英语人>词典>汉英 : 参加辩论 的英文翻译,例句
参加辩论 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
controvert  ·  controverted  ·  controverting  ·  controverts

更多网络例句与参加辩论相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When I went to college, I studied logic and argumentation and went in for debating contests.


They have their differences. We should have more debates. But I would just say this. This is the highest honor that I have ever had in my life, to think that somebody from Russell, Kansas, somebody who grew up living in a basement apartment, someone whose parents didn't finish high school, somebody who spent about 39 months in hospitals after World War II, someone who uses a buttonhook every day to get dressed. somebody who understands the real Americans out there with real problems — whether soccer moms or the single parents or families or seniors or people with disabilities, whoever it may be.


While she felt kike joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.


The fundamental idea of millenarianism, as understood by Christian writers, may be set forth as follows: At the end of time Christ will return in all His splendour to gather together the just, to annihilate hostile powers, and to found a glorious kingdom on earth for the enjoyment of the highest spiritual and material blessings; He Himself will reign as its king, and all the just, including the saints recalled to life, will participate in it.

基本理念millenarianism ,所理解的基督教作家,可以阐述如下:去年底的时候耶稣会返回他在所有冠冕堂皇地凝聚起来,以公正,以消灭敌对的权力,并发现一名光荣的英国地球对于享受最高的精神上和物质上的祝福,他本人也将统治作为国王,以及所有正义,包括圣人召回生活中,将参加辩论

As a student union officer, I organized collage magazine show, paper competition; As a class committee member, I organized Mid-autumn Festival trip, New Year party; As the commissary in charge of studies, I moot a case to practice court debate, in charge of communication between professors and students; As a class member, I took part in debating competition and won the first prize; Not only did I win the scholarship but also I was awarded "the excellent graduate","the best Party member","the excellent student council leader" and "the excellent class leader".


Before you take part in a debate, be sure to ascertain that all your arguments are sound and well-grounded.


There is one thing has made me feel regretted for a long time ,which is I misset the chance to take part in the class debate when I was in my senior high.


In Monday English class, our class has carried on a debate match underteacher's organization, this debate match is different the debatewhich saw to formerly us, perhaps because this was English debatewhich each schoolmates all first time participated.


Do crosswords, Sudoku, acrostics, play bridge, read books, join clubs, get into debates, volunteer — anything to keep the mind alive and engaged in new and interesting tasks.


I came to the debate agreeing more with Fallows and left the same way, but I was impressed by how powerfully Ferguson made his case.

来参加此次辩论时,我就倾向于赞同 Fallows 的观点,辩论结束时我依然如此。

更多网络解释与参加辩论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


controvert 参加辩论 | controvertible 有辩论余地的 | controvertibledebatabledebateable 可争论的


controvert /议论/辩驳/驳击/参加辩论/ | controvertible /可争论的/可辩论的/有辩论余地的/ | contumacious /不听命令的/顽固的/反抗法院命令的/

controvertible:可争论的, 有辩论余地的, 可辩论的

controvert | 议论, 辩论 参加辩论 | controvertible | 可争论的, 有辩论余地的, 可辩论的 | controvertist | 争论者, 好争论者

Horse riding:骑马

)同学们可选择学术性 (Academic) 或非学术性 (Non-academic) 的课外活动,例如:Debating Club(辩论学会)和Drama Club(戏剧学会),喜欢运动的可参加Sports Related(与运动有关)的活动,例如:骑马 (Horse Riding) 等等.

public speaking:演讲

在这一阶段,除了做一些基本的口译(Interpretation)和笔译(Translation)以外,我们还可以尝试发表公众演讲(Public Speaking). 最重要的是,我们可以尽可能的参加各种辩论比赛(Debate),提高自己的思辨能力和逻辑水平,让自己真正成为纵横驰骋,

She didn't take sides in the quarrel:这次争吵中她没有参加任何一方

take sides(在辩论,争端中)站在某一遍,支持某一方: | She didn't take sides in the quarrel. 这次争吵中她没有参加任何一方. | take the lead带头,起带头作用:

He argues soundly:他争辩得很有道理

argue for [against] a proposal辩论赞成[反对]某项建议 | He argues soundly.他争辩得很有道理. | They tried to argue him into joining them.他们试图说服他参加.

cross the cudgels:不参加争论

cross the cudgel || 不参加争论 | cross the cudgels || 不参加争论 | cross the floor || (辩论中)转而支持对方