英语人>词典>汉英 : 危急关头 的英文翻译,例句
危急关头 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

be at a critical juncture
更多网络例句与危急关头相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And what is at stake is not just Americas freedom.


In'.'' strong denunciation of racial discrimination


Than that any of provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government.


Than that any of provisions can be suspended during any of the great exigencies of government David Davis


It has been proved that she can be relied on in langer .


Yet this mountain of fading literary oddments is now at the centre of a fierce debate in the book world that is about to come to a head.


In this critical juncture, U.S. forces raided two camps with a rope ladder to climb the cliffs on the coast, seizing and destroying an enemy's Fort.


The quality of evil by virtue of villainous behavior.


Critical juncture, Liu Xudong clutching his wound, found an iron bar in the car, walked quickly came to Liu Jianyun in front of an iron bar into the front quickly, gaps in leveraging force with both hands.


He say he had be \'unprepare notd for those question and nervous about coming out with a big fatal flaw,\' then described his tendency to do decisions too fast within worksocate crises.


更多网络解释与危急关头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


而对于你,一个非专业人士,心肺复苏就可具体归结为"ABC":气道(Airway),呼吸(Breathing),循环(Circulation). 2.危急关头你应该这样干 假若很不幸,你的亲人突发地在你身边没了呼吸、没了心跳(我也希望这事不要发生在你的身上),

Chris Andersen:克里斯.安德森

上半场结束前4分25秒,"鸟人"克里斯-安德森(Chris Andersen)在21英尺外跳投命中. 场上比分被改写为48-32,掘金的领先优势已经扩大到16分. 危急关头,伤愈复出的库特尼-李及时爆发. 这位二年级球员连投带罚拿下四分,力助客队稳住阵脚.

criticise,criticize vt.1:批评,批判 2.评论,评价

critical a.1.决定性的,关键性的,危急的 2.批评的,批判的 | criticise,criticize vt.1.批评,批判 2.评论,评价 | crisis n.1.危机,危急关头 2.决定性时刻,关键阶段

criticize,criticise vt.1:批评,批判 2.评论,评价

critical a.1.决定性的,关键性的,危急的 2.批评的,批判的 | criticize,criticise vt.1.批评,批判 2.评论,评价 | crisis n.1.危机,危急关头 2.决定性时刻,关键阶段

criticize vt.1:批评,批判 2.评论,评价

criticise 见criticize | criticize vt.1.批评,批判 2.评论,评价 | crisis n.1.危机,危急关头 2.决定性时刻,关键阶段

A Cynical Story:讽刺小品一则

70.The Captain'S Speech上尉的演说 | 71.A Cynical Story讽刺小品一则 | 72.Bravery Saves the Day危急关头勇者在

exigency: n.1:紧张(状态),危急(关头),突发事变 2.(复数)迫切的需求

expediency: n.1.适宜,方便,合算 2.自身利害考虑,权宜之计 | exigency: n.1.紧张(状态),危急(关头),突发事变 2.(复数)迫切的需求 | reinforce: v.1.增援,增强,加强 2.补充,充实 3.加固,补强

exigency: n.1:紧急(状态),危急(关头) 2. 急切需要,迫切要求

ostentation n. 炫耀的,卖弄 | exigency n. 1. 紧急(状态),危急(关头) 2. 急切需要,迫切要求 | superstition n. 迷信,迷信行为

expediency: n.1:适宜,方便,合算 2.自身利害考虑,权宜之计

fortify: v.加固,强化,增加 | expediency: n.1.适宜,方便,合算 2.自身利害考虑,权宜之计 | exigency: n.1.紧张(状态),危急(关头),突发事变 2.(复数)迫切的需求

He is at the eleventh hour:(他到了危急关头/最后时刻. )

9.He talked nineteen to the dozen.(他飞快地、滔滔不绝地说话. ) | 10.He is at the eleventh hour.(他到了危急关头/最后时刻. ) | 11.Two of a trade never agree.(同行是冤家. )