英语人>词典>汉英 : 卡车 的英文翻译,例句
卡车 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lorry  ·  truck  ·  trucks  ·  lorries  ·  trucked  ·  camions  ·  autotrack

motor lorry
更多网络例句与卡车相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bridgestone truck tires 3 ||普利司通卡车轮胎 4||4x4 truck tires 13||automobile tires 3||republic tire 3||maxxis tires 2||collapsible tire iron 6||hoosier tires 4||avon tires 22||wheels and tires 8||discount motorcycle tires 11||toyo tires versado 2||trxus tires...

| | 4x4卡车轮胎13 ||汽车轮胎3 ||共和国轮胎3 || maxxis轮胎2 ||折叠轮胎铁6 || hoosier轮胎4 ||雅芳轮胎22 ||车轮和轮胎8 ||折扣摩托车轮胎, 11日||东洋轮胎versado 2 || trxus轮胎。。。

But they finds that heavy trucks is the future,cause it can take more goods.as the oils price rase ,it has a bright future.also the transportion between country and major city make a good reason for light truck,although there is a great development of light trucks in some city, high cost and small goods load forced it can not develop in other fields.


You can drive a two-ton truck to the loading dock on the ground floor and then lift the truck and its trailer up to your floor, back the trailer into position, unhitch and drive the truck out of the building.


The objective of Echo company is to meet up with these men that have been dropped off at a single LZ. These 5 dropped technicians will turn the colour of the first arriving player and will change controls. Once escorting these men to the hangar within the airfield is finished, these airdropped units will activate a truck and get in. Once these men are into a truck, the truck will change control to AI, and will begin following the player who had 'rescued' them.


All night long, residents here say, trucks carrying coal waste dump it off the side of the mountain. And all day long trucks overloaded with coal rumble past the village, cracking the roads and spraying coal waste on road-side homes.


In a country where the per capita income is barely north of $2,000, it is surprising to see fleet owners (the trucks aren't owner-operated) spend $3,000-$5,000 per truck for structural modifications that convert these gas-guzzling, smoke-spewing, road-dominating monstrosities into beautiful moving canvases covered in poetry, folk tales, and '…religious, sentimental and emotional worldviews of the individuals employed in the truck industry,' making it one of the biggest forms of representational art in the country.


Illegal traders run a lucrative extortion racket, their bully boys jumping on the lorries as they arrive, threatening the driver and earning themselves $1.50 on every $20 sack of grain. That margin and other market failings add up to 20% to the cost of every sack.


Truckers flock like migrating geese to the Mid-America Trucking Show," says Sandi Soendker of the trucking magazine Land Line."They don't even know it, but the urge to gather here is hardwired in their brains.

驾驶卡车的人像迁徙的鹅一样浩浩荡荡地来参加美国中部的卡车秀,&名为 Land Line 的卡车杂志的 Sandi Soendker 如是说,&他们甚至都不知道这是怎么回事,但是赶到这里来的迫切愿望像硬接线一样灌到他们脑袋里了。

The TRUCKERS company currently has 150 trucks, and a truck makes 3 to 4 trips each week.


In China leading by the No.1 Motor Corporation and the Dongfeng Motor Corporation , Jiefang and Dongfeng brand cars possess the absolutely control role. The market ratio of China Heavy Motor Corporation and Beiqi Futian Motor Corporation is also increasing rapidly. Kreisler , Volvo and Renault Corporation all come into China. Modern and GE Corporation are also eying covetously.


更多网络解释与卡车相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Excite Truck:激情卡车

任天堂Wii北美地区首发游戏充实了街机竞速系列游戏,>(Excite Truck)就是其中典型的一款,操作起这些怪物卡车来的感觉又怎么样呢? 你需要把一辆两吨重的四驱卡车腾空数百英尺并完好无损地落地、赚取分数以赢出比赛、驶过山间的一条小溪以冷...

gatling truck:机枪卡车

izumo class 伊祖莫级 | gatling truck 机枪卡车 | half truck 飞弹卡车

military motor lorry:军用卡车; 军用卡车

midget motor 微型电动机; 小型电动机 | military motor lorry 军用卡车; 军用卡车 | mill motor 磨坊用电动机


truck 卡车 | truckage 卡车搬运 | trucker 卡车司机

Trucker chaser:卡车司机慕恋者

Truck dispatcher: 卡车调度员; | Trucker chaser: 卡车司机慕恋者; | Trucking sector employees: 货车运输工;

camion m:四轮大车,卡车,双轮手推车,漆桶

1121 cale f. 货舱,底舱,码头斜坡,船坞,垫木 NULL NULL | 1143 camion m. 四轮大车,卡车,双轮手推车,漆桶 camion NULL | 1144 camionnette f. 小型卡车 camionnette NULL


大众年会上,文德恩在此确认了大众对瑞典卡车生产商斯堪尼亚卡车(SCANIA)的收购计划. 大众汽车成为斯堪尼亚最大股东,持有其38%的股票和68.6%的投票权,斯堪尼亚也因此成为大众旗下第9个品牌.


120022 卡车 Trucks | 120022 卡车 Lorries | 120051 缆绳运输车辆 Cars for cable transport installations

Tipping apparatus, parts of trucks and waggons:倾卸装置(卡车和货车的零件)

120244 汽车座安全带 Security harness for vehic... | 120201 倾卸装置(卡车和货车的零件) Tipping apparatus, parts of trucks and waggons | 120201 倾卸装置(卡车和货车的零件) Tipping apparatus, parts of truc...

truck driver:卡车司机

加拿大职业档案:卡车司机(Truck Driver) 移民热线: 010-59648388 24小时热线: 13910974856 13911550266 加拿大 职业 档案:卡车司机(Truck Driver) 基本描述: 卡车司机的主要工作是驾驶汽油或柴油发动机的卡车、拖车及类似 交通 工具