英语人>词典>汉英 : 力不从心 的英文翻译,例句
更多网络例句与力不从心相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now, the leading character is you ,who are trying your best for the college entrance examination in 60 days ahead, I believe you are absolutely self—confident ,also there are failed abjection and suspicion from mock examinations ; both accustomed to learning your methods, also swing at all Class of expert guidance; both of your infinite future expectations, also the reality powerless fatigue; both play online games, also with a strong desire to date, there are sets of simulation questions waiting to practice; both students intense competition between friends, there you struggle to the spirit of mutual dreams; both parents and teachers expectations, but also the hearts of unspeakable plan.


Government accounting which completely based on cash basis has not been adapted to times,for this reason,introduce accounting on accrual basis or amendatory accrual basis is necessary to economic reform.


But there are also some limitations when applying traditional fault tree analyzing method to certain systems that are amendable, complex, time consuming and with random failures that occurs randomly.


I don't know what you'll make of this," he said apologetically."


Many Christians backslide because this truth is not clearly taught. They are unable to stand against the temptations of the world, or of their old nature. They strive to do their best to fight against sin, and to serve God, but they have no strength.


A cycling holiday will be too much for an unfit person like me.


After the age of 30 you will be able to understand the meaning of the word its inadequacies, the body of revolution, the capital, there is no good health do anything, I have to try to make their own through a regular and healthy lives.


After galloping some distance towards the troops of the left flank, he rode not forward where he heard firing, but off to look for the general and the officers in a direction where they could not by any possibility be; and so it was that he did not deliver the message.


Despite an obsessive interest in sex, he is often impotent or a cuckold.


The conventional encrpytion techniques was unable to do as much as it would like to, new techniques is desiderate to resolve the problem.


更多网络解释与力不从心相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

animal kingdom:动物王国

其他两个"动物王国"(Animal Kingdom)和"好莱坞影城"(Hollywood Studio),仨人一致同意,已经游览了"环球影城","好莱坞影城"放弃;"动物王国"据说占地面积非常之大,咱们是度假的,不是军训的,一连狂奔了四天,已经力不从心了,随之果断放弃.

A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfit person like me:像我这种身体,骑自行车度假力不从心

He plays the guitar and sings too. 他会... | A cycling holiday would be too much for an unfit person like me. 像我这种身体,骑自行车度假力不从心. | They got the work done quickly, and well too. 他们把工...

break new ground:创新

29)bite off more than one can chew贪多嚼不烂;心有余而力不足;不自量力;力不从心 | 30)break new ground 创新 | 31)do the trick 做成功;达到理想的结果

Job burnout:工作衰竭

连续加班不休息,要不了多久,你的"工作马达"就会开始冒烟,工作衰竭(job burnout)的症状凸显,工作提不起兴致,力不从心,甚至奄奄一息. 而疯狂工作的文化,对企业的贡献不只是触顶下滑的业绩报表,还有飙升的病假和旷工率.

fell down in the dumps:心情不好 情绪低落

21 bite off more than one can chew 不自量力 力不从心 | 22 fell down in the dumps 心情不好 情绪低落 | 23 grain and bear 任劳任怨



to be out of one's depth:力不从心,茫然不知,超出己之所晓

Hire him please,he's got a lot on the ball.您还是雇佣他吧,他能胜任的.... | to be out of one's depth 力不从心,茫然不知,超出己之所晓 | I'm out of my depth when it comes to finace.谈到财经鄙人就力不从心了...

so lonely, melancholy, unbacked, and selfish a bird is:那么它是孤寂的,是悲哀的,是力不从心的,是自私的

不会做这样的一只鸟I choose no... | 心中只有自己的天堂,否定其他所有 the whole mind is pervaded with... | 那么它是孤寂的,是悲哀的,是力不从心的,是自私的 so lonely, melancholy, unbacked, and selfish a bird is

bite off more than one can chew:力不从心

I don't like you to bad-mouth other people behind their back.我不喜欢你... | 5. bite off more than one can chew力不从心 | Don't bite off more than you can chew, or you'll fall between two stools.不要贪多...

to bite off more than one can chew:力不从心

生气勃勃,活蹦乱跳 be alive and kicking | 力不从心 to bite off more than one can chew | 十拿九稳 be all but in the bag; dollars to doughnuts