英语人>词典>汉英 : 剩余部分 的英文翻译,例句
剩余部分 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
rest  ·  rests  ·  rested  ·  remnants

更多网络例句与剩余部分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The rest of the operation is aborted.


The rest, there is a fission reaction products 3.4%, 1% is plutonium, a longer half-life of these actinides.


And it would then be easier to introduce BI for the rest.


Most of non-equilibrium microstructures in the original microstructure dissolve into the α-Mg matrix due to the diffusion of the solute and then the remainder is melted firstly. The more the increasing of cooling rate or pre-deformation, the more the secondary dendrite arms are easy to coarsen.


Part of the staff-patient Outturn to your units in charge of departments checkout procedures, in which the ratio is: first deducting 1,800 yuan and patients themselves part of the remainder of the claims by 50 percent, supplementary medical insurance part of a further 50 percent reimbursement of the remaining 50%, or 25 percent, Canada with 75 percent should be.


The rest of proteins, peptides and amino acids are reabsorbed by podocytes and labyrinth cells, then become formed bodies and secreted into urinary space again and flow with the urine. These nutritions are digested in formed bodies and then reabsorbed and utilized by cells of nephridial canal.


Further on, the Trifurcate Tree Searching algorithm was proved to have the least complexity, rather than the Binary Tree Searching algorithm, which was conventionally taken as the one with the least complexity in VQ tree searching. The application of ANS to speech enhancement was studied in chapter six.


Negative amortisation mortgages even let people pay only part of their interest each month and to add the rest to the principal, increasing their debt, not their savings.


The proportion of bid winning bond of other enterprises is 30 per cent.


Low dose Yiweitang group; 4. Diethylstilbestrol group; 5. Model control group. After 4 weeks intervention, get the left ovarie, a part of hypothalami and pituitary gland from head-off rat, and observe expression of ER, FSHR and GnRH by immune histochemistry method . Then extract RNA from the rihgt ovarie and the rest hypothalami and pituitary gland, so as to measure the expression of GnRHmRNA 、 ERmRNA 、 FSHRmRNA and P 16mRNA by RT-PCR. And the cerebrum were made to homogenate to examine SOD, GSH-PX and MDA.

各组实验动物灌药4周后,断头处死,取部分下丘脑、垂体及左侧卵巢组织固定切片,免疫组化法检测 ER 和 FSHR 表达、 GnRH ;取剩余部分下丘脑、垂体及右侧卵巢组织提取总 RNA ,用于 RT-PCR 检测下丘脑 GnRHmRNA ,下丘脑、垂体的 P 16mRNA 及下丘脑、垂体、卵巢的 ERmRNA 、 FSHRmRNA 基因表达;另外取部分大脑组织制作脑组织匀浆,用于 SOD 和 GSH-PX 酶活力以及 MDA 含量的测定。

更多网络解释与剩余部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Evolutionary:进化论的 | Appendix:阑尾;(书、文件的)附录 | Remnant:剩余部分;残余部分


从古希腊广场(theGreek agora)到古罗马广场(the Roman Forum),从商业大街(high street)到购物综合体(shoppingmall),城市的公共领域经历了一个漫长的降格过程[3]--而是公共领域以外的剩余部分(the residual).

membranous cataract:膜性白內障

发病为双侧性,为常染色体显性遗传;6P膜性白内障(membranous cataract)先天性全白内障晶状体液化的内容被吸收后,前后囊膜因接触而发生机化,晶状体纤维和上皮细胞的剩余部分被夹在机化的前后囊膜之间而使整个膜性白内障呈厚薄不均匀的混浊.

partial load:部分负载

在满载(full load)或/和部分负载(partial load)下关于主洗衣程序的时间、剩余水分含量、能源及水的消耗的指示性信息. (注:本草案中的部分负载(partial load)指家用洗衣机在一个既定的程序中的额定容量的一半. )对于所有家用洗衣机,


操作面板分上下两部分,上半部分又有左右两部分,左边实际上是一个显示屏,在文件未转好之前,只有一些关于这个软件的文字说明: Convert RM FLV Divx AVI MPEG分右边最下面的Start,在Progress下面就可以看到渐次剩余(Remain)的百分比、体积和时

the rest:其余,剩余部分;其余的人

rest n.休息 | the rest 其余,剩余部分;其余的人 | restaurant n.餐馆;饭店


merocrine gland 局泌腺 | merocyte 剩余精核 | merodiploid 部分二倍体


残余部分;剩余部分 stub | 劣加性 subadditive | 劣加性函数 subadditive function


rest 静止 静止 剩余 剩余部分 停止 | rest-harrow 芒柄花 | rest-pocket 袖珍


?fish out 吊出来,钩起来 | ?remnants 剩余的部分 | ?collapsed digestive 已经瓦解,散开了的饼干