英语人>词典>汉英 : 即位 的英文翻译,例句
即位 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accession  ·  enthronement  ·  accessioned  ·  accessioning  ·  accessions

accession to the throne
更多网络例句与即位相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This may have led to some of the troubles his son Antiochus faced when he in turn became Emperor.


The act of appointing summarily (with or without the appointee's consent).


At 100 teraflops - or 100 trillion calculations per second - it will be about eight times faster than its predecessor, ASCI White, and about three times faster than the world's current No. 1 computer, The Earth Simulator in Yokohama, Japan.


At 100 teraflops - or 100 trillion calculations per second - it will be about eight times faster than its predecessor, ASCI White, and about three times faster than the worlds current No. 1 computer, The Earth Simulator in Yokohama, Japan.


At 100 teraflops - or 100 trillion calculations per second - it will be about eight times faster than its predecessor, ASCI White, about three times faster than the world's current No. 1 computer, The Earth Simulator in Yokohama, Japan.


Firstly, oscillation between events of imperial and of local interest, the anticipated diamond jubilee of Queen Victoria (born 1820, acceded 1837) and the posticipated opening of the new municipal fish market: secondly, apprehension of opposition from extreme circles on the questions of the respective visits of Their Royal Highnesses the duke and duchess of York and of His Majesty King Brian Boru: thirdly, a conflict between professional etiquette and professional emulation concerning the recent erections of the Grand Lyric Hall on Burgh Quay and the Theatre Royal in Hawkins street: fourthly, distraction resultant from compassion for Nelly Bouverist's non-intellectual, non-political, non-topical expression of countenance and concupiscence caused by Nelly Bouverist's revelations of white articles of non-intellectual, non-political, non-topical underclothing while she was in the articles: fifthly, the difficulties of the selection of appropriate music and humorous allusions from Everybody's Book of Jokes (1000 pages and a laugh in every one): sixthly, the rhymes, homophonous and cacophonous, associated with the names of the new lord mayor, Daniel Tallon, the new high sheriff, Thomas Pile and the new solicitorgeneral, Dunbar Plunket Barton.

123首先,有关皇室与当地的两档子事,歌中究竟写哪一桩,令人难以做出抉择。要么是提前描写维多利亚女王(一八二0 年出生,一八三七年即位)的六十周年大庆;要么是将新修建的市营鱼市开张典礼的日期移后。第二,深恐皇族约克公爵和公爵夫人以及布赖恩。勃鲁国王陛下分别前来访问一事,会招致来自左右两方面的反对。第三,新峻工的伯格码头区的大歌剧厅和霍金斯街的皇家剧场,存在着职业的礼仪与职业的竞争之间的矛盾。第四,由于内莉。布弗里斯特的那种非理性、非政治、不时兴的容貌会引起观众的同情;内莉。布弗里斯特身穿非理性、非政治、不时兴的白色衬衣,当她表演时一旦将衬衣袒露出来,会撩拨观众的情欲,令人担心会使观众神魂颠倒。第五,不论是挑选适当的乐曲还是从《笑话共赏集》(共一千页,每个笑话都令人捧腹)里选一些滑稽的隐喻都是困难的。第六,这首主题歌不论谐不谐音,都与新任市长大人丹尼尔。塔仑、新任行政司法长官托马斯。派尔以及新任副检察长邓巴。普伦凯特。巴顿的姓名有联系。

At the age of 13, he ordered 720,000 conscript laborers to hurry up on building his royal tomb.


Chapter two proposes the unified form of Hojman"s conservation law and Lutzky"s conservation law. Firstly, the author introduces the general Lie group of transformations that the variations of both the time and the generalized coordinates are considered, derives the determining equation of Lie symmetry for the system, presents a new conservation law, which contains the Hojman"s and the Lutzky"s conservation law as two special cases, and obtains a condition to exclude trivial Hojmans conserved quantities.


As the consort of a Sovereign German Duke, she technically outranked her sisters-in-law at Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee celebrations.


According to "Kojiki" and "Nihon Shoki," recorded in the first generation of the emperor - Emperor Jimmu founding in 660 BC, and ascended the throne ascended the throne on the equivalent of the current calendar February 11, so they made this day as a "nation-building anniversary."


更多网络解释与即位相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


国家象征:天皇明仁(Akihito),1989年1月即位,年号"平成". 日首相咨询机构提出允许皇族女性继承皇位报告书 国家政要:首相安倍晋三 ,2006年9月任职;参议院议长扇千景,2004年7月当选;众议院议长河野洋平,2003年11月任职.



Julian, The Apostate:(叛道者犹利安

公元361年,君士坦丁的侄子犹利安(Julian)即位为罗马皇帝,他自幼在基督教熏陶下长大,但心中仍信异教. 即位后即宣称自己的异教信仰,罗马帝国再度有一位异教皇帝. 由于他背叛基督教,而被称为"叛道者犹利安"(Julian the Apostate).


在瓦特发明蒸汽机以後约数年,即一七六八年,英国还有一个发明纺织机的阿克莱特(Arkwright)开始创设纺织公司. 是所谓工商业革命的开始. 中国在十八世纪,是清政府文治武功极盛的时代,(乾隆帝即位於一七三六年,禅位於一七九六年,


将抖动分解为:总抖动 (TJ)、随机抖动 (RJ)、确定性抖动 (DJ)、周期性抖动 (PJ)、资料相关抖动 (DDJ)、信号周期失真 (DCD),以及由内部信号干扰 (ISI) 所产生的抖动次率抖动 (SRJ) 的隔离和分析,亦即位元率为完整次率的周期抖动.

enthralment:沉迷; 奴役 (名)

enthrallment 迷人; 奴役 (名) | enthralment 沉迷; 奴役 (名) | enthronement 即位; 登基大典 (名)


enthralment 沉迷 | enthrone 为王 | enthronement 即位


enthrone 为王 | enthronement 即位 | enthronization 登基


enthronement 即位 | enthronement 就任主教的仪式 | enthuse 使热心

Reunited Kingdom:再联王国 重联王国 联合王国 亚拉冈即位后的刚铎亚尔诺联合王国

Rethe 布理的历法名词 | Reunited Kingdom 再联王国 重联王国 联合王国 亚拉冈即位后的刚铎亚尔诺联合王国 | Ring of Adamant 钻石魔戒 钻石戒指 阿达芒之戒/金刚石戒 阿达门特之戒 即南雅