英语人>词典>汉英 : 分配者 的英文翻译,例句
分配者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
dispenser  ·  distributor  ·  sharer  ·  allocatee

更多网络例句与分配者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In other words, beware government's economic control, and woe betide the redistributors.


We should become the common definer of the "new concept of responsibility", the distributor and bearer of the responsibility to maintain world order, the sharer of the i...


Remember that it was not against the rules to call a designator.


As the main distributer (a team high 6.7 assists per game), he usually saw the most pressure from their opponents, getting doubled sometimes.


He said to him," Mister, who has made me a divider?"


He turned to his disciples and said to them,"I am not a divider, am I?"


If the Roman Paterfamilias was visibly steward of the family possessions, if the Hindoo father is only joint-sharer with his sons, still more emphatically must the true patriarchal chieftain be merely the administrator of a common fund.


In conditions in which the dictator perceived himself as the receipt of the action, the dictator was more likely to show self-regarding behavior; in conditions in which the dictator perceived the opponent as the recipient of action, the dictator was more likely to show other-regarding behavior, i.e., giving more generously to the opponent.


However, we know that the socialism which has functioned in Spain and Chile - the socialism that I support - is the socialism of the market in which the government intervenes as a regulator and redistributor of income.


The payoffs for the opponent were smaller under the frames of "self","gain","lose","take","self-gain" and "other-give" than under the frames of "other","give","self-give" and "other-gain".


更多网络解释与分配者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Resource allocator:资源分配者

eader监听者(Monitor) 传播者(Disseminator) 发言人(Spokesperson)搜寻、接收和筛选信息 传递信息给他人障碍处理者(Disturbance handler) 谈判者(Negotiator)资源分配者(Resource allocator)制定计划,建立秩序5用通货膨胀率来表示预算约束,

allottee:被分予者, 接受分配物者

allotted amount of payment | 支出分配数 | allottee | 被分予者, 接受分配物者 | allotype | 同种抗免疫球蛋白


dispenser /药剂师/配药员/分配者/ | dispenses /分配/分与/ | dispensing /配方/配药/


distributive lattice 分配点阵分配点阵 | distributively 分配上地 | distributor 分配者


counter 计数员 | grunter 咕哝者,哼的人 | 146.alloter 分配者


shareout 配给物 | sharer 分配者 | shareware disks 共享软件盘


allocate 分派 | allocatee 分配者 | allocation 分配

allocatee:分配者, 受分配者

allocatedchannel | 指配信道 | allocatee | 分配者, 受分配者 | allocation of funds | 资金分配


allot 分配 | allotee 受分配者 | allotheism 异神崇拜

Respondents widely distributed:參加者廣泛的分配

Information needed quickly = 資訊很快的需要 | Respondents widely distributed = 參加者廣泛的分配 | Respondent has suppressed or buried information = 參加者有掩瞞或是壓止訊息