英语人>词典>汉英 : 参与国 的英文翻译,例句
参与国 的英文翻译、例句


participant state
更多网络例句与参与国相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Participating architects and designers are Casagrande Laboratory, George Lovett, 3RW Architects—Haakon Wiesener、Jakob Rosvik with Cecilie Andersson, Yoshimoto Tsukamoto and Atelier Bow-Wow, Michael Cross/ Wokmedia and Taiwanese architects Hsieh Ying-Chun, Liu Kuo-Chang, Lin Sheng-Feng and Shy Gong.

参与建筑师包括有国外部份的卡萨格兰实验室、乔治E罗维特、3RW建筑公司、冢本由晴与犬吠工作室、麦可E克罗斯/ Wokmedia,以及台湾部份的谢英俊、刘国沧、林圣峰、施工忠昊。并搭配实践大学建筑系,研究生与大三大四同学共约70人,一起参与为期一周(2005/10/9-2005/10/14)的工作营活动。

Want-to commitment could be the positive predicator of exercise participation behavior.


It is connected to our efforts, along with our six-party partners, to move towards resumption of the six-party process.


The study included the survey responses of 377 randomly selected fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students in Yi-lan County public elementary schools. The survey "Influences of Agents of Socialization on Elementary School Sports Involvement" incorporated descriptive statistics, the Chi-square test, the t-test of independence, and one-way ANOVA, etc. All the statistical methods were used to analyze the data, resulting in the following conclusions: 1. The grade level, gender, and socioeconomic status of the students evenly influenced sports involvement behavior.


Foreign-policy types from many potential players in a democratic ensemble (including Japan, Brazil, Canada, India, Australia and Britain) will hold a brainstorming session with some of the American thinkers, such as Ivo Daalder and Tony Lake, who are promoting the new concert idea.


One is the effort of tariff reduction under the system of GATT/WTO, and the other is effect caused by regional cooperation between countries cutting their bilateral or plurilateral custom duties.


Helms served in Congress for 30 years.


Methods: A total of 279 junior high school students, age 12-15 years (130 males, 149 females) wore sealed pedometers for 4 consecutive days.

本研究受试者为 279 位 12 岁至 15 岁自愿参与国中生(男生 130 人,女生 149 人)。

Beijing, however, knows that cultural expressions such as films, music and art can be lucrative export items just as any other product and wants to see China rivaling Japan and South Korea as pop-culture trend setters and major cultural players in Asia.


With the exceptions of Argentina, Saudi Arabia and South Africa, all of the member countries fall within the list of the top 20 biggest state G.D.P.


更多网络解释与参与国相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ceramic tile:瓷砖

建筑陶瓷的国际标准由ISO/TC 189陶瓷砖(Ceramic tile)技术委员会制订,其秘书处是ANSI,秘书长是John P. Sanders,主席是Robert E. Daniels,它有19个参与国和26个观察员国,我国是参与国.

ceramic tile:陶瓷砖

建筑陶瓷的国际标准由ISO/TC 189陶瓷砖(Ceramic tile)技术委员会制订,其秘书处是ANSI,秘书长是John P. Sanders,主席是Robert E. Daniels,它有19个参与国和26个观察员国,我国是参与国.

participating Governments:参与国政府

Participating Development Programme;参与开发方案;; | participating Governments;参与国政府;; | Tokyo Liaison Office;东京联络处;TLO;


[美国>2006年5月25日报道] "神经元"(Neuron)是由法国领导,瑞典、意大利、西班牙、瑞士和希腊参与的泛欧无人战斗机(UCAV)项目. 该项目由法国武器装备局(DGA)代表所有参与国执行,主承包商是法国达索航空公司.

Papal States:教皇国

这自然不是21世纪的新思维:自从教宗史提芬三世(Pope Stephen III)在公元8世纪接受法兰克国王矮子丕平(Pippin the Short)的土地馈赠,查理大帝(Charlemagne)又以教会保护人自居,历任教宗开始直辖今日意大利部分领土为"教皇国"(Papal States),时而直接以国家身份参与国际事务,


此外,美国空军还提交了"龙卷风"(Cy-clone)和"收割机"(Reaper). 由于F-35战斗机将在美国三军和英国等八个同盟国内服役,因此各参与国也提出了不少候选名字. 所以在最终筛选出的六个名字中,


众所周知,国家在合作过程中很容易实现类似于功能主义"外溢"(spillover)效应的合作外溢现象,即国家在一个领域的合作所带来的利益的增长会吸引参与国把合作推广到另外一些领域,约瑟夫.奈将该现象称为重点性外溢(accentuated spillover).

transit trade:过境贸易

过境贸易(Transit Trade)是指别国出口货物通过本国国境,未经加工改制在基本保持原状条件下运往另一国的贸易活动,例如甲国向乙国运送商品,由于地理位置的原因,必须通过第三国,对第三国来说,虽然没有直接参与此项交易,但商品要进出该国的国境或关境,


日本是联合国2001年通过的<<从各个方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易行动纲领>>(PoA)的积极参与国之一. 日本向世界各地的多种武器收缴计划捐助了大量资金,尤其是向斯里兰卡、柬埔寨和塞拉利昂等国捐助1000多万美元用于开展这方面的工作.

Axis Powers:轴心国

1941年6月22日,轴心国(Axis powers)阵营的德军对苏联发动进攻,苏联卫国战争爆发,苏联加入同盟国(Allied powers),参与第二次世界大战(World War II,1939-1945).