英语人>词典>汉英 : 单脚跳 的英文翻译,例句
单脚跳 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hop  ·  hopped

更多网络例句与单脚跳相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is the absolute last time I'm letting you talk me into club-hopping with you.


When I hop ,I have hope.


Muzak She came to me like a thief in the night And whispered in my ear She had my undivided attention And told me everything I wanted to hear She said that she wanted to give me a gift And that she'd give it to the rest of the world No matter how many people hear it She would always be my girl She makes me want to say...la la la la la la la la la Sometimes she's smooth, sometimes she's rough And I love to see her rock Sometimes she's a little alternative Bu nowadays she's more hip hop No matter how you interpret her She's always at the top of the chart And if you look around and she can't be found You can always find her deep in your heart...music Chorus: I can't help myself...

Muzak 她走近了我夜晚喜欢一个小偷而且在我的耳朵中耳语了她有我的专心注意而且告诉我每件事物我想要听到她说她想要给我一个礼物而且她把它给世界的其它部分没有物质多少人们听到它她总是会是我的女孩她使我想要说。。。la la la la la la la la la 有时她是平滑的,有时她是粗糙的而且我爱见到她的岩石有时她是小替代选择她是较多的臀部单脚跳的 Bu 现在无论你如何解释她她总是在图解的顶端而且如果你四处看看,而且她不能被发现你总是能找你的心的她的深处。。。音乐合唱:我不能帮助我自己。。。

It was hopping from clump to heather clump with a sinister sort of valiance, holding its fluttering stick arms at an angle to balance it on the hillside.


We will also play some outdoor games to help children develop coordination skills appropriate to their age; hopping, throwing and catching a medium-sized ball and walking on a low balance beam.


Jump on one foot. Can you jimp on the other?


And it wasn't a hop it was a pas de bourree.


And it wasrt a hop. It was a pas de bourree.


The dance is recognisable for the long skirts with heavily frilled undergarments that the dancers wear, high kicks, hops in a circle whilst holding the other leg in the air, splits, cartwheels and other acrobatic tricks, normally accompanied by squeals and shrieks.


The little dog can hop.


更多网络解释与单脚跳相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Run walk jump hop crawl to:向...跑 走 跳 单脚跳 爬

50. Squat down. 蹲下 | 51. Run walk jump hop crawl to ...向...跑 走 跳 单脚跳 爬. | 52. Bend your knees. 曲膝.


13.单脚跳(hop):以一只脚站立,跳起后以同一脚的趾肚着地. 14.弹跳:以一脚站立,跳起后以另一脚的趾肚轻轻着地. 15.跌落:以一脚站立,跳起后以另一脚的趾肚或全脚重重地着地. 16.跳:脚并拢屈膝,跳起后脚并拢着地,可朝向任何方向.

Hop on the foot:单脚跳

Jump on one foot. 单脚跳. | Hop on the foot.单脚跳. | Climb a tree.爬树.

rubber band jumping:跳皮筋

5)hopping: 单脚跳,一般指跳房子游戏 | 6)rubber band jumping: 跳皮筋 | 7)monopoly: 大富翁(知道我们热衷的游戏叫什么了吧)


swayed摇摆、摇动 | hopped单脚跳、跳跃 | bounced反弹、跳起

Grand jete:大跳,指凌空越

47.Tour en lair 空转(男) | 48.Grand jete 大跳,指凌空越 | 49. Emboite 单起单落的换脚跳

Grand jete:哥朗得日代 大跳,指凌空越

Tour en lair 吐昂莱尔 空转(男) | Grand jete 哥朗得日代 大跳,指凌空越 | Emboite 昂波得 单起单落的换脚跳

Jump on one foot. Can you jimp on the other:单脚跳,你能用另一只脚跳吗

62、Turn around and look at me.转过身来,看着我. | 63、Jump on one foot. Can you jimp on the other?单脚跳,你能用另一只脚跳吗? | 64、Everybody is now third. Let's take a rest.大家有点累了,休息一会儿吧....


hopped单脚跳、跳跃 | bounced反弹、跳起 | darted刺、飞快的动作

one foot snake:正单脚(正向单脚全轮站立滑行过桩)

special双轮推八(横向双脚双轮站立八字变向推脚滑行过桩) | one foot snake正单脚(正向单脚全轮站立滑行过桩) | x jump跳八(横向双脚全轮站立交叉八字变向推跳滑行桩桩)