英语人>词典>汉英 : 剥夺 的英文翻译,例句
剥夺 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
abridge  ·  abridgement  ·  curtail  ·  denudation  ·  denude  ·  deprival  ·  deprivation  ·  deprive  ·  despoilment  ·  dispossess  ·  divestiture  ·  divestment  ·  expropriate  ·  geld  ·  oust  ·  ouster  ·  reave  ·  rob  ·  shear  ·  strip  ·  stripped  ·  curtailed  ·  deplume  ·  divesture  ·  forejudge  ·  strips  ·  abridges  ·  abridging  ·  curtailing  ·  curtails  ·  denuded  ·  denudes  ·  denuding  ·  deplumed  ·  deplumes  ·  depluming  ·  deprives  ·  depriving  ·  dispossesses  ·  dispossessing  ·  expropriated  ·  expropriates  ·  expropriating  ·  forejudged  ·  forejudging  ·  gelds  ·  ousted  ·  ousting  ·  ousts  ·  reaves  ·  reaving  ·  robbed  ·  robs  ·  deprivations

deprive of · strip of · take away · oust of
更多网络例句与剥夺相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.


Using in vivo intracellular recording technique, we studied the binocularity of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus neurons in the monocular eyelid sutured cats. We found that almost all the neurons responded to the flashing spots to the nondominant eyes, and there was no significant difference of the response properties between the neurons in the deprived and non-deprived layers.


The right to give birth ,and those who are bereaved of the right to


Deprive 剥夺 deprive sb. of sth.; be deprived of


To deprive of a privilege, an immunity, or a right of citizenship, especially the right to vote; disenfranchise .


Additionally, the CRC binds Thailand to the following: ensuring that children are not separated from parents against their will unless deemed necessary by competent authorities (Article 9), providing children with proper nourishment so as to prevent disease and malnourishment (Article 24c), providing free and compulsory primary education to all children (Article 28a), not depriving children of their liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily (Article 37b), only detaining children as a measure of last resort (Article 37b), and providing prompt legal access or assistance to detained children as well as the right to challenge the legality of detention before a judicial body (Article 37d).


Peasants who suffered unreasonable deprivation would allege even exaggerate irrationality of the treatment in order to endow legitimacy with his incompliance. And if this treatment had no validity, he may also threat prosecuting or finally indicting his antagonist ,this means will give him great courage in the game. The effect of this strategy also lies on the type of the antagonist. Whether he takes law as a weapon or not in the dispute is decided by cost calculation of this means.


The objections of this article were as follows: to study the actions of Resuscitable nasal drops against sleep deprivation; to explore the effecting mechanism of the new drug ;to evaluate the application of automatic sleep deprivation recorder in rats, in order to make it applied widely.


AbstractAIM: To study the changes of refractive status and axial length in chicken form deprivation myopia and its recovery model, to observe the metamorphism of posterior sclera and to lay foundation for investigation of axial myopia pathogenesisMETHODS: Twenty-five newly incubated chicken were selected. Their left eyes were covered with semi-translucent membrane to deprive form perception for 14 days (form-deprivation group), or covered for 11 days followed by uncovered for 3 days. Unoccluded eyes in either group served as control eyes respectively. Retinoscopy and A- ultrasound were conducted to collect the refraction and axial length data.


Second, to replace the rationality that bereaves him by anther rationality, the result lies on the type of the object. Thirdly, he will persist in fighting while low cost. Fourth, eluding the rationality and validity by appealing to personal relation ,this means is influenced by the degree of familiarity. Finally, if the deprivation is rational without legality, except the first,second and fourth means, peasant will take law as a weapon sometimes, and the effect is attached with the balance between the law and tradition.


更多网络解释与剥夺相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

un alienable right:不容剥夺的权利 不容剥夺的权利

ulterior motive 别有用心,另有动机 别有用心,另有动机 | un alienable right 不容剥夺的权利 不容剥夺的权利 | unanimous verdict 全体一致的判决 全体一致的判决

Denationalization:剥夺国籍, 剥夺公民权利

cotype [植][动]全模(式)标本 | denationalization 剥夺国籍, 剥夺公民权利 | have no pretensions to 无权要求, 说不上是


deprivable 可剥夺的 | deprival 剥夺 | deprivation 剥夺

sensory deprivation:(感观剥夺/感觉剥夺)

Scratching - giving(搔刮、给予) | Sensory deprivation(感观剥夺/感觉剥夺) | Serving(服务/侍候)

sleep deprivation:睡眠剥夺

睡眠剥夺(sleep deprivation)也就是禁睡诱发试验. 可分为全部睡眠剥夺(指NREM和REM睡眠两期均予剥夺)、选择性睡眠剥夺(目前集中研究剥夺REM睡眠的试验,第一夜被剥夺,第二夜则加倍补偿,持续数夜剥夺,可使患者一入睡就做梦)和部分睡眠剥夺(指剥夺后半夜睡眠)之类.

disfranchisement:褫夺公民权 剥夺公民权 剥夺选举权

disfranchise褫夺公民权 | disfranchisement褫夺公民权 剥夺公民权 剥夺选举权 | disgerminator除胚芽机 去芽机

disfranchisement:剥夺公民权 (名)

disfranchise 剥夺...公民权; 剥夺...的权利 (动) | disfranchisement 剥夺公民权 (名) | disgorge 吐出, 呕出; 被迫交出; 呕吐 (动)


dispossess 抢夺霸占剥夺 | disproof 抢夺;霸占;剥夺 | disproof 抢夺霸占剥夺

strip sb of sth:剥夺(正式的剥夺,如法律上的剥夺,剥夺某人的职位,权利或财产)

deprive sb. of sth. 剥夺(一般意义上的) | strip sb of sth.剥夺(正式的剥夺,如法律上的剥夺,剥夺某人的职位,权利或财产) | rip扯破,撕坏


animus 恶意,敌意 | disanimate 剥夺生命,剥夺信心 | equanimity 平静,镇定(equ=equal)