英语人>词典>汉英 : 剔除 的英文翻译,例句
剔除 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
eliminate  ·  weed  ·  eliminated  ·  eliminates  ·  eliminating

更多网络例句与剔除相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The common method, that all strong-correlation terms of the model are eliminated, can bring the loss in the engineering application, so the new method is proposed that the identified model reserves some correlation. The augmented matrix A is constructed by the outputΔW and the matrix S. The"determinating order based on ratio of determinant"is brought out to screen the strong-correlation terms in the structure identification. The latent root estimation is improved in screening the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Thus the estimation precision is improved greatly.The consistence check of guidance instrument error coefficients of flight test and ground test is the purpose of flight experiment. The causes of inconsistency of the two models are analyzed. The hypothesis test of linear regression model based on F statistics is proposed to check the consistence.Finally, the instability of error coefficients is probably caused by the change of the flight environments, therefore, the relation between the error coefficients and flight environment is analyzed. The approach is presented to identify SINS guidance instrument error models and compensate the error in the segmented sections corresponding to the change of vertical acceleration of aircraft.


After repeat 10 generations backcross to get pure B6-strain background Gas7 knockout mice.


An isolated point ' s statistic excluding method is proposed in this paper to eliminate crassitude error in clouding data , which include plenty of oddity data .


An isolated point s statistic excluding method is proposed in this paper to eliminate crassitude error in clouding data, which include plenty of oddity data. The method based on the distance between two neighbour points can eliminate the data beyond normal distribution. A error limitation of angle and chordal highness method is used to filtrate clouding point.


Then, an overview of existing methods has been conducted to analyze potential problems with those methods. A new method, based on transport information granular computing, is proposed. An urban arterial of Delft, the Netherlands, has been selected as the test site.


Methods:The retrospective analysis and comparison were made on the operative method and the clinical index of intraoperation, postoperation between 103 cases underwent laparoscopic hysteromyomectomy and 100 cases underwent laparotomy hysteromyomectomy,also between 18 cases underwent laparoscope accessorial hysteromyomectomy and 20 cases underwent laparotomy hysteromyomectomy.


Methods Retrospective analysis of 117 cases of cesarean with uterus myoma removaling under interdicting blood from 2003 to 2004 and 56 cases without interdicting blood from 1992 to 1994 in Beijing Maternity Hospital for comparison in inhospital days、average bleeding、hemoglobin descending、postoperative morbidity.And 110 cases of simple intraperitoneal cesarean from 2003 to 2004;And comparing uterus myoma in different places and sizes.


Objective To investigate the safety and compare the outcome with or without interdicting blood of cesarean with uterus myoma removaling at same time.Methods Retrospective analysis of 117 cases of cesarean with uterus myoma removaling under interdicting blood from 2003 to 2004 and 56 cases without interdicting blood from 1992 to 1994 in Beijing Maternity Hospital for comparison in inhospital days、average bleeding、hemoglobin descending、postoperative morbidity.


Objective To investigate the safety and compare the outcome with or without interdicting blood of cesarean with uterus myoma removaling at same time.Methods Retrospective analysis of 117 cases of cesarean with uterus myoma removaling under interdicting blood from 2003 to 2004 and 56 cases without interdicting blood from 1992 to 1994 in Beijing Maternity Hospital for comparison in inhospital days、average bleeding、hemoglobin descending、postoperative morbidity.And 110 cases of simple intraperitoneal cesarean from 2003 to 2004;And comparing uterus myoma in different places and sizes.

目的 探讨剖宫产同时行子宫肌瘤剔除术的安全性及阻断血管与非阻断血管手术的比较方法回顾性分析2003~2004年两年间北京妇产医院腹壁横切口腹膜内剖宫产同时采取子宫血管阻断止血法行子宫肌瘤剔除术117例,与1992~1994年我院行剖宫产同时子宫肌瘤剔除术26例比较平均出血量、血红蛋白下降、住院天、术后病率情况(肌瘤直径≥5cm);同时与2003~2004年单纯腹膜内剖宫产110例,比较平均出血量、血红蛋白下降、住院天数、术后病率情况;并对不同部位、不同小的子宫肌瘤剔除进行比较。

Using the relative reflection as weighting factor, the weighted mean of the surface albedo over Dunhuang Gobi in typical arid region is calculated and its values are 0.255 ± 0.021. After canceling the interference of the buildings, the mean values of the roughness length averaged with logarithm is 0.0019 ± 0.00071 m. After removing the influence of the oasis, the soil wetness factor computed with data under condition of no precipitation is 0.0045. After removing the influence of the precipitation .the mean values of the soil heat capacity over Dunhuang Gobi in typical ac-id region is 112 × 10 ~6 m~(-3)K~(-1), a bit smaller than the values observed i n HEIFE. But the soil heat diffusivity and conductivity are about one of those observed in HEIFE. The soil water content over Dunhuang Gobi in typical synoptic condition is very little and does not exceed 1% basically.

并且利用相对反射为权重加权平均,计算得到典型干旱区敦煌荒漠戈壁的平均反射率为0.255±0.021;剔除建筑物干扰后,利用对数平均法计算的粗糙度长度平均值为0,0019±0.00071 m;剔除绿洲影响后,用无降水影响的资料确定出土壤湿度影响因子为0.0045;剔除降水影响后,用观测资料计算的敦煌典型干旱区荒漠戈壁的热容量平均值为1.12×10~6m~(-3)K~(-1),比&黑河试验&在戈壁和在其它沙漠观测的有关值略小一些,但热扩散率和热传导率都比&黑河试验&在戈壁观测的值小一倍左右;观测的敦煌戈壁典型天气条件下的土壤含水量非常小,基本上不超过1%。

更多网络解释与剔除相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

casting out:口数空出;剔除纹针(提花机提勾方法)

鑄件,鑄造 casting | 口數空出;剔除紋針(提花機提勾方法) casting-out | 脫圈沉降輪 cast-off burr

Culling Options:剔除选项

Selection Handles 选择手柄 | Culling Options 剔除选项 | Keep Wire 保持线框

deleted residual:剔除残差

definition 定义 | deleted residual 剔除残差 | density function 密度函数


disaggregated cost分解成本 | disallowance剔除,不准列支 | disallowed expense不准列支的费用

Discard table:剔除辊道

Discard 剔除 | Discard table 剔除辊道 | Charge 装炉

expunge:删除,剔除 删除,剔除

explosive 炸药,爆炸物 炸药,爆炸物 | expunge 删除,剔除 删除,剔除 | extortion 勒索 勒索

gross error elimination:粗差剔除

自动剔除:automatic elimination | 粗差剔除:gross error elimination | 影子去除:Shadow elimination




1. 可用以下命令判断硬盘是否被被阵列(Array)剔除(reject):如果硬盘没有被阵列(Array)剔除(reject)选择相应的阵列(array)和想要更换的硬盘(pdisk#).

outliers eliminating:野值剔除

消除策略:eliminating strategy | 野值剔除:outliers eliminating | 异物剔除:eliminating foreign body