英语人>词典>汉英 : 利率 的英文翻译,例句
利率 的英文翻译、例句


interest rate · rate of interest
更多网络例句与利率相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It carries a thorough discussion of the realistic significance and profound influence which caused to the Chinese monetary market of the interest rate swap. The article believes that the interest rate swap will provide a effective way of financing for Our Enterprise, speeds up the development of our commercial banks, meets the demand of interest rate swap on bond market, has positive influence to our interest rate reform. Secondly, this chapter discussed the restriction factor and the countermeasure of interest rate swap from the aspects of money market interest rate index, the fluidity and the market access.


In Chapter 4, the pricing of Asian geometric average option under stochastic interest rates is studied, assuming CIR model for the interest rates. Asian option is strongly dependent with path, usually have a long duration, the movement of interest rates becomes more important in pricing such long-dated options. The CIR interest rate model not only considered the interest rate behavior has mean-reverting but also take into account that the fluctuation rate is direct proportion with the square root of its interest rate. Finally, the method of finite difference for the Asian geometric average option under CIR interest rate model is given.


My current benchmark interest rate in response to the problems and choices reasons for this loan interest rates, rediscount rate, the bond repurchase rate, the benchmark interest rate of treasury bonds was conducted to explore and functional analysis of specific comparison of their respective advantages and disadvantages.


China's interest rate from the current system, the market interest rates (such as money market, bond market interest rates) is clearly not in the list of interest rates; in direct control of the central bank's interest rate system, the re-lending and rediscount rate has not been very effective, because it few years the flow of adequate financial institutions makes little to rely on central bank loans and discount, and improve the reserve interest rate system with the reform of the general direction of inconsistency; Therefore, interest rates can only increase deposit rates or lending rates, both interest rates are in the current control and semi-control of interest rates.


The author puts up comparative analysis on the rediscount rates, deposit rates, interest rates of treasury, lending rates, inter-bank lending rates, etc between China and U.S..


Treasury bond market, the interest- rate- transmission-effect-testing model has significant parameter estimation, displaying undeclinable influence of monetary policy on interest rate latent factors, negative effect on output and inflation, positive effect on short-term interest rate, and negative effect on long-term interest rate due to inflation expectation decreasing under positive shock of monetary policy.


The steps of the reform: First, pushing forward the local and overseas places to gather together interest rate liberalization at first; Second, relaxing RMB interest rate control and strengthening money market construction reform; Third, formation of the national market interest rate system under bank with Central Bank reloan interest rate, money market interest rate, secondary market of national debt interest rate,etc.


Because of the real interest rate and the natural interest rate both being difficult measured, in order to simplifying the question of measuring and advantaging demonstration research and policy made , therefore we adopted the Real Interest Rate Gap as the economic variable measuring.


Therefore, the depository interest rate, rediscounting rate and government bond interest rat cannot be set as the benchmark interest rate. In fact, most of the scholars support the inter-bank offered rate and the repo rate as the benchmark.


On this basis, the interest rate on the existing loan and bond repurchase rate by a further comparative analysis, the final conclusion, repurchasing rate is the benchmark interest rate at the best choice.


更多网络解释与利率相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

call rate:活期贷款利率

短期市场利率中最主要的是市场隔夜利率,日本称为活期贷款利率(call rate);美国称为联邦基金利率(federal fund rate);欧元区称为隔夜借款平均利率(EONIA);中国的隔夜借款利率是同业拆借利率(CHIBOR)中的一种.

effective interest rate:有效利率

2.券面利率和有效利率 ( Effective Interest Rate) 券面利率是指债券券面标明的利息率.券面利率乘以面额即是筹资企业 需要定期偿付的利息额.券面利率与有效利率(即实际收益率,或称实际利率)之间的关系取决于债券面额和债券发行价的关系.如果债券发行价等于 面额,

fixed rate:固定利率

若是利率下降,你需付的利息将减少﹔."固定利率"(fixed rate)贷款,按固定利率和固定年限借款. 这种贷款可以防止利率上升的影响. 固定利率贷款通常比可变贷款(或浮动贷款)的利率低﹔."还本付息"(principal and interest)贷款,


浮动利率(Variable)和固定利率(Fixed):浮动利率是随著市场公告利率变化而变化的,浮动利率每月当时公告转牌价作一次调整. 但为简便程式,银行通常规定的供款额是保持不变的,如果现期利率比你申请贷款时为低(但每月还款额是根据贷款时利率计算的),


远期利率协议(FRA)是指交易双方约定在未来某一日,交换协议期间内一定名义本金基础上分别以合同利率和参考利率计算的利息的金融合约. 其中,远期利率协议的买方支付以合同利率计算的利息,卖方支付以参考利率计算的利息.

Interest Rate Swap:利率互换

利率互换(interest rate swap)是协议双方订立的、在一定时间后进行的支付协定,所支付的金额依据一定的利率和不一定量的本金来计算. 在典型的利率互换安排中,一方依据浮动利率指数计算支付的金额,而另一方则依据固定利率或是另一种浮动利率指数确定支付的金额.

Interest Rate Swap:利率掉期 / 利率调期

利率上限 interest-rate ceiling | 利率掉期 / 利率调期* interest-rate swap | 利率期货 interest-rate futures

Real Interest Rate:实质利率

利率,可分为实质利率(real interest rate)和名义利率(nominal interest rate). 实质利率是撇除通胀数字后的利率,能真实反映实质购买力的增长;而名义利率属於银行或存户收取或付出的息率,并未有撇除通胀数字.

overnight rate:隔夜利率

隔夜利率(Overnight Rate)是一家金融机构利用手头资金向另一家金融机构借出隔夜贷款的利率. 隔夜利率是同业拆借利率的一种,时间短利率相对较低.

market rate of interest:市场利率

他们认为,若市场利率(Market Rate of Interest)恰好与自然利率一致,则经济体系将维持在均衡状态. 货币因素相对于价格是"中立"的,故又称为"中性货币". 若市场利率降低或自然利率提高,以致于市场利率低于自然利率时,资本品价值将上升,引起投资的扩张,