英语人>词典>汉英 : 切除 的英文翻译,例句
切除 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ablate  ·  ablation  ·  conciseness  ·  excise  ·  excision  ·  removal  ·  resect  ·  abscise  ·  decerebrate  ·  excide  ·  exscind  ·  ablated  ·  ablates  ·  ablating  ·  abscised  ·  abscises  ·  abscising  ·  excided  ·  exciding  ·  excises  ·  excising  ·  exscinded  ·  exscinding  ·  exscinds  ·  resected  ·  resecting  ·  resects

更多网络例句与切除相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The uncovered tracts and the liver wound surface were managed by some of the methods combined such as high frequency electrocoagulation, titanium clamp, suture, hemostatic gauze oppression, argon-beam coagulation, protein glue adherence, and Endo-GIA switcher. The total operative outcome, operating time, blood loss, postoperative complications and postoperative hospital stay were summarized in order to assess feasibility and safety of the clinical laparoscopic liver resection.Results: 1. Laparoscopic liver resection with clamp dissection method needs only the ordinary laparoscopic equipment. It has a low cost but causes a little more bleeding. 2. Laparoscopic liver resection operated by microwave tissue coagulation method had very little bleeding when dissecting hepatic parenchyma. The operative field is clear and the cost is low. It is a safe, convenient and effective method. 3. Ultrasound dissector is a relatively ideal appliance for laparoscopic liver resection at present because ofless bleeding during operation. But the speed is slow thus prolongs the operation time. Its separating intensity is not strong enough, and it can only be applied to patients without hepatic cirrhosis. 4. Ligsure has clamp dissection and electrocoagulation functions. It can carbonize hepatic tissue including the tracts whose diameters are less than 7mm. It has some advantage in dissecting. However, it has the shortcomings of the clamp dissector during coagulating. 5. Hand-assisted laparoscopic liver resection can make use of the flexibility and feeling of the operators left hand.

结果:1、钳夹分离切肝法不需特殊仪器设备,只要具备常规的腹腔镜器械即可实施,成本低,肝断面较易渗血;2、微波固化切肝法肝实质出血很少,视野清晰,成本低,操作简单,是一种安全、简便、有效的方法;3、超声刀是目前较为理想的切肝器械,术中出血少,但是,切割速度慢,手术时间长,而且,切割强度有限,适用于无肝硬化的肝切除;4、Ligsure具有挤压粉碎及高频电凝止血两大功能,可使包括7~以下管道的肝组织碳化、形成焦痴,具有一定的优势,但是,也存在分离钳电凝止血的缺点;5、手辅助腹腔镜肝切除可以利用术者左手的灵活性及手感,便于术中显露、分离、控制出血等,可随意协助右手及助手的主要操作,缩短了手术时间,大大提高了腹腔镜肝切除的安全性,李朝龙等的改良方法,同样达到了手辅助目的,又节省了费用;6、小切口腹腔镜辅助切肝法可以使用剖腹肝切除常规器械及剖腹肝切除技术,操作简单、可靠,适用于肝左外叶切除及右肝第V段切除;7、Endo一GIA切肝法在离断肝组织的同时闭合管道结构,多用于肝左静脉、门静脉分支、管径较大胆管的切割,缺点是不能用于较厚肝组织的切割,而且价格昂贵;8、临床巧例腹腔镜肝切除均获得成功,手术时间最短1.5h,最长sh,平均125 min,多数在100 min左右,手术出血量最少50 ml,最多500 ml,平均1 78 ml,除2例合并严重肝硬化的原发性肝癌患者术后出现少量腹水,1例术后发生胆漏外,其余无并发症,发生胆漏的1例患者术后住院40d,多数在术后一周左右出院,术后住院时间5一40d,平均gd。

Methods: 1. Experimental laparoscopic liver resection: We selected pigs as experimental models aiming to approach human beings physiological and anatomical condition. After CO2 pneumoperitoneum was established, the ligaments around liver were dissociated. Livers were cut off by the methods such as clamp dissection, microwave tissue coagulator, ultrasound dissector, Ligsure dissection, hand-assisted, short abdominal incision laparoscopy-assisted, and Endo-GIA switcher. The operation time and bleeding volume were compared between different methods of laparoscopic liver resection. The advantages and limitations of different methods were summarized. 2. Clinical laparoscopic liver resection: 15 cases with tumors in segment V of anterior right lobe or segments II, III of left lateral lobe or segment IV of left internal lobe were selected in this study. The liver diseases included hepatocellular cancer, hepatic cavernous hemangioma and hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia. The ligaments around liver were dissociated after CO2 pneumoperitoneum established. Laparoscopic liver resection were carried out by some of the methods combined such as clamp dissection, microwave tissue coagulator, hand-assisted, short abdominal incision laparoscopy-assisted, ultrasound dissector, rotation and suction dissector.


From April 2000 to June 2002, 512 cases of laparoscopical urologic operation have been performed through transperitoneal and retroperitoneal or extraperitoneal approach: 41 cases of nephrectomy, 36 cases of radical nephrectomy, 10 cases of nephroureterectomy with cystoscopic en bloc excision of the distal ureter and bladder cuff, 3 cases of partial nephrectomy, 78 cases of partial adrenalectomy or resection of adenomas, 71 cases of total adrenalectomy, 17 cases of ureterolithotomy, 122 cases of decortication of renal cyst, 1 case of Anderson-Hynes dismembered pyeloplasty, 7 cases of renal pedical lymphatics disconnection, 2 cases of relative living donor nephrectomy.


Methods HALS was used in 202 cases including 94 cases of hepatectomy, 29 cases of splenectomy, 28 cases of modified Sugiura procedure, 4 cases of combined hepatectomyand splenectomy, 41 cases of combined hepatectomy and choledocholithotomy, one case of combinedhepatectomy and total hysterectomy and 5 cases of combined splenectomy with choledocholithotomy.


The average age was 27.8 years, and there were 47.5% patients with malignant change, the average age of them was 35.9 years. The choice of operative procedures included total proctocolectomy with ileostomy in 60 cases (26.0%), subtotal colectomy+rectal polyposis electrocautery in 63 cases (27.3%), total colectomy or proetocolectomy with ileo-anal anastomosis in 12 cases (5.2%), total colectomy or proctocolertomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis in 19 cases (8.2%), subtotal colectomy+rectal mucoscctorny, through the muscular sheath of rectum ileo-anal anastomosis in 22 cases (9.5%), ileal pouch-anal anastomosis in 47 cases (20.3%), and subtotal proctoeoleetomy in 8 cases (3.5%).


(1)Both the liver regeneration and apoptosis are influenced by conspicuous bilirubinemia, hepatectomy and hepatic artery resection in rats after obstructive jaundice, especially by the liver resection volume and conspicuous bilirubinemia.(2) Under the condition of conspicuous bilirubinemia, the influence of 70% PH with HAR on liver regeneration and apoptosis is severer than its counterpart of 42% in the rats. Thus, the former is not safe and should be avoided and the later can be used.


Results Preoperative diagnostic rate was53.6%,and operative resection rate was71.4%,simple cholecystectomy in6cases,cholecystectomy and exploration of the biliary passage in4cases,gallbladder and regional lymphadonectomy in2cases,gallbladder and liver wedge resection and regional lymphadonectomy in6cases,gallblad-der and liver wedge resection and regional lymphadonectomy and right hemicolectomy in1case,and gallbladder and liver wedge resection and regional lymphadonectomy and subtotal gastrectomy and right hemicolectomy in1case.Unre-sectable rate were28.6%,gastro-jejunostomy in2cases,cholecystostomy in1case.Laparotomy exploration only in5cases.

结果 术前确诊率仅为53.6%(15/28),手术切除率为71.4%(20/28),单纯胆囊切除术6例(占21.4%),胆囊切除+总胆管探查4例(占14.3%),胆囊切除+区域淋巴结清扫2例(占7.1%),胆囊+肝楔状切除+区域淋巴结清扫6例(占21.4%),胆囊+肝楔状切除+区域淋巴结清扫+右半结肠切除1例(占3.6%),胆囊+肝楔状切除+区域淋巴结清扫+胃大部切除+右半结肠切除1例(占3.6%),未切除率为28.6%,胃-空肠吻合术2例(占7.1%),胆囊造瘘1例(占3.6%),仅做剖腹探查术5例(占17.9%)。

Result: all the 82 cases,15 were treated with right hemihepatectomy,26 with left hemihepatectomy,10 with quadrate lobectomy,7 with right posterior lobectomy,24 with localization lobectomy.postoperative pathdogic:75 were liver cell carcinoma,7 were carcinoma of bileduct.one case with postoperative hemorrhea,hemostated by reoperation.3 patients with biliary fistula,2 cases were cured by drainage,1 case was cured by ercp.no one died in operation.10(12.2%) died in half year,27(32.9%) died in one year.conclusion: control the indication and amount of heratectomy,contral hemorrhea,treat incised wound of liver correctly and prevent postoperative complications ,that can guarantee the effect of hepatectomy.


The resection electrode types include: a hand-crafted, temperature-resistant tungsten wire-cutting loop; a coagulating perforated resector that provides a 40% greater coagulation zone than standard cutting loops and performs cutting and coagulation simultaneously during tissue resection; a dimpled vaporization roller that offers a smoother area of vaporization than a grooved roller while providing deep-tissue coagulation; a roller ball and roller barrel, which are used for coagulation and ablation of soft tissue in the bladder and prostate (the roller ball may also be used for endometrial ablation in the uterus); and a Collings knife that allows urologists access to all areas of the prostate and is most commonly used for ureteral meatotomy and transurethral incision of the prostate.


Surgical procedures included eight proximal pancreatectomies, three total pancreatectomies, nine distal pancreatectomies, and three tumor enucleations from the pancreatic head. Three patients had superior mesenteric vein reconstruction, six had liver resection, one had an extended periaortic node dissection, 11 had splenectomy, and one had left nephrectomy.


更多网络解释与切除相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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