英语人>词典>汉英 : 割让 的英文翻译,例句
割让 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
alienation  ·  cede  ·  cession  ·  ceded  ·  cedes  ·  ceding

更多网络例句与割让相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To the number of twenty-one the company retired to the solitude of Cteaux, which Raynald, Viscount of Beaune, had ceded to them.

的人数2001年该公司退休的孤独Cteaux ,其中Raynald ,子爵的波,割让给他们。

"By the terms of the treaty, a third of their territory was cede d to France."


The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war.


In the early 20th century there was intermittent debate about trying to convert the lease into a permanent cession.


The largest group of setters to move into the Mexican Cession were the Mormons.


The British government, in fact continued to pay the cession money to the rightful heirs under the terms of the 1878 Agreement.


It granted us jurisdictional right to intervene freely in Cuban affairs and ceded Guantanamo Bay (as a coaling or naval station only) to the US in perpetuity unless later terminated by mutual consent of both countries.


In March, 1849 thirteen months after the signing of the treaty by which Mexico ceded this region to the United States, the settlers in Salt Lake Valley founded the provisional Government of the State of Deseret, pending action by the American Congress upon their petition for admission into the Union.

今年3月, 1849一十三个月后,签署这一条约,其中墨西哥割让给这一地区到美国,定居在盐湖城山谷成立了临时政府在该国deseret ,采取行动之前,美国国会的请愿书后,他们的入学进入联盟。

In 1919 at Paris Peace Conference, a big powers robber--Defeated Germany, snatches China's Shandong, the cession does not give a robber Japan…Suffers Chinese's intense opposition, they even immolate oneself die to the world anti-righteousness!


Th easy answer is to blame incompetent or impotent sultans.As the Turks used to say,"Balik basdan kokar"("the fish stinks from the head"). The Reforming Sultans and Vizirs There is,as usual in such popular accounts,a germ of truth in all this.Conditions were getting worse.No one denies the insanity of Sultan Ibrhim (r.1640-1648),who had his 280 concubines tied up in sacks and drowned in Bosporus.MustafaⅡ(r.1695-1703)was wrong to insist on leading his troops into battle.His catastrophic defeat at the hands of Prince Eugen of Savoy,the military genius of the age,cost the Ottomans an army,the province of Hungary,and their military prestige.Drinking problems and harem intrigues afflicted the later sultans far more than they had the first ten. In addition,there were menbers of the ruling class who milked the Ottoman system to enrich themselves while failing to perform their duties.

奥斯曼无力改变的关系,我们可以追踪中东和西方的一连串事件日期:1683年土耳其人未能karlowitz条约,割让匈牙利帝国;他们于1699年签署的一项条约karlowitz割让匈牙利的哈布斯堡王朝和爱琴海沿岸的venetians;他们在1718年签署的欧洲以外更多土地; 1774年俄罗斯获准与他们失去了克里米亚代表正统基督教的科目; 1798年拿破仑占领和侵略palestine.meanwhile埃及和其他穆斯林王朝,如帖木儿王朝印度,以及其继承人safavids伊朗、摩洛哥sharifian统治者,也可能转弱前安装十八世纪土耳其人europe.but最接近者的新权力,传统上作为战斗ghazis为伊斯兰教主张失去其最lands.my板如果欧洲人对重点何故被奥斯曼帝国。

更多网络解释与割让相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


cede割让,放弃 | accede答应,同意 | antecede先行,先于

to alienate:割让 疏远

7. 让...感到尴尬难为情 mortify my daughter; mortify | 8. 割让 疏远 to alienate | 变形表: to alienate


antecedent 在先,在前的 | cede 割让,转让,让步 | cession 让与,放弃


" [2]割让(cession)俗称割地,是领土所有国根据条约将领土移转给其他国家. 割让可以是和平谈判的结果,也可以是战争和武力胁迫的结果. 在实践中大量的、严格意义上的割让,就是指强制性割让,是战胜国对战败国的兼并和掠夺,


cession 转让 | cessionary 割让的 | cetane improver 十六烷值增进剂

concede n.1:承认;2.给予,割让

conceal vt.隐藏,隐瞒 | concede n.1.承认;2.给予,割让 | +conceited adj.骄傲自满的,自负的

inalienability territory:领土的不可割让性

领水 territorial waters | 领土的不可割让性 inalienability territory | 领土管辖权 territorial jurisdiction

inalienability of territory:领土的不可割让性

territorial waters 领水 | inalienability of territory 领土的不可割让性 | territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权

inalienability of territory:领土的不可割让性bHe中国学习动力网

territorial waters 领水bHe中国学习动力网 | inalienability of territory 领土的不可割让性bHe中国学习动力网 | territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权bHe中国学习动力网

inalienability of territory:领土的不可割让

territorial waters 领水 | inalienability of territory 领土的不可割让* | territorial jurisdiction 领土管辖权