英语人>词典>汉英 : 分明 的英文翻译,例句
分明 的英文翻译、例句


clearly demarcated · sharply contoured
更多网络例句与分明相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This transformation creates a space for observation via a repetitious composition that plays on light and a strong sense of contrast.


Her red face, voluptuous complexion, scarlet and plim lip, plump breast are so charming; you could see from her jet black eyes, even without eyeballs, the abstruseness evidently, showing lost heartthrob and lure like ancient sculpture. Modigliani descibed body with gentle and fluent S-curve repeatedly, and the orange red and orange yellow complexion just enwinded against the fired background. Life bursted at this time, more red than blood.


The eastern limits of the Pacific are sharply marked by the west coast of the Americas. the only major breaks are the Aleutian Islands and lower California.


As applications of the imbedding theorem, a fuzzy version of the well-known Urysohn metrizable theorem and the general theory of the fuzzy Stone-Cech compactification are given.


A pointwise characterization of fuzzy complete regularity is yielded by means of the Q- neighborhood structures and some algebraic properties of certain class of maps in lattices. The Weil theorem on fuzzy uniformity and the general imbedding theorem in the fuzzy basic cube are established.


The man's image at the foot of the mountain, which is representative of the ancient people, is small, while the images of a modern touring group on the top of the mountain are much larger.


Trust is strength in all relations of life; and, as it is the office of the constitutional reformer to create conditions of trustfulness, so it is the office of the administrative organizer to fit administration with conditions of clear-cut responsibility which shall insure trustworthiness.


The L-fuzzy unit interval and the L-fuzzy real line are pointwise uniformizable.


The article proposes a Rough set concept of impartibility pattern of the properties and their relationships, which is based on the theoryof properties reduction by use of the method of matrixs. The article presents a method of condition property and values of the property reduction.

摘 要:基于属性约简的分明矩阵方法的思想,该文提出了Rough 集不可分明属性模式和属性关系的概念,给出了基于二进制的条件属性约简和属性值约简方法,结果说明,该方法比传统的Rough 集理论中的方法更简便、快捷。

Whitman's poem look more Americanized, it shows a very clear American characteristics, and is full of American consciousness.


更多网络解释与分明相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Role ambiguity:角色模糊,暧昧、职责不够分明,甚至连职称与职务都一团乱

Person-role conflict:個人內心的天人交戰. | Role Ambiguity 角色模糊,曖昧、職責不夠分明,甚至連職稱與職務都一團亂 . | Role Overload工作負荷過重.

An ignorance beheld:分明迷惘闪露

But in each other's eyes 但你我眼中 | An ignorance beheld 分明迷惘闪露, | Diviner than the childhood's, 圣洁赛过童真,

chiseled:凿刻的, 轮廓分明的

proteinogen 蛋白原 | chiseled 凿刻的, 轮廓分明的 | first division 甲级(由联赛中较强的队组成)


aggravate 使恶化, 加重 | chiseled 轮廓分明的 | agility 敏捷


LIP 嘴唇 | Clear-cut 轮廓分明的 | Curled-up 上翘的

lost count:弄不分明

5) save your breath 省口吻吧, | 2) lost count 弄不分明 | 3) be in another world 肉体恍惚,了解


无论遇到什么困难,都能够发现问题,并能当机立断( Willing to make decisions.) 解决问题的人,条理分明的(Logical)、有效进行时间管理(Can organize my time efficiently.)的人,自然能在激烈的竞争中胜出.

Black Melano:魚身深藍色黑尾 or 魚身深灰色黑尾. 兩種色好分明, 不混雜

Marble --- 大理石花紋 | Black Melano --- 魚身深藍色黑尾 or 魚身深灰色黑尾. 兩種色好分明, 不混雜 | Black lace --- 魚身可有藍色、綠色、金色; 魚身顏色欲中央擴散至尾部, 兩種色混雜一起

Black Melano:魚身深蓝色黑尾或者魚身深灰色黑尾. 两种颜色色好分明, 不混杂

Marble 大理石花纹 | Black Melano 魚身深蓝色黑尾或者魚身深灰色黑尾. 两种颜色色好分明, 不混杂 | Black lace 魚身可有蓝色、绿色、金色; 魚身颜色欲中央扩散至尾部, 两种色混杂在一起

条理分明的回答 an orderly room 洁净的房间:an orderly answer

orderly 有序的 | an orderly answer 条理分明的回答 an orderly room 洁净的房间 | 2 friendly(表示人物):友好的,友谊的