英语人>词典>汉英 : 减肥 的英文翻译,例句
减肥 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
reduce  ·  reduces

lose weight · reduce weight
更多网络例句与减肥相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

DESCRIPTION:Aborb Fat Formula Slimming Point Patch is meticulously made from refined natural herbal ingredients mainly including LingZhi,Hawthorn Fruit,Danshen Root, Root of Multijugate Sweetvetch,and Loquat Leaf.

供应减肥减肥用品联系电话:13410864955 联系人:伍小姐吸收配方减肥穴位贴 Absorb Fat Formula Slimming Point Patch吸油配方-减肥穴位贴是以灵芝,山楂,丹参,黄芪,枇杷叶等天然成分为主要原料精心配制而成。

"After the first week on LipoPuze, I knew it was working. After the first few days, my appetite went away. In fact, I didn't feel I needed to eat anything for 5 hours. I know that is not the best way to lose weight, but I started to see results right away. I started losing weight and within two weeks, I had already lost twice the weight I did with Alli. The great part about LipoPuze is that it made me feel less hungry and it didn't really require me to change the way I eat or the way I exercise, but it automatically does it for me. LipoPuze is a life saver. Thanks for a product that actually helps me lose weight."

&在使用LipoPuze一星期后,我非常兴奋的感觉到了它的效果再之后的几天怎样才能减肥里,我的胃口减少了事实上,我不在需要在5小时内不停的吃东西我知道这不是最好的减肥方式,但我开始看到结果了我开始减肥,并在两个星期内,我已经减掉了两倍的重量伟大的部分, LipoPuze它让我感觉不到饿了,它确实改变了我饮食习惯,但它会自动为我减肥 LipoPuze是一种生活程序感谢您的产品,实际上帮助我减肥。&

"After the first week on LipoPuze, I knew it was working. After the first few days, my appetite went away. In fact, I didn't feel I needed to eat anything for 5 hours. I know that is not the best way to lose weight, but I started to see results right away. I started losing weight and within two weeks, I had already lost twice the weight I did with Alli. The great part about LipoPuze is that it made me feel less hungry and it didn't really require me to change the way I eat or the way I exercise, but it automatically does it for me. LipoPuze is a life saver. Thanks for a product that actually helps me lose weight."

&在使用LipoPuze一星期后,我非常兴奋的感觉到了它的效果再之后的几天冬季一周减肥食谱里,我的胃口减少了事实上,我不在需要在5小时内不停的吃东西我知道这不是最好的减肥方式,但我开始看到结果了我开始减肥,并在两个星期内,我已经减掉了两倍的重量伟大的部分, LipoPuze它让我感觉不到饿了,它确实改变了我饮食习惯,但它会自动为我减肥 LipoPuze是一种生活程序感谢您的产品,实际上帮助我减肥。&

"After the first week on LipoPuze, I knew it was working. After the first few days, my appetite went away. In fact, I didn't feel I needed to eat anything for 5 hours. I know that is not the best way to lose weight, but I started to see results right away. I started losing weight and within two weeks, I had already lost twice the weight I did with Alli. The great part about LipoPuze is that it made me feel less hungry and it didn't really require me to change the way I eat or the way I exercise, but it automatically does it for me. LipoPuze is a life saver. Thanks for a product that actually helps me lose weight."

&在使用LipoPuze一星期后,我非常兴奋的感觉到了它的效果再之后的几天腿部吸脂手术多少钱里,我的胃口减少了事实上,我不在需要在5小时内不停的吃东西我知道这不是最好的减肥方式,但我开始看到结果了我开始减肥,并在两个星期内,我已经减掉了两倍的重量伟大的部分, LipoPuze它让我感觉不到饿了,它确实改变了我饮食习惯,但它会自动为我减肥 LipoPuze是一种生活程序感谢您的产品,实际上帮助我减肥。&

"After the first week on LipoPuze, I knew it was working. After the first few days, my appetite went away. In fact, I didn't feel I needed to eat anything for 5 hours. I know that is not the best way to lose weight, but I started to see results right away. I started losing weight and within two weeks, I had already lost twice the weight I did with Alli. The great part about LipoPuze is that it made me feel less hungry and it didn't really require me to change the way I eat or the way I exercise, but it automatically does it for me. LipoPuze is a life saver. Thanks for a product that actually helps me lose weight."

&在使用LipoPuze一星期后,我非常兴奋的感觉到了它的效果再之后的几天简单瘦身运动里,我的胃口减少了事实上,我不在需要在5小时内不停的吃东西我知道这不是最好的减肥方式,但我开始看到结果了我开始减肥,并在两个星期内,我已经减掉了两倍的重量伟大的部分, LipoPuze它让我感觉不到饿了,它确实改变了我饮食习惯,但它会自动为我减肥 LipoPuze是一种生活程序感谢您的产品,实际上帮助我减肥。&

"After the first week on LipoPuze, I knew it was working. After the first few days, my appetite went away. In fact, I didn't feel I needed to eat anything for 5 hours. I know that is not the best way to lose weight, but I started to see results right away. I started losing weight and within two weeks, I had already lost twice the weight I did with Alli. The great part about LipoPuze is that it made me feel less hungry and it didn't really require me to change the way I eat or the way I exercise, but it automatically does it for me. LipoPuze is a life saver. Thanks for a product that actually helps me lose weight."

&在使用LipoPuze一星期后,我非常兴奋的感觉到了它的效果再之后的几天美容健康减肥里,我的胃口减少了我知道这不是最好的减肥方式,但我开始看到结果了我开始减肥,并在两个星期内,我已经减掉了两倍的重量伟大的部分, LipoPuze它让我感觉不到饿了,它确实改变了我饮食习惯,但它会自动为我减肥 LipoPuze是一种生活程序感谢您的产品,实际上帮助我减肥。&

"After the first week on LipoPuze, I knew it was working. After the first few days, my appetite went away. In fact, I didn't feel I needed to eat anything for 5 hours. I know that is not the best way to lose weight, but I started to see results right away. I started losing weight and within two weeks, I had already lost twice the weight I did with Alli. The great part about LipoPuze is that it made me feel less hungry and it didn't really require me to change the way I eat or the way I exercise, but it automatically does it for me. LipoPuze is a life saver. Thanks for a product that actually helps me lose weight."

&在使用LipoPuze一星期后,我非常兴奋的感觉到了它的效果再之后的几天明星减肥神医里,我的胃口减少了事实上,我不在需要在5小时内不停的吃东西我知道这不是最好的减肥方式,但我开始看到结果了我开始减肥,并在两个星期内,我已经减掉了两倍的重量伟大的部分, LipoPuze它让我感觉不到饿了,它确实改变了我饮食习惯,但它会自动为我减肥 LipoPuze是一种生活程序感谢您的产品,实际上帮助我减肥。&

"After the first week on LipoPuze, I knew it was working. After the first few days, my appetite went away. In fact, I didn't feel I needed to eat anything for 5 hours. I know that is not the best way to lose weight, but I started to see results right away. I started losing weight and within two weeks, I had already lost twice the weight I did with Alli. The great part about LipoPuze is that it made me feel less hungry and it didn't really require me to change the way I eat or the way I exercise, but it automatically does it for me. LipoPuze is a life saver. Thanks for a product that actually helps me lose weight."

&在使用LipoPuze一星期后,我非常兴奋的感觉到了它的效果再之后的几天迅速减肥妙招里,我的胃口减少了事实上,我不在需要在5小时内不停的吃东西我知道这不是最好的减肥方式,但我开始看到结果了我开始减肥,并在两个星期内,我已经减掉了两倍的重量伟大的部分, LipoPuze它让我感觉不到饿了,它确实改变了我饮食习惯,但它会自动为我减肥 LipoPuze是一种生活程序感谢您的产品,实际上帮助我减肥。&

Following his influential book Existence and ridiculous: study on underground red-light districts in China (Qunyan press, 1999), the author went to one of the same sites to collect more in-depth cases from female sex workers, madams/managers, pimps, male clients and those po教学,范文,教案,论文,课件,试题,评课,说课,板书,教学反思,课程改革,计划总结,公文,美容,瑜伽,笑话,减肥licemen cracking down sex work.


Is your new year dieting resolution running out of steam many new year dieting resolutions is now running out of steam in britain, a survey shows, despite a trend towards longer-term dieting as oppos


更多网络解释与减肥相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

reduce abdomen:腹部减肥

122.减肥护理diet care | 123.腹部减肥 reduce abdomen | 124.打耳孔 pierce ears

Bantingism:班廷式减肥疗法 (名)

banting 减肥疗法 (名) | Bantingism 班廷式减肥疗法 (名) | bantling 婴孩; 小孩 (名)

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diet care:减肥护理

121.手部护理 hand care | 122.减肥护理diet care | 123.腹部减肥 reduce abdomen


diet pill [美口]减肥丸 | dieter (旨在减肥的)节食者 | balanced diet 均衡饮食(包括身体所需要的各种营养及其科学含量)

Weight loss xylitol:减肥木糖醇

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Slimming Massaging Gel:减肥按摩者哩

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Slimming Massaging Cream:减肥按摩霜

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Weight loss chewable tablet:减肥咀嚼片

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