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副乳房 的英文翻译、例句


accessory mamma
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In fokelore, be in very long a long time ago, god created Adam with mud by his body; Later, the suffering that suffers loneliness to make he is avoided created Eve again------Each a breast is in before the bosom, with a pair electronegative micturition organ is in private parts.


Liu Dongsheng----Deputy Director., graduated from Jiamusi of Heilongjiang Province in 1987, after graduating from medical school has been involved in clinical plastic surgery over 20 years, is currently an associate professor of Dalian Medical University. In 2001 went to Australia to visit the Royal School of Medicine study. In 2004 in the city of Miyazaki, Japan Women's Hospital as doctors learns Sakai breast surgery. In 2005, be invited from South Korea plastic beauty expert Professor Zheng Dongxue to visit South Korea to participate in the eyes of the General Assembly cosmetic surgery, and a live demonstration Epicanthus surgery.

刘东升 医疗美容科副主任医师。1987年毕业于黑龙江省佳木斯医学院毕业后一直从事整形美容临床工作20余年,现为大连医科大学副教授。2001年曾去澳大利亚皇家医学院参观学习,2004年在日本宫崎市女子病院随酒井医生学习乳房整形手术,2005年应韩国美容整形专家郑东学教授邀请赴韩国参加眼部美容外科大会,并现场演示内眦赘皮矫正术。

Deputy breast plastic surgery is not complex, can finish below local anaesthesia normally.


The chest and breast massage will promote blood circulation, improve metabolism, so sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system active, to promote breast development.


更多网络解释与副乳房相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

supernumerary mammae:迷离乳房

supernumerary kidney 额外肾 | supernumerary mammae 迷离乳房 | supernumerary muscle 副肌

mammae accessoriae:迷离乳房,副乳房

mamma gland 乳腺 | mammae accessoriae 迷离乳房,副乳房 | Mammal 马马尔刺绣

accessory mammae:迷离乳房

accessory mamma 副乳房 | accessory mammae 迷离乳房 | accessory meningeal branch 脑膜副支


orona)及云彩(Irisation) 等绕射现象. 在普通情况下因冰晶过於稀少,不足以使云构成纤维状;然极寒冷之天气,可能有足量之冰晶致生大量雨幡,有时甚至发生晕象. 乳房状 (Mamma)亦可能为层积云之一种副型云,其乳房状之突起极度发展后能形成将与


多乳头(polythelia)或多乳房(polymastia)并不少见,发生率约为1%且其有遗性 . 多位于乳房发生的始基线上(primitive milk line)即腋窝至腹股沟的连线上. 多乳房系指发育完全的副乳腺(glandulamammaria aecessoriae),常见于腋窝部,也偶...

Polymasty; Supernumerary mamma:多乳腺(畸形); 副乳房

Polygnathic parasite; Polygnathy 颌部寄生胎 | Polymasty; Supernumerary mamma 多乳腺(畸形); 副乳房 | Polymelic monster 多肢畸胎