英语人>词典>汉英 : 分裂的 的英文翻译,例句
分裂的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
disrupt  ·  disruptive  ·  divisive  ·  rent  ·  schismatic  ·  fissive  ·  partite  ·  schismatical  ·  disrupted  ·  disrupting  ·  disrupts  ·  renting  ·  rents  ·  fissus

更多网络例句与分裂的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To investigate whether the expression of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in spermatogenic cells during spermatogenesis is actually a temperature dependent event, in situ hybridization, Western blotting and immunohistochemistry analysis were used to study the expression of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in normal and cryptorchid testis. Results showed that heat would differentially hurt male germ cells in different developmental stages during spermatogenesis, especially the pachytene primary spermatocytes. Most of spermatogonia in contralateral cryptorchid testis were not harmed fatally by heat as yet, indicating that spermatogonia could resist to beat to a certain extent. In this case spermatogonia could develop to pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes, but they could not acquire the ability to complete the transition from mitosis to meiosis, and then appeared to go through apoptosis. Therefore, we could not find the descendants of meiosis: secondary spermatocytes and round spermatids, elongated spermatids and spermatozoon. The abdominal temperature had no significant influence on the transcription of cdc2 and cyclin B1 in the spermatogonia and pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes. In normal rabbit testis, cyclin B1 increased in the pachytene/diplotene primary spermatocytes before meiosis and reached its peak in the spermatids.

为了解精子正常发生过程中cdc2和cyclin B1表达的低温依赖性,我们利用原位杂交和免疫组化等方法,研究了正常和隐睾精子发生过程中cdc2和cyclin B1的转录和翻译调控活动,结果表明:(1)热对各阶段的雄性生殖细胞都有损害,粗线期的初级精母细胞尤为敏感,实验性隐睾内的精原细胞尚未完全受到"致命"影响,说明精原细胞对热有一定的耐受性,但即使成为粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞,却未能获得由有丝分裂过渡到减数分裂的能力,呈现不同程度的凋亡,所以在整个切片中找不到源自减数分裂的产物----次级精母细胞、圆形精子细胞,更谈不上长形精子细胞和精子的形成;(2)腹腔高温未明显地影响隐睾精原细胞和粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞中cyclinB1和cdc2的转录,说明高温并不是通过影响cyclin B1和cdc2的转录活动而导致生精过程阻断的;(3)正常兔睾丸组织中,〓在精原细胞和粗线期/双线期精母细胞中均有表达:cyclin B1蛋白在减数分裂前期的粗线期/双线期初级精母细胞中的表达量增加,于变态末期的精子细胞中达高峰。

Endomitosis The duplication of chromosomes without division of the nucleus, causing polyploidy and leading to an increase in nuclear and cytoplasmic volume.


The completely diagonalized Hamiltonian matrices of 3d2/3d8 ion configuration in the trigonal symmetry have been established by irreducible representation method. Taken into account the influence of the spin-spin coupling interactions omitted in previous publications, the spectra and the constants of crystal structure and zero-field splitting parameters of CsNiCl3 crystal and CsNiCl3: Mg2+ crystal are calculated and the influence of the doping to the spectra, the constants of crystal structure, zero-field splitting parameters and Jahn-Teller effect are studied. The results show that doping can change the structure of crystal which brings about the changes in the spectra and zero-field splitting parameters as well as Jahn-Teller effect.


The primary sporogenous cells divided into the second sporogenous cells which would turn into microspore mother cells in a microsporangium. The cytokinesis in meiosis of the microspore mother cells was of modified simultaneous type, forming the decussate, isobilateral or T-shaped tetrads.


At the first time, the study of misdivision pattern of homoeologous group 5monosomic univerlants from North Chinese common wheat was conducted. The results indicated that there were 37 orietation patterns in 27cobinations including nine cultivars and three chromosomes . According to analysis of 37 orientation patterns, four misdivision patterns were discovered.

介过去的有关痔通小麦〔T.emL.lit Jt$数分裂单体单价体错分裂的研究中,大多集中在错分裂频率及单双极分丸,而X、1上错分裂方式的研究则很小,几乎是一个被忽砚的问题'"''、1%6年R.M.rsk曾把普通小麦羊体单价体的错分裂归结为两纨包括一条染色单体的错分裂及包括两条染色单体的错分裂"。

The samples were smeared on slides and stained with Giemsas stain. The stained smears were observed microscopically and photographed. It showed that except typical trophozoites in binary fission. the following trophozoites of abnormal morphs were also observed. for instance abnormal trophozoites with binary fission; enlarged trophozoites with round and irregular shaped eosinophilic bodies in the cell plasma; enlarged cells containing round and irregular shaped eosinophilic bodies and flagella; enlarged cells which contain 6 or 8 nuclear-like bodies and flagella, 3 or 4 embryonic forms of daughter trophozoite in one mother trophozoite; 4 trophozoite embryonic forms with fused plasma 3 trophozoites with fused plasma;4 trophozoites with fused plasma; a pair of trophozoite with binary fission fused with another trophozoite;2 pairs of trophozoite with binary fission fused each other; a trophozoite with 1 nuclear only.

结果 除观察到典型的营二分裂法繁殖的贾第虫滋养体外,还可见到多种形态异常的虫体,包括;虫体呈非典型二分裂;滋养体胀大,胞质中有团块状和不规则形状的嗜酸性物质;在胀大的贾第虫细胞内含有团块状和不规则形状的嗜酸性物质以及鞭毛;在胀大的贾第虫细胞内含有6或8个核状物以及鞭毛;在一个母体细胞中含有3或4个子体细胞的雏形;胞质互相融合的4个滋养体的雏形;胞质互相触合的3个滋养体,胞质互相融合的4个滋养体;1对营二分裂的滋养体与另一个滋养休互相融合;2对营二分裂的滋养体互相融合;仅有1个细胞核的滋养体。

The primary sporogenous cells divided into the second sporogenous cells which would turn into microspore mother cells in a microsporangium. The cytokinesis in meiosis of the microspore mother cells was of modified simultaneous type, forming the decussate, isobilateral or T-shaped tetrads.


It was showed that throughout the nuclear division, nuclear membrane did not disintegrate,lamina always existed; But only one lamin peptide (similar to lamin B in higher eukaryotes) was expressed during division,ant its expression quantity changed according to the progress of division: in interphase, lamin was constant; when entering G1 phase, lamin increased sharply; then, increased slowly untill division finished.

结果表明:在整个核分裂过程中,核膜不崩解,核纤层结构一直存在;但随着分裂的进展,始终只有一种成分(类似于高等生物lamin B )的表达;其表达量随着分裂时相的推移而变化:间期时,比较恒定,进入G1期时明显增加;以后不断略有增加,直到分裂完成。

Within the complicated environment of contemporary society (or pre-modern, modern, postmodern in China), a "split" man (obviously with partly "split personality" and partly "split mentality"), or in my words, a "split city man", if Marcuse built up his theory of "one-dimensional man" in terms of social stratification, would become an offspring generated in the contemporary social environment with "its" reference to "everyone affected by modernization"(city man, country man unassimilated or assimilating in city and the "minority" being encroached by city culture).


Alternative layers of target material 〓 are irradiated with (47.5 MeV/u)〓 ions, the ternary fission events of hot nuclei are verified and the probabilityratioes of ternary fission relative to binary fission with projectile energy from25Mev/u to 47.5MeV/u are measured and reprodurced with calculation result ofstatistical cascade fission model program written by myself. The fact that ternaryfission at low excitation energy come from cascade fission is shown.

5MeV/u〓束轰击Bi靶时,用叠层靶技术,实验证明了热核三分裂变确实存在,并测量了25MeV/u~47.5MeV/u 〓三分裂变相对于二分裂的三二比的激发曲线,利用自编级联统计模型程序,模拟了低温热核的三分裂相对于二分裂的几率,结果也表明在较低激发时热核三分裂是级联三分裂。

更多网络解释与分裂的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


amitosis 无丝分裂 | amitotic 无丝分裂的 | amixia 交配不能

autotomic:自断的 自作手术的, 自身分裂的

autotitrator | 自动滴定器 | autotomic | 自断的 自作手术的, 自身分裂的 | autotomize | 自割, 自行分裂


正常有絲分裂;模式有絲分裂 eumitosis | 正常有絲分裂的 eumitotic | 正交 direct cross

fissiparous:分裂生殖的; 有分裂倾向的; 分裂的 (形)

fissionable 可引起核分裂的; 可分裂的 (形) | fissiparous 分裂生殖的; 有分裂倾向的; 分裂的 (形) | fissure 裂缝, 裂隙 (名)


karyokinesis 核分裂 | karyokinetic 有丝分裂的 | karyology (细胞)核学


loam soil 壤土 | lobate 分裂的 | lobated 分裂的


lobate 分裂的 | lobated 分裂的 | lobation 缺刻

meiotic drive:减数分裂的驱动力

meiotic division 成熟分裂 | meiotic drive 减数分裂的驱动力 | meissen green 迈森绿


局部分裂卵;偏裂卵 meroblast | 局部分裂的;偏裂卵 meroblastic | 不全裂卵;偏裂卵 meroblastic egg


mitotic 有丝分裂的 | mitotic 间接核分裂的 | mitotic 间接核分裂的