英语人>词典>汉英 : 参观者 的英文翻译,例句
参观者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
visitor  ·  visitors

更多网络例句与参观者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The only acarpous plant exhibited in the show won the acclaim of many vistors obsessed with its beauty and glamor.


General Manager of Shanghai Bolaite Compressor Co., Ltd., Zhao Yu provided an introduction to the factory and showed visitors the new factory which has been built in accordance with Atlas Copco 's standard criteria, with streamlined work-flow processing layout, an advanced sewage treatment system and air-driven tools.


Visitors can still see parts of these buildings, including the ruins of the Ambler Mansion.

现在参观者仍然可以见到部分这些建筑,包括Ambler Mansion的废墟。

After configuration, the general visitor can wander around scene and get associated designer's biography,audiovisuals and texts through friendly multimedia interface.


Its white walls, spacious rooms and austerely beautiful furniture in Mackintosh's unique style often bring gasps of admiration from those who see them.


Awestricken visitors peered at them with delight.


Once inside the Pavilion visitors will start a trip to cities along the scenic "bank of Liffey" leading them to the various types of art museums rebuilt from military structures and the evolution of Irish urban transportation and to the first artery of the capital of Ireland – Dublin to feel the historical changes of Irish cities.


AN EXHIBITION at the Musée Maillol in Paris about the brutal and brutalising effects of the First World War, as recorded by a handful of German Expressionist artists, has been drawing crowds of French visitors, many of whose grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought on the other side of the same conflict.

在巴黎 Musée Maillol 举办的一个反应一战时期残忍现实和野兽行径的画展一直吸引着众多的法国参观者。这些画作由为数不多的德国表现主义派画家所作。许多参观者的祖父和曾祖父都曾在一战中作为协约国部队的一员参加过战争。

The result shows that visitor distribution of World Expo shows kind of internal unbalance featured by staged continuous increase, a saw curve, uncertainness, and a difference between working days and weekends, etc.. the result also indicates that the quality and attractiveness of a World Expo is the determinant of both the amount and distribution of visitors, and that there is an overlap effect of external factors forming peak or valley day of visitors.


In order to organize it well, Shanghai should take preparations in all aspects. The World Exposition is a large-scale exhibition with special nature, as well as a Mega-event attraction. Visitors to the World Exposition are the ultimate consumers of the exposition.


更多网络解释与参观者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at the head of phr:在...的最前

1334 patient n 病人 | 1335 at the head of phr.在...的最前 | 1336 visitor n 参观者,访问者

bunk beds:双层床

200张黄蓝相间的双层床(bunk beds)布满展厅,每张床上都放了1、2本跟展览主题相关的书,参观者还受到鼓励,可以随意在床上小憩,读一读放在床上的跟灾难和袭击有关的小说.

carte n.f:卡片,证件,地图

visiteur,se n. 来访者,参观者 | carte n.f. 卡片,证件,地图 | robe n.f. 连衣裙


参观者在史蒂夫.麦奎因的作品>(Deadpan)前陷入沉思在当代艺术界具有相当影响的特纳展已经走过了23个年头. 日前,位于伦敦的泰特英国美术馆正在举办特纳奖往年获奖者的回顾展. 多年来特纳奖已成为艺术圈中历年不变的固定话题.



Drop by anytime:随时欢迎参观者

We have a showroom in this city. 我们在本市设有一个展示中心. | Drop by anytime. 随时欢迎参观者. | Is this your first visit to our showroom. 您是第一次到我们展示室来的吧.


为期四天的展会吸引了全球2400多家厂商参展,参观者超过12万人. 展览面积更是达到有史以来最大的150多万平方英尺!本次震会的主题--"成长"(grow)也预示着CES日益增加的影响力,它给全世界描绘了一个美好的数字化未来.


近日,德国海尔公司(HELL)研发的世界上最先进的激光直接雕刻凹印制版系统--Cellaxy进行了公开演示. 在4 Packaging公司,200多位参观者亲眼目睹了这种设备在铜质的凹印滚筒上进行激光雕刻的加工过程.


虽然本次展览,莱伯泰科只展出了循环水冷却器(Water Chiller),紫外可见分光光度计(UV-vis spectrophotometer),大面积加热防腐电热板 (Hotplate),样品处理消解器(Digiblock),电磁搅拌器(Magnetic stirrer)等,很多参观者翻阅了莱伯泰科产品宣传册后,

The Sightseer:参观者

隐士和熊/Hermit and Bear | 参观者/The Sightseer | 农民和河/The Peasants and The River