英语人>词典>汉英 : 判断的标准 的英文翻译,例句
判断的标准 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与判断的标准相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus there should be a standard about the receivability of flaw evidence: the extent to which the lawsuit part has violated law and invaded others legal rights and interests; is there any other makeup or strengthening; consider the interests of all aspects to judge the adoptability of the flaw evidence.


Chinese company law could be improved through unification of legal norms, clarification of the meaning of terms, and supplement of correlative regulations; Modeling on German and Japanese law, limited norms should be adopted for the object of right to address inquiries. Chinese company law should re-locate the object of right to address inquiries to matters related to topics of general meeting of shareholders. Objective standard should be adopted. Third, by incorporating elements such as beforehand written inquiry, Chinese company law could be further perfected in the area of time, venue, representation and reproduction of right of access to documents. This is a conclusion based on thorough research and summary of practice of various countries. Fourth, the author pointed out the international trend of relaxation of objective limits and specification of subjective limits, and proposed the standards for limitation and the distribution principle of inversion of burden of proof.


The clinical criteria for both diagnosis and efficacy evaluation of disease are also needed. To include all symptoms, tongue manifestations and pulse presentations into case report form, and to compare the differences in these clinical parameters between effective and noneffective cases by multivariate analysis may be helpful to find more specific indications for therapeutic protocol of TCM. Furthermore, It is suggested that two or more clinical trials on one therapeutic protocol are needed to identify its accurate indications.


Proceeding from the above purpose and thinking, the following of research contents is launched that: Chapter one is a part of the prolegomena, and mainly introduce the purpose, meaning, research background, documents survey in which the tax compliance discrimination models concerned. On the basis of the investigation of the critical to taxation, Chapter two reveals the index system, and uses the discriminating analytical method to judge taxpayers" credit, and embodies its standard and methods in judgments. On the disvovery of the investigating taxpayers" microeconomics behavior, Chapter three uses the econometrical modeling methods and data mining technology, establishes Logistic regression model, calculates taxpayer credit measure and gives the empirical analysis; Chapter four gives a work methods and suggestions in practical application of identifying models; It is a conclusion of this paper, which reaffirms the main achievements and viewpoints of this paper.


Only a criterion of judgment and a system of weighting are needed.


Under current practice, consolidation based on voting interest is not appropriable for consolidation of SPE, since the SPE could be es

该方法为解决SPE的合并问题提供了新思路,但山于在上述规定中仍然采用了具体规则(将3%改为 10%)作为判断的标准之一,且可变利益的比较基础存在一定的不确定性,在实务应用中仍然会遇到一定的困难。

Thus there should be a standard about the receivability of flaw evidence: the extent to which the lawsuit part has violated law and invaded others legal rights and interests; is there any other makeup or strengthening; consider the interests of all aspects to judge the adoptability of the flaw evidence.


This is a paper which studies Plato's aesthetics of music comprehensively, discussing his concept of music, the criterion of music judgment, the education of music, theatrocracy and aristocracy, involving every aspect of his music aesthetics.

摘 要:这是一篇全面研究柏拉图音乐美学的论文,讨论了他的音乐的概念、音乐判断的标准、音乐教育以及剧场政体和贵族政体,涉及了柏拉图音乐美学的各个方面。

This is a paper which studies Plato's aesthetics of music comprehensively, discussing his concept of music, the criterion of music judgment, the education of music, theatrocracy and aristocracy, involving every aspect of his music aesthetics.


It also should take the labor relation between the act agent of direct rights violation and responsibility coverers.


更多网络解释与判断的标准相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

as times go:按现在的形势看来, 以目前的标准来判断

as time goes on | 随着时间的推移 | as times go | 按现在的形势看来, 以目前的标准来判断 | as timid as a hare rabbit | 胆小如鼠

as times go:按现在[当时]的形势看来, 以目前[当时]的标准来判断

as time goes on 随着时代的推移 | as times go 按现在[当时]的形势看来, 以目前[当时]的标准来判断 | at a time一次; 同时; 一下子; 每次

crimianl adj.1:犯罪的,犯法的; 2. 与犯罪有关的,弄事的; n.. 犯人,罪犯

credit n..1. 学分; 2. 信用 | crimianl adj.1. 犯罪的,犯法的; 2. 与犯罪有关的,弄事的; n.. 犯人,罪犯 | criteria n..( 判断、决定的)标准,准则


可实现性(Deliverability)一个产品的差异点需要符合可实现性的三项判断标准(criteria). 首先,所创造的差异点必须是可行的. 近几年,航空公司已经聪明地放弃致力于班机准时最佳表现,来作为差异点. 管理阶层认知到,




goto : 跳转到程序标记处(例如 -"label:") | if...then : 标准的"if/then"(如果/那么)判断 | let : 赋值(可选)


"行为决策"的研究对象一般分为"判断"(judgment)和"选扦"(choice)两大类. 因此要寻找行为经济学研究的切人点,对这两个来自于心理学的概念及其相关的研究文献作一个回顾,是非常有必要的. 标准的经济学理论在涉及概率判断的时候,

gross negligence:重大过失

第二,重大过失(gross negligence)标准. 特拉华州法院在1980年代中期,将业务判断规则的标准确定为重大过失. 在Aronson v.Lewis案中,法院第一次采用了这一标准,"当特拉华州法院在判例中采用很多术语来描述可操作性的注意标准的时候,


"在通常业务中应当知道",是用一个通常的"合理的"(Reasonable)"谨慎的"(Prudent)被保险人的标准来衡量个案中特定的被保险人. 判断个案中被保险人是否"应当知道"某一重要情况取决于个案中的具体情况和法官的自由裁量.

viewfinder noun:(照相机的)取景器

process verb 加工,冲洗摄影胶卷 | viewfinder noun(照相机的)取景器 | criterion noun (批评判断的)标准