英语人>词典>汉英 : 印记 的英文翻译,例句
印记 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
impress  ·  impression  ·  impressions  ·  imprint  ·  marking  ·  sigil  ·  stamps  ·  impresses  ·  impressing  ·  imprinted  ·  imprints

更多网络例句与印记相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is determined to make his mark, albeit a dark one.


Each human has a unique energy signature, and it is this that one's soul and angels crosscheck to assure that all information is of one's own inheritance.


The common features of imprinted genes are, clustering of multiple imprinted genes in one chromosomal region (around 80%), conservation of imprinting among eutherian mammals, asynchrony of DNA replication of imprinted genes, temporal and spatial regulation of expression of imprinted genes, coding for untranslated RNAs as well as proteins, antisense transcripts may regulate expression of imprinted genes. Once established, the imprinting pattern is stably transmitted through cell division but reset in germ cells of the fetal gonads.


The inconveniency and difficulty of weighing those metals with exactness gave occasion to the institution of coins, of which the stamp, covering entirely both sides of the piece and sometimes the edges too, was supposed to ascertain not only the fineness, but the weight of the metal.


IGF2, which encodes a protein functioning as a fetal growth factor and a cell mitogen, is expressed only from paternally allele in most tissues but from both alleles in adult liver. H1 9, which acts as an RNA, is a gene of unknown function and expressed only from maternally allele.


ASCL2 gene escapes genomic imprinting in skeletal muscle,fat, heart,liver,spleen,lung,kidney,stomach,small intestine,uterus,ovary and pituitary.(2) Both of the transcripts of NNAT gene is paternally expressed in skeletal muscle,fat,heart, liver,spleen,lung,kidney,stomach,small intestine,uterus,ovary and pituitary.(3) DIRAS3 gene is paternally expressed in skeletal muscle,fat,heart,liver,spleen,lung, kidney,stomach,small intestine,uterus,ovary and pituitary.(4) DLX5 gene is maternally expressed in skeletal muscle,fat,spleen,lung,stomach,small intestine,but escapes imprinting in heart,liver,kidney,uterus,ovary,testicle and pituitary.


It is, in fact, more than a color: it's the signifier of my culture.


Will this imprint last forever will the centuries erode everyone and everything you knew before through the distant coming echoes sounding oh so cold and crass did you hear the sounding line don't speak too soon you're driving blind heading for a curve through the cameras at my distance I saw a songbird lost in heat trembling, like I never saw before don't speak too soon the consequence will come down in a burning fire of rain don't wait too long the aftermath will hit you like a biblical device on man will this imprint last forever will the centuries erode everyone and everything you knew before


The new order of socialist market economy requires the essence of labor union to come back, in this new order, Chinese labor union will take off the seal during the war time of the revolution, take off the seal of times of planned economy and sit and go to its due position.


A space-delimited series of sigla; each sigil should correspond to a witness, and should occur as the value of the xml:id attribute on a witness element, typically in the header of the document.


更多网络解释与印记相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Western blot:蛋白质印记

方法:收集6例人涎腺腺样囊性癌患者的肿块和其周围正常腮腺组织采用逆转录PCR(RT-PCR)技术,对肿瘤组织和正常涎腺组织P53与P16mRNA表达进行研究后,进一步采用蛋白质印记(western blot)技术对两种组织的P53与P16蛋白表达研究.

Southern Blot:印记

体细胞 somatic cells | DNA印记 Southern blot | 替代 substitution

Northern blot:印记

孟德尔遗传 Mendelian inheritance | RNA印记 Northern blot | 核苷酸 nucleotide


3.unfailingly 经久不衰地;永恒地;无穷地 | 4.bookplate 贴在书封上的藏书者的印记 | 5.haunt 萦绕;缠住;逗留


"印记"(Imprint)办公椅由压合而成的肉眼可辨的木材纤维制作而成. 使用高压对纤维材料进行压合Lorenzen和Johannes Foersom为制造"印记"(Imprint)办公椅选择了松木和纤维素,并把二者与植物纤维品牌和传播经理Johan Boqvist说:"可持续发展一直是拉姆霍尔茨公司(Lammhults)设计理念的决定性

parental imprinting:亲本印记

基因组印记(genomic imprinting),又称遗传印记(genetic imprinting)或亲本印记(parental imprinting),指控制某一表型的一对等位基因由于亲源不同而差异性表达,即机体只表达来自亲本一方的等位基因[1].

parental imprinting:亲代印记

基因印迹或遗传印记因某种外源基因而导致亲本基因发生的饰变事可以遗传给后代的,...导致某些基因只转录父系或母系的基因版本,称为亲代印记(parental imprinting)或基因组印记.


halite 石盐,岩盐 | hallmarked 标有纯度印记的 | hallmarking 标出纯度印记


hallmarked 标有纯度印记的 | hallmarking 标出纯度印记 | hallow cabochon 凸凹弧面琢型

marking iron:打印记冲头,烙印铁

marking ink for animal ==> 动物用印记墨 | marking iron ==> 打印记冲头,烙印铁 | marking knife ==> 剁刀,划线刀