英语人>词典>汉英 : 半径 的英文翻译,例句
半径 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
radii  ·  radius  ·  semidiameter  ·  R  ·  radiuses

更多网络例句与半径相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The static model of torsion joint is based on that of bending joint. The effects of structure parameters inside air pressure, initial angle, rube average radius, rube shell thickness on the turning angle are analyzed and the following conclusions are drawn: the relationship between the angle of torsion joint and the inside air pressure is basically linear, the angle of torsion joint increases with the initial angle and rube average radius, the angle of torsion joint decreases while the rube shell thickness increases. The kinetic equation is built for torsion joint. Simulating experiment implies that the time of inflating and deflating process is extremely shorter than that of kinetic process. So the pneumatic process can be ignored in actual system design and control. The factors that affect the dynamic features of torsion joint, such as shell thickness of rubber tube, average radius, initial angle, connector's outlet area, moment of inertia and viscous damping coefficient, are analyzed and the following conclusions are drawn: the change of rube shell thickness has no effects on the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure while greatly affects the turning angle of torsion joint; when the rube shell thickness is small, the torsion joint has a bigger turning angle, no overshoot and long risetime, when the shell thickness is big, the turning angle of torsion joint is small, but has high response speed, overshoot and low shock; when the rube average radius increases, the turning angle of torsion joint increases and the overshoot increases too; when the initial angle of torsion joint is big, the turning joint is big, the overshoot is small and shock is low, but the risetime is big; the connector's outlet area affects the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure greatly, but has no effects on the dynamic process of turning angle; moment of inertia and viscous damping coefficient have no effects on the dynamic process of FPA inside air pressure, but affect the dynamic process of turning angle greatly.


This article makes a detailed analysis of the definition of atomic radius and ionic radius, so that the two terms can be well understood and used in the course of teaching.


The results show: the strongest bond is the Al-Al bond in the segregated cell without containing vacancy, where the Al atomic covalence radius is greater than that of Li atom in the cell; while the strongest bond is the Al-Li bond in the segregated cell containing vacancy, and the Al atomic covalence radius in the cell is less than that of Li atom. Since the difference of electronagativity between the Al and Li atoms is obvious, it is inclined to formed the Al-Li segregated cell of short range order structure in the condition of vacancy present. The short range order structure containing vacancy is probably the embryo or precursor structure of the metastable phase δ′(Al3Li). Because the strongest covalent bond in the Al-Li-vacancy segregated cell in alloy formed in quenching is the main strength reason for supersaturated solid solution of alloy. The bond net of succeeding precipitation of δ′(Al3Li) has the picture of anisotropic Al-Al bonding and the bond intensity enhanced. Since the δ′(Al3Li) is coherence with matrix, the bond net strength is enhanced by the precipitation of δ′(Al3Li) and so strengthen the alloy.

计算结果表明:不包含空位的偏聚晶胞的键络最强键为Al—Al键,其中Al原子的共价半径较Li原子的共价半径要大;而含空位的偏聚晶胞的最强键为Al—Li键, Al原子的共价半径要比Li原子的共价半径要小;在空位存在的情况下,由于Al原子与Li原子的电负性相差明显,促使Al和Li原子结合,倾向形成Al-Li短程序结构偏聚区,这种含空位的短程序结构很可能就是δ′(Al3Li)亚稳相的前兆结构和生长胚胎;由于Al-Li-空位有序偏聚晶胞的Al—Li键络比基体键络要强许多,因此,淬火过程中合金生成的Al-Li-空位偏聚晶胞对合金过饱和固溶体起主要强化作用;后续析出的δ′(Al3Li)亚稳相键络各项异性显著,键络强度明显提高;由于Al3Li与基体共格,其大量均匀弥散析出起到提升基体整体键络强度,同样对合金产生强化作用。

The results show: the strongest bond is the Al-Al bond in the segregated cell without containing vacancy, where the Al atomic covalence radius is greater than that of Li atom in the cell; while the strongest bond is the Al-Li bond in the segregated cell containing vacancy, and the Al atomic covalence radius in the cell is less than that of Li atom. Since the difference of electronagativity between the Al and Li atoms is obvious, it is inclined to formed the Al-Li segregated cell of short range order structure in the condition of vacancy present. The short range order structure containing vacancy is probably the embryo or precursor structure of the metastable phase δ'(Al3Li). Because the strongest covalent bond in the Al-Li-vacancy segregated cell in alloy formed in quenching is the main strength reason for supersaturated solid solution of alloy. The bond net of succeeding precipitation of δ'(Al3Li) has the picture of anisotropic Al-Al bonding and the bond intensity enhanced. Since the δ'(Al3Li) is coherence with matrix, the bond net strength is enhanced by the precipitation of δ'(Al3Li) and so strengthen the alloy.


The iris radius of 60 (93 eye) patients with early pupillary block primary angle closure glaucoma was measured with this method, it showed:(1) there was a statistically significant difference in iris radius between the patients with early stage primary pupillary block angle closure glaucoma and the normal subjucts (53 cases 106 eye) with the age matched group (P.01),(2) it is proved with the stepwise discriminatory analysis that the iris radius-the most significant bio-anatomic parameter of the anterior segment is usefull to diagnose early primary pupillary block angle closure glaucoma by stepwise discriminatory analysis.


According to the results, the contour of cross section is related to the relative radius of punch; the maximum equivalent plastic strain is an increasing function of it and the ellipticity is a decreasing function of it.


Rubberand drum at maximum force at A point of RADIUS R1 and minimum mechanical Department b. RADIUS R2 is different, rubber roller compression over C forms the convex hull, the radius of the highlast C is R3, point b is the radius of the lining of the RADIUS rubberand drum after three RADIUS R1 with the size of the change of Center distance drum to determine the ideal pressure: 0.5mm by Feller gauge or flattening of galvanized wire to precise tuning of two drums of hobber pillow gap, so that it is up to the required data.

橡皮滚筒在最大受力处A不面的半径R1和最小受力处B不面的半径R2是差别的,橡皮滚筒受不抬后转动在C处变成凹包,凹包最矮不面C的半径是R3,B不面的半径是包衬后的橡皮滚筒半径不一个半径的巨细的R1 用保留滚筒洋心距来猜测抱负不张力:用塞尺或0.5mm的铅丝不抬扁来大略不天调动二滚筒的滚枕间隙,使之符分规矩的数据。

The results showed that: with the regression analysis of Betula platyphylla, Pinus koraiensis, Abies nephrolepis, Picea koyamai var koraiensis, and Betula costata, there was a significant negative correlation between neighborhood interference index and the growth (0.40~0.89) and the correlation extent depended on the neighborhood influence zone and slope. The neighborhood influence zone corresponding to maximal regression coefficient R~2 was the neighborhood influence radius. Based on the linear subsection regression between neighborhood interference index and influence zone of five species, the neighborhood interference index increased with the increasing zone and there was a previous increasing trend in a certain scope, while the increasing trend slackened beyond the zone. The neighborhood influence zone corresponding to transition point was the neighborhood influence radius. The neighborhood interference index positively correlated with the neighborhood influence zone and the range of R~2 was 0.40-0.64. With the analysis of tree cores of Juglans mandshurica, Fraxinus mandshurica at middle and lower slope in a plot which was fostered in 1995, the distance which the growth release farthest neighborhood and object stub was judged, thus the neighborhood interference radius was inferred. According to the studies, we found that the neighborhood interference radius was different among different trees, even if the neighborhood interference radius of the identical tree species also had the difference at different slopes.


The death radius by blast fireballs is smaller than that by blast wave, the 2nd burn radius is smaller than the 50% eardrum rupture radius, and the 1st burn radius is smaller than the 1% eardrum rupture radius, if the amount of gas fuel which contributes to vapour cloud explosions is less than 1×10〓kg propane.


The results of bend loss measurements for polymer optical fiber composed of different cores and claddings are tes-ted.


更多网络解释与半径相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bohr radius:玻尔半径

这时主量子数n=1,轨道半径r=ε0h2/πme2(见"玻尔轨道"),这个半径是稳定的氢原子的半径轨道,称作玻尔半径,与实验值符合[简介]玻尔半径(Bohr radius) 玻尔半径(Bohr radius) 在玻尔氢原子理论中,最小的轨道半径,也就是能量最低的稳定状态.

radius of convergence:收敛半径=>収束半径

radius of clean-up at floor 清底半径 | radius of convergence 收敛半径=>収束半径 | radius of corner 圆角半径

radius of a circle:圆周半径

radius mounting 半径装配法 | radius of a circle 圆周半径 | radius of action 有效距离,作用半径,活动半径

radius of curvature:曲率半径,曲度半径(铁路)

"收敛半径","radius of convergence" | "曲率半径,曲度半径(铁路)","radius of curvature" | "回转半径","radius of gyration"

radius of gyration of area:断面二次半径

radius of gyration 转动半径,环动半径,回转半径 | radius of gyration of area 断面二次半径 | radius of inertia 惯量半径,惯性半径

radius of torsion:扭率半径;挠率半径

回转半径 radius of gyration | 扭率半径;挠率半径 radius of torsion | 向径 radius vector

radius of torsion:扭转半径,挠率半径

radius of stereoscopic vision 体视半径 | radius of torsion 扭转半径,挠率半径 | radius of turn 旋转半径=>旋回半径


semidiameter 半径 | semidiameter 半径 半径差 | semidiametercorrection 半径差改正量


数据双字(VDx)加工平面中槽的位置由圆心(CPA,CPO)和半径(RAD)决定. 半径值只允许为正. 圆形孔在加工平面中的位置是通过中心点(CPA,CPO)和半径(RAD)来决定的. 加工平面中圆周孔圆的位置是由中心点(CPA,CPO)和半径(RAD)来定义的. 半

cruising radius:巡航半径,巡航半径,续航距离

cruising power ==> 巡航功率 | cruising radius ==> 巡航半径,巡航半径,续航距离 | cruising range ==> 巡航半径,巡航半径,航程