英语人>词典>汉英 : 利润 的英文翻译,例句
利润 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
account  ·  accounted  ·  gain  ·  margin  ·  margins  ·  markup  ·  profit  ·  margining  ·  profiting  ·  profits  ·  profited

更多网络例句与利润相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

When you have a total turnover of more than 660 yuan since you can get 15% of retail profits, a total of more than 2200 yuan, you can get 20% of the retail profits, more than 10,000 when it is 23%, more than 30,000 is 26%, 60,000 more than you will get a maximum allocation of 28% of the profits, just like other businesses, we Nahuo to manufacturers, you Nahuo the higher the turnover, profits have been higher.


The use of assets for impairment adjustment of profits According to the Ministry of Finance, in 1999 and 2001 respectively, the implementation of the new accounting system, would require a total of eight Provision for impairment, in the Provision for impairment of the year, profit was not affected, and the year after back-impairment Preparations that can increase profits, some listed companies to take full advantage of this policy, previously extracted large amounts of impairment, and after a variety of meaning that those who have the impairment of assets each year restoration of the original value, so back - Have mentioned impairment, inflated profits, as for the impairment of assets and revaluation itself is difficult to define a subjective issue, after preparations for impairment from increased profits from the source.


In this thesis, we introduce three indexes that are used to evaluate the main business firstly. Theyre profit of main business, cashflow of main business and integrated index of main business. Then, we construct a series of regression models of assets structure with profit of main business and cashflow of main business, which signalize the current assets and the fixed assets help them; the long-term investments hinder them; the other assets help or hinder them uncertainly, and even have nothing to do with them sometimes. Finally, we construct the regression models of assets structure with integrated index of main business, and put forward a method to optimize the assets structure.


If any standing charges or the Business be not insured by this Policy (having been deducted in arriving the Gross Profit as defined herein) then in compating the amount recoverable hereunder as Increase in Cost of Working that proportion only of the additional expenditure shall be brought into account which the Gross Profit bears to the sum of the Gross Profit and the uninsured standing charges.


It is hereby agreed and understood that if any standing charges of the Business be not insured by this Policy (having been deducted in arriving at the Gross Profit as defined herein) then in computing the amount recoverable hereunder as Increase in Cost of Working that proportion only of the additional expenditure shall be brought into account which the Gross Profit bears to the Sum of the Gross Profit and the uninsured standing charges.


Yet, to economists, accounting profit overvalues profit. The author analyzes the problem of economic profit and accounting profit and tries to seek the solution.


When private benefits always generate dead-weight losses, it is nevertheless never optimal to let the manager divert all the benefits, the shareholders can define an optimal remuneration scheme, indexed on firm performances, which induces the manager to commit himself to the right level of distributed dividends.


Profit Equalisers: If you are an "all green" position, profit equalisers will use a formula to work out how to equal the profit over all outcomes so that you guarantee a profit no matter the outcome by placing one more bet.


Where profits on which an enterprise of a Contracting State has been charged to tax in that State are also included in the profits of an enterprise of the other State and the profits so included are profits which would have accrued to that enterprise of the other State if the conditions made between the enterprises had been those which would have been made between independent enterprises dealing at arm's length, the amount included in the profits of both enterprises shall be treated for the purposes of this Article as income from a source in the other State of the enterprise of the first-mentioned State and relief shall be given accordingly under the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of this Article.


In Q109, but April +0.4% MoM; 5 Industry split: steel and shipping continued to see losses; petrochemical , machinery and auto saw smaller earnings drop; coal, building material and trading saw stable profits; tobacco and property saw earnings increase.


更多网络解释与利润相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

gross gross gross receipts receipts receipts:毛利,总利润,销售利润,税

收入毛额,总收入gross gross gross profit profit p... | 毛利,总利润,销售利润,税gross gross gross receipts receipts receipts | 所收毛额,总额收入,销售额group group group life life life insurance insurance ...

profit maximization:利润最大化

(1)人们目前不仅对"利润最大化"(profit maximization)缺乏令人满意的定义,就是对"利润"(profit)也没能下一个科学定义. 利润有直接利润与间接利润之别;...

profit maximization:获取最大利润;最高利润点

profit margin 利润率;利润幅度 | profit maximization 获取最大利润;最高利润点 | profit record 盈利记录

profit maximization:利润极大利化;利润最大化

profile of equilibrium 均衡剖面 | profit maximization 利润极大利化;利润最大化 | promontory 岬(角)

decentralized profit control system:分权的利润管理系统,分散的利润控制系统

decentralized production control 分散生产管理 | decentralized profit control system 分权的利润管理系统,分散的利润控制系统 | decentralized regulator 分散调整器


正如英国学者舍克博士所言:(1)人们目前不仅对"利润最大化"(profit maximization)缺乏令人满意的定义,就是对"利润"(profit)也没能下一个科学定义. 利润有直接利润与间接利润之别;解决了虽然无法识别和度量,但对公司财务的健康发展贡献颇多.

paper profit:账面利润;纸上利润

paper gold 纸黄金 | paper profit 账面利润;纸上利润 | par of exchange 汇兑平价

Taxable Income:应税利润

编辑本段税前会计利润与应税利润的差异 税前会计利润是根据>所确认的收入与费用的差额,而应税利润(taxable income)则是根据税法规定所确认的收入总额与准予扣除项目金额(即可扣除的费用)的差额,又称为应纳税所得额,

Undistributed profits:未分配利润

未分配利润(Undistributed profits) 目录 1 什么是未分配利润 2 未分配利润的核算 3 未分配利润的实质性测试程序 4 未分配利润的错弊及检查 什么是未分配利润 未分配利润是企业未作分配的利润.

Profit-sharing plan:利润分享计划

利润分享计划,利润分享计划吧_互动维吧利润分享计划 利润分享计划(Profit Sharing Plan) 基本定义 利润分享计划是指员工根据其工作绩效而获得一部分公司利润的组织整体激励计划.