英语人>词典>汉英 : 创立者 的英文翻译,例句
创立者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
founder  ·  organizer  ·  instaurator  ·  foundered  ·  founders  ·  organiger  ·  fouder

更多网络例句与创立者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She was a founder of the New York School of abstract expressionism.


M an is the artificer of his own happiness.


The BRICs' begetter, Mr O'Neill, does not regret his creation: his "overriding conclusion is that are a good mechanism for pressing rich countries to change their role in managing the global economy more radically."


The development of Buddhistic culture tourism,which is featured and represented by Nanhua Temple,assures a critical effect upon the industry of tourism in North Guangdong so long as we make the best of the role and influence of HuiNeng,the foreruner of Buddhism,in the history of Buddhism and of thought and culture,t...


He is the builder of the great empire .


Mr. Forni is the cofounder of the Johns Hopkins Civility Project and a professor of Italian literature.

它的名字叫《选择文明:行为周到的二十五条法则》作者Piero Massimo Forni(Forni先生是Johns Hopkins文明计划的创立者之一及意大利文学的一名教授)他提出的的文明法则中第一条就是"注意"

He is the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist.


She is the creator of this show.


The founder of the prevailing economical school has therein indicated the double point of view from which the economy of nations, like that of private separate individuals, should be regarded.


It had great products, reflecting the homespun philosophy of its eponymous founder, who declared:"I will never put my name on a product that does not have in it the best that is in me."


更多网络解释与创立者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

coauthor; cofounder:合著者;共同创立者

2) Partner or associate in an activity: 同伴某项活动的合作者或合伙人: | coauthor; cofounder.合著者;共同创立者 | Co-: together with another or others 与他人共同.


Harry Penn 哈利.潘--即潘博士 | Haydon 海顿--海顿IV号星球的创立者 | Henry Gloval 亨利.格罗佛

incorporator:合并者, 法人创立者

population dynamics 种群动态 人口动态 | incorporator 合并者, 法人创立者 | tub-thumper 敲击讲桌滔滔不绝演讲的传教士, 叫嚣者


incorporative 有结合倾向的 | incorporator 法人创立者 | incorporeal 无形体的


illustrator 插图画家,说明者,图解者 | 171.instaurator 重建者,创立者 | curator 管理者,掌管者

institutor:设立者; 创立者; 制定者 (名)

institutional 制度的, 学会的, 公共团体的 (形) | institutor 设立者; 创立者; 制定者 (名) | instruct 教; 命令; 教导 (动)

Establisher, the:创立者

Esslemont, John Ebenezer 约翰.埃比尼泽.埃斯尔蒙特,圣辅,著有Bahá'u'lláh and New Era | Establisher, the 创立者 | Establisher of the Kingdom of the Father, the 天父王国之创立者(指巴哈欧拉)

Establisher of the Kingdom of the Father, the:天父王国之创立者(指巴哈欧拉)

Establisher, the 创立者 | Establisher of the Kingdom of the Father, the 天父王国之创立者(指巴哈欧拉) | Esterabad 艾斯特拉巴德(地名)

Ptolemy I Soter:托勒密一世 埃及马其顿王朝创立者

Lysander 莱桑德 斯巴达将领 | Ptolemy I Soter 托勒密一世 埃及马其顿王朝创立者 | Chandragupta Maurya 旃陀罗笈多 孔雀王朝创立者

Chandragupta Maurya:旃陀罗笈多 孔雀王朝创立者

Ptolemy I Soter 托勒密一世 埃及马其顿王朝创立者 | Chandragupta Maurya 旃陀罗笈多 孔雀王朝创立者 | Hamilcar Barca 哈米尔卡.巴尔卡 汉尼拔之父