英语人>词典>汉英 : 单调的 的英文翻译,例句
单调的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bald  ·  drab  ·  flat  ·  humdrum  ·  monotone  ·  monotonous  ·  pokey  ·  poky  ·  singsong  ·  subfusc  ·  toneless  ·  unglamorous  ·  unvaried  ·  balder  ·  monotonic  ·  samely  ·  drabbed  ·  drabber  ·  drabbing  ·  drabs  ·  flats  ·  flatted  ·  pokier  ·  pokiest  ·  dreariest

更多网络例句与单调的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The basic idea is as follows: first, a kind of plane α-B-spline interpolation curve with a shape control parameter a is constructed; then, by converting the first derivatives of the curve into Bernstein polynomial, the positive conditions of Bernstein polynomial can be used to get the necessary and sufficie nt conditions for the monotonicity of α-B-spline interpolation curves, i.e., the range of the parameter a. Therefore, monotone-preserving interpolating curves can be obtained succinctly.


In Chapter 3, a certain polynomial Hamilton system with 3 degree is given. By elliptic integral formulas, the monotonicity of the periodic orbits of this system is verified.


According to the linear search technique, the Quasi-Newton algorithm can be divided into monotone algorithm and non-monotone algorithm.


The established forecast model of mutation monotone or nomonotone initial sequence adjusted by residual error amendment and period amendment several times.


The established forecast model o f mutation monotone or nomonotone initial sequence adjusted by residual error am endment and period amendment several times.


It is easy to see that the composite of two monotone mappings is also monotone.


A new method is applied to a kind of nonlinear programming problem with monotonic functions and non-monotonic objective functions.


A good property of the method is that the objective function of the trust-region subproblem is a strictly convex quadratic function.


For example, a clock that passes through an XOR gate is not unate because there are non-unate arcs in the gate.


In this process, Venus' mantle convection displays an overturn with a quasi_periodicity. Because of the different parameters, the stales of mantle overturn may appear in three modes.


更多网络解释与单调的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


506dozya. 腐烂的,困倦的 | 507draba. 土褐色的,单调的 | 508draftn. 草稿,草图,汇票; v. 起草,征兵

freedom from drudgery:单调的工作,全文意指:从单调工作中解放出来

leisure 空闲,休闲 n. | freedom from drudgery 单调的工作,全文意指:从单调工作中解放出来 | to satisfy 满足 v.

flattish:略平的; 稍浅薄的; 稍单调的 (形)

flattery 谄媚; 巴结; 阿谀 (名) | flattish 略平的; 稍浅薄的; 稍单调的 (形) | flattop 航空母舰; 平顶的屋子 (名)

boring dreary dull humdrum repetitious tedious:单调的, 无变化的

1063. monetary adj. 货币的, 金钱的 | 1064. monotonous adj. 单调的, 无变化的 boring dreary dull humdrum repetitious tedious | 1065. monument n. 纪念碑


monotheistic 一神论的 | monotone 单调的 | monotonous 单调的



mundane: a.1:尘世的,世俗的确良 2、单调的,平凡的

pioneering: a.1、拓荒者的,开拓者的 2、先驱的,开拓性的,拓荒时期的 | mundane: a.1、尘世的,世俗的确良 2、单调的,平凡的 | unexceptionable: a.无懈可击的,无可指谪的,完美无缺的(exception 作名词时意为


singly 一个一个地 | singsong 单调的歌 | singsong 单调地唱


的(2) 严格单调递减的严格单调递减的严格单调递减的严格单调递减的 (strictly monotonic decreasing) 或严格递减的严格递减的严格递减的严格递减的(3) 严格单调的严格单调的严格单调的严格单调的 (monotonic) 当且仅当它或是严


monopolize 独占,垄断 | monotonize 单调,使人单调的 | monster 怪物