英语人>词典>汉英 : 分隔 的英文翻译,例句
分隔 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
separately  ·  septation  ·  space  ·  spaced  ·  abjoint  ·  abjunction  ·  compart  ·  partitionment  ·  spaces  ·  comparted  ·  comparting  ·  comparts

box off
更多网络例句与分隔相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bonnie and Clyde were apolitical, but it's impossible to imagine them without

Bonnie and Clyde)是非政治的,但也不可能将他们的存在和大萧条的背景分隔开来;Pardue兄弟是非政治的,但也不可能将他们的存在和越战分隔开来。

You can import Microsoft Cardfile .crd files and delimited text files and export ASCII and delimited text files.


Many kinds of the drainage equipment paving closed system, surface drainage and underground drainage are introduced in this paper, and including the planning of the drainage equipment , the key points in the construction and greening proposes in the central mall.


In this paper,making use of hyperplane method,we improve the proof of the separation theorem;On the other hand,we use a new method of moving neighborhood to simplify the proof for the continuity of a subconvex function defined on a convex in a normed linear space.


In fact, I think that contemporary arts are a key to some investigation of our own soul. As an example, the Picasso's cubist works are reflecting the separation between people, which is an unconscious separation.


Dimensions were carried from view to view by dividers-when different scales were in use, by proportional dividers.


Based on the analysis of planting site of median strip in Taiyuan Jiuguan Expresswayt the afforestation species selection principle , procedure and species are determined.


Results: MR demonstrated capsule wall and papillary solid lesions in one case with cystic and solid lesions of hepatobiliary cystadenoma. Poly cystic form tan if different sine in sew case, capsule wall and septation was thick, part of capsule wall was obviously thickened and nodes form, intrahepatic bile duct was dilated, large poly-antrum cystic keen form structure in one case, capsule wall and septation were smooth, part of capsule wall was uniformly thicken, capsule wall, septation, mural nodus form and solid lesions in three cases wee all slightly hyperintense on T2WI and slightly hypointense on T1WI. Part of cyst fluid was hypointense on T2WI the diameter if tumor ranged from 3.4cm to 13.5cm. Part of capsule wall, septation, solid lesions and mural nodus west obviously enhanced in arterial phase in three cases, the extent of enhancement showed a little degrade in port vein phase, balance phase and delay phase, but dense to liver parenchyma at synchronization.


B, Cross-sectional scan at the lower abdomen of a different patient shows somewhat turbid ascites with relatively thick and incomplete mobile septations.

图1 A,下腹部横切面扫描显示腹水相对清晰,其内发现有不完全可活动的分隔。B,另一病人下腹部横切面扫描显示腹水混浊,分隔相对增厚,有不完全的分隔,可活动。

B, Cross-sectional scan at the lower abdomen of a different patient shows somewhat turbid ascites with relatiely thick and incomplete mobile septations.

图1 A,下腹部横切面扫描显示腹水相对清晰,其内发现有不完全可活动的分隔。B,另一病人下腹部横切面扫描显示腹水混浊,分隔相对增厚,有不完全的分隔,可活动。

更多网络解释与分隔相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


资料文件 (在预设情况下) 对齐左边界使用单独的一行上的每个栏位和 end - of - 记录码隔开每个资料录卷动合并资料. 在所有版本的 Word, 每笔记录包含由, 分隔符号 (Delimiter) 分隔的栏位并由强制换是分隔每个资料录.

median barrier:中央分隔带护栏

中央分隔带|median separator | 中央分隔带护栏|median barrier | 中央分隔带开口|median opening

Sep Separator:分隔字符;分隔器

sensor 传感器 | Sep. separator 分隔字符;分隔器 | separator 分隔

separating character:分隔字元 分隔字符

sensor 感测器 传感器 | separating character 分隔字元 分隔字符 | separator 分隔符;分隔分隔

separating file:分隔页文件

separated file 分隔页文件 | separating file 分隔页文件 | separator bar 分隔线

separating file:分隔页文件 分隔档案

separated file 分隔页文件 分隔档案 | separating file 分隔页文件 分隔档案 | separator bar 分隔线 分隔线


(1)分隔片(shim)管理因为重复进行模具维护,冲头及模具入子部份内的分隔片会增加,若不进行适当的管理,即使模具已进行维护,也会立即发生问题. 只要限制分隔片的数量即可. (2)脱料螺栓脱模螺栓经长期使用後,


对於显示和浏览资讯而言,这个安排非常的有效率. 拥有两个面板可以让您汇总 (Aggregate) 区域中的资讯,而分隔列 (或「分隔器」) 则可以让使用者更容易调整面板的大小. 描述如何在 SplitContainer 控制项中控制分隔器 (Splitter) 的方向.

characters delimited:字元分隔 ,字符分隔

center justify ,區塊置中對齊 ,列塊居中 , | characters delimited ,字元分隔 ,字符分隔 , | clear all bookmarks ,清除所有書籤 ,清除所有書簽 ,

characters delimited:字符分隔 字元分隔

center justify 列块居中 区块置中对齐 | characters delimited 字符分隔 字元分隔 | clear all bookmarks 清除所有书签 清除所有书签