英语人>词典>汉英 : 劳工 的英文翻译,例句
劳工 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
labor  ·  laborer  ·  labour  ·  labourer  ·  peon  ·  workingman  ·  labors  ·  labourers  ·  labours  ·  proletarians

更多网络例句与劳工相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Congress failed to act on this proposal. But its lack of action did not stop the rise of a labor organization that had been formed a few years earlier. The group soon would become the most important labor union in the United States. It was the American Federation of Labor, or A.F.L.

国会未能就总统的这项建议有所作为,但国会的不作为并不能阻止几年前成立的一个劳工组织的兴起,这个劳工组织很快就成为美国最重要的工会组织,这个工会组织就是美国劳工联合会(the American Federation of Labor,简称A.F.L),美国劳工联合会由塞缪尔。

Some of the ideas that came out of the workshop are that migrant workers are needed by the employers not only to get a source of cheap labor but also to cheapen even the price of local labor.

部份与 会人士提及移住劳工的引进,是因为雇主需要廉价劳动力;同时,藉由移住劳工的引进,本地劳工的工资也被迫调降。

This research advocates for amending Article 8 of the Labor Insurance Act to allow workers in units with four or less employees participating Labor Insurance voluntarily through occupational trade unions and providing amnesty to those workers who may have illegitimately participated Labor Insurance through occupational trade unions in order to promote the participation of Labor Insurance for workers in units with four or less employees.


In such a severe situation, Dutch Department of Labour is still insusceptible, and continue ratifying the extension of labour contracts as well as introduction of more Chinese labourers in Chinese restaurants.


The maritime labour certificate, the interim maritime labour certificate and the declaration of maritime labour compliance shall be drawn up in the form corresponding to the models given in Appendix A5-II.

海事劳工证书、临时海事劳工证书和海事劳工符合声明的格式应与附录A5 II中所列的范本相符。

As China enter a life, chinese government and labour union pay close attention to international Labour Organization and international labor standard more and more, quicken the step that approves international labor pact.


Under such situation, Argentine labor movement was promoted and launched by European immigrants who engaged in labor and believed in anarchism, syndicalism and socialism. With the fast industrial development in the 20th century, the number of labor increased rapidly and the working class exerted an influence in Argentine political life.


The Labour Department, headed by the Commissioner for Labour, implements labour policies and labour legislation for the promotion of harmonious labour relations and responsible trade unionism, the safeguard of employees' rights and benefits and the protection of the safety, health and welfare of the working community.


The Labour Department, headed by the Commissioner for Labour, implements labour policies and labour legislation for the promotion of harmonious labour relations and responsible trade unionism, the safeguard of employees' rights and benefits and the protection of the safety, health and welfare of the working community .


Moreover I use "participation" as a primacy index and perceived that this region is a nascent migrant system if compared with North America or West Europe, and relative issues or agenda would not be emphasized. According to participation, Taiwan government strictly abridges the right of union of migrant labors, and migrant labor should "indirectly" take part in their own issues through cross-state networks or gross-rooted supported organizations.


更多网络解释与劳工相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

International Labor Organization,ILO:国际劳工组织

今天贴第二部分 二、国际劳工组织和世界贸易组织对中国劳动政策的影响(一)国际劳工组织与中国国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization ILO)成立于1919年,是第一次世界大战结束后召开的巴黎和会的成果之一.

International Labor Organization,ILO:国际劳工组织劳工组织

国际开发协会开发协会International Development Association IDA | 国际劳工组织劳工组织International Labor Organization ILO | 国际民用航空组织国际民航组织International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO

labor movement:劳工运动

labor market 劳工市场 | labor movement 劳工运动 | labor problems 劳工问题


在英语中,劳工(Laborer)同工人(Worker),是一个意思:均为"劳动者"的解释,而在劳动和劳资关系领域内,用"劳工"的较多,并不存在贬褒之别. 劳工,实际上(也应该)是一个中性的常用词汇.

Labour Relations Act:劳工关系法

在泰国仍有严重违反核心劳动基准法的情形存在. 在泰国无论私人企业或国营企业劳工均被禁止组织工会,对于国际劳工组织(ILO)规定可组工会之公约亦未立法. 泰国公务人员亦无组织工会、集体协商及罢工的权利,且其相关权益未制定于劳工关系法(Labour Relations Act).

prolabor:亲劳工的, 同情劳工的

program package 程序组[包] | prolabor 亲劳工的, 同情劳工的 | two-speed 双速的


571,"高雄县政府","劳工局","单",,"Odd-numbered" | 572,"高雄县政府","劳工局","双",,"Even-Numbered" | 573,"高雄县政府","劳工局",&

I.W.W. Industrial Workers of the World:世界劳工(国际工业劳工)

I.T.O. International Trade Organization 国际贸易机关(组织) | I.W.W. Industrial Workers of the World 世界劳工(国际工业劳工) | JJ. journal 分类帐


所谓劳工标准,一般是指国际劳工组织(ILO)标准中的核心标准,即结社自由、集体谈判、禁止童工、同工同酬、就业非歧视以及最低工资等. 将劳工标准与贸易政策挂钩的国家首推美国. 美国将劳工标准与贸易政策挂钩的历史大体可分为如下几个阶段:1933年,

ILO:劳工组织 国际劳工组织

此后层且多柱的年金体制概念,为世界银行(World Bank)与国际劳工组织国际劳工组织(ILO)亦认为没有一种单一的制度设计可以适合所有国家一种的混合模式回应世银模式.