 规划(制度等) | forthcoming a. 1. 即将来到的 2. [一般作表语]现成的 3. 友善的 | fortnight n. 两星期

兄弟的,友善的; fratricide 杀兄弟,自相残杀:fraternal a

frame.work n.框架 | fraternal a.兄弟的,友善的; fratricide 杀兄弟,自相残杀 | fraudulent a.欺骗的,不诚实的


因此展望未来,中国进入历史的新阶段,无论对自己和对别人,如何创造出一种"祥和的"(Kindly)、"友善的"(Friendly)的价值遂更趋迫切. 我特地将"对穷人友善"( Friendly to the poor)、"对环境友善"( Friendly to environment)、"对世界友善"( Friendly to the world)这几点归

heartful:友善的 随和的 真诚的

handsome 帅气的 温雅的 英俊的 | heartful 友善的 随和的 真诚的 | honourable 可敬的

hostile a. 1:敌人的,敌方的 2.怀敌意的,不友善的,反对的,不利的

communicable: a.1.(思想)可以传授的 2.(疾病)传染性的 | hostile: a.1.敌人的,敌方的 2.怀敌意的,不友善的,反对的,不利的 | foreignness: n.1.外国性质 2.陌生,外来性,异质性 3.无关,离题


inhumane 不近人情的 | inimical 敌意的,不友善的 | inimitable 无法效仿的,不可比拟的

inimical unfriendly or harmful:不友善的

inhumane 不人道的,残忍的 | inimical unfriendly or harmful 不友善的 | inimitable 无法仿效的,不可比拟的