英语人>词典>汉英 : 参加体育运动 的英文翻译,例句
参加体育运动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sport  ·  sported

更多网络例句与参加体育运动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They also live together, play team sports and take part in art and music activities.


To my mind, the best way to keep fit is to go in for sports.


To my mind, the best way to keep fit is to go in for sports .


More and more people take part in sports items.


There are many positive aspects of taking part in sports.


I'll take an active part in sports.


Might be better spent helping schools to serve fresh fruits and vegetables at lunch instead of tater tots.


Early in the development of the costumes, elaborate costumes is to show status and wealth, to the late 18th century, the British gentleman's dress became the model for all the men dress, because hunting is a sport that people have a vast land, the hunters have Great reputation, the 19th century sportswear limited to hunting, archery, bowling ball recovery, with a modern look at these sports apparel is not functional, but they slow the evolution of the direction is more useful, a symbol of participation in sports People have enough leisure time for entertainment, clothing suitable for strenuous exercise changes become perfectly acceptable to the facts.


He played like a normal primary school to participate in sports, and choosing the rugby and water polo as a major sport.


The most physically precocious infants -- those who stood and walked unaided between about ages six months and eight months -- as 14-year-olds scored one-third of a grade higher in physical education, attended more sports sessions per week and played more types of sports than peers who hadn't stood or walked unaided until six months later.


更多网络解释与参加体育运动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Physical Education:体育课

每个年龄段的学生都必须上体育课(physical education),参加各种体育运动. 学生还可以成为学校里各种体育运动队的成员,并与来自其他学校的代表队比赛(compete). 许多美国人认为,体育运动可以培养学生的团队合作(teamwork)等精神品质. 在美国,

in English:英语

今天我们来复习一下如何用英语(in English)询问对方或他人的喜好. 美国人(American)特别热衷于体育运动(sport),几乎人人都参加体育锻炼. 许多人通过电视或广播了解体育信息. 各种流行的运动项目都拥有许多球迷.

have sports games:参加体育运动

have classes 上课 | have sports games 参加体育运动 | practice singing 练习唱歌


在世界上,美式足球(soccer )与英式足球(football )都是非常受欢迎的(popular)体育运动. 这是因为大部分国家都有自己的职业球队(professional teams),因为这个体育运动花费不大,所以所有的国家都建立了最好的球队(excellent teams)来参加国际比赛(international competitions).


在世界上,美式足球(soccer )与英式足球(football )都是非常受欢迎的(popular)体育运动. 这是因为大部分国家都有自己的职业球队(professional teams),因为这个体育运动花费不大,所以所有的国家都建立了最好的球队(excellent teams)来参加国际比赛(international competitions).

studied everyday:我那时每天都学习

played many sports. 我参加了多种体育运动. | studied everyday. 我那时每天都学习. | enjoyed meeting my friends. 我那时喜欢和我的朋友们见面.


Soccer Mom 开车带孩子参加体育运动的妈妈 | Bash 聚会,派对 | Naff 差劲的

