英语人>词典>汉英 : 包裹者 的英文翻译,例句
包裹者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与包裹者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I sent a package to the boarder.


I can never penetrate this enclosure of another's being.


Its origins are uncertain, but it is speculated that it represents either a rolled up herdsman's shelter or a papyrus life-preserver used by ancient egyptian boaters.


Titanium will assist initiates in releasing the masks and armoring that surrounding all humans to allow one's authentic self to be born.


Methods After brain death of the donor was confirmed, the whole donor arm was sterilized with 3%iodine tincture and 75%ethyl alcohol and strapped with sterile towels. A circular incision 5 cm above the elbow was made, and the brachial artery was dissected and catheterized for perfusion of UW solution at 4℃. The arm was amputated with the brachial artery still in continuity and catheterized.

方法在供者被宣布脑死亡后,将拟取肢体用3%碘酒、75%酒精常规消毒,从肘关节以上5 cm平面作环形皮肤切口,游离肱动脉后插管,用4℃ UW液灌注后行前臂离断,再灌洗至回流液清亮后拔管,肢体作标记后用无菌敷料包裹、塑料袋封装,装入放置冰袋的保温箱中快速运输。

In addition,"water" concentrations of inclusions rutiles are higher than intergranular ones, and the rutiles from fresh eclogites hold more "water" than those from retrograded eclogites, implying that the retrograded fluid might not be derived mainly from release of structural hydroxyl during exhumation.


Now will the city have to fill and swell with a multitude of callings which are not required by any natural want; such as the whole tribe of hunters and actors, of whom one large class have to do with forms and colours; another will be the votaries of music--poets and their attendant train of rhapsodists, players, dancers, contractors; also makers of divers kinds of articles, including women's dresses.


To claim immediately on the Carriers, Port Authorities or other Bailees for any missing packages.


The treasure consisting of medieval works of art, including gold and silver crucifixes, rock crystal flasks, a beautiful silver receptacle for keeping and displaying sacred relics called a reliquary which was inlaid with precious stones and enamels, a liturgical ivory comb, various priceless gifts belonging to the warlords who ruled the old states of Germany in the 9th and 10th Centuries, and---perhaps the most priceless of all---a beautifully illustrated 9th Century version of the four gospels in a gold and silver binding encrusted with gold and jewels.


There is nothing so loathsome yet beguiling as a keeper of secrets. Wreathed in glamours and mindulling musks, this monstrous beast masks its true form with supernatural allure.


更多网络解释与包裹者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


从广义上来讲,邮戳(postmark)是邮局盖于新建或包裹上的承载着某些信息的戳记. 一般来说这些信息包括地点、邮寄的日期和时间. 收件及转口邮局有时也会盖一些邮戳,不过这些邮戳通常在信封的背面. 令邮戳收集者感到不快的是许多早期的邮戳日期中并没有年份,


(三)脓胸(Pyothorax)急性脓胸表现与胸腔积液相同. 慢性者由于胸膜增厚伴多房性包裹性脓液. 常发生胸廓塌陷、肋间隙变窄,纵隔向患侧移位,横膈上升等表现. 慢性脓胸可累及肋骨,引起骨膜炎或骨髓炎,亦可伴有支气管胸膜瘘.


strapper 彪形大汉,魁梧者 | understrapper 仆从,手下,幕僚 | wrapper 包裹者,包装者

interlobar effusion:叶间积液

(2)叶间积液(Interlobar effusion)叶间积液可局限于叶间裂,但多与游离性胸腔积液并存,或系游离性积液进入叶间裂. 包裹在叶间胸膜腔者则显长圆形或梭形均匀浓密影,其长轴沿叶间延伸. 液体量多时,可呈球形(图3-41)