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分批出现 的英文翻译、例句


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更多网络例句与分批出现相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Was admitted to hospital on October 6, 2007, diagnostic schizophrenia, the sulfur that use Kui is smooth increase by degrees law, be admitted to hospital sulfur of 3 weeks of Kui is smooth add send 600 Mg/d, patient spirit symptom is improved somewhat, already dare contact with people, but be certain the husband has an affair, the sulfur that add Kui makes the same score 800 Mg/d, when treating the 7th week, the patient becomes aware the whole body is faint, accept is poor, measure temperature 9 ℃ of 37 ·, morrow double legs appears erythema to weighing out, local strut, the about 1 hip inside week, back, prothorax appears group by group erythema, patient skin itchs somewhat feeling, temperature 39 ℃, kui sulfur makes the same score out of service to fight constituent amine medicaments, vein is pushed note dextrose acerbity calcium and vein drop to note vitamin C, remedial 10d, erythema disappears.

于2007年10月6日入院,诊断精神分裂症,用奎硫平递增法,入院3周奎硫平加致600 mg/d,患者精神症状有所改善,已敢和人们接触,但坚信丈夫有外遇,增奎硫平800 mg/d,治疗第7周时,患者觉全身无力,纳差,测体温37·9℃,次日双下肢对称出现红斑,局部肿胀,约1周内臀部、背部、前胸分批出现红斑,患者皮肤略有痒感,体温39℃,停用奎硫平给抗组织胺药物,静脉推注葡萄糖酸钙及静脉滴注维生素C,治疗10d,红斑消失。

Manifested as skin petechia, multi-appeared in the lower limbs around the joints and buttocks, purpura was symmetrical distribution, in batches appear vary in size, color, different shades can be blended into a film, usually subsides in a few days, but can be recurrent; the patient may have gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal cramps paroxysmal or persistent dull pain, etc.; to the section of pain; kidney symptoms such as proteinuria, hematuria, and so on, more common in children.


更多网络解释与分批出现相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

prurigo nodularis:结节性痒疹

数目不定,丘疹顶部有微小的水疱,但水疱常被抓破而不见,疱破后表面留有浆液性结痂,损害分批出现,引起剧烈瘙痒,由于长期搔抓可出现抓痕、苔藓化及色素沉着,少数病例愈后留有点状结疤. 3.结节性痒疹(Prurigo nodularis) 亦称疣状顽固性

prurigo simplex:单纯性痒疹

2、 单纯性痒疹(Prurigo Simplex)发生于成年人. 损害为绿豆至豌豆大小弧立的圆形丘疹,丘疹顶部有微小的水疱, 疱破后表面留有浆液性结痂, 皮损数目不定,损害分批出现,剧烈瘙痒. 由于长期搔抓可出现湿疹样改变及色素沉着. 皮疹好发于四肢伸侧及躯干等部位.