英语人>词典>汉英 : 减去 的英文翻译,例句
减去 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deduct  ·  detract  ·  less  ·  minus  ·  subduct  ·  subtract  ·  subtracted  ·  subtraction  ·  subduce  ·  deducted  ·  deducting  ·  deducts  ·  detracted  ·  detracting  ·  detracts  ·  subducted  ·  subducting  ·  subtracts

take sth off
更多网络例句与减去相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In other words, it measures a device's acceleration minus the force of gravity that the object is experiencing.


Net Working Capital - Equal to Current Assets (e.g. cash, inventory, accounts receivable) less Current Liabilities (e.g. accounts payable, accrued expenses).


The increase of these current assets are deducted from net income, the increase of current liabilities such as accounts payable, accrued liabilities, income taxes payable are added to net income.


The Effect of Stellar Spots on the Apparent Magnitude, Colour and Apparent Lithium Abundance of Stars


Aiming at the multiple loop structures in quality management process network, an improved graph pattern mining approach based on Apriori algorithm is put forward, where a frequent pattern of size k, denoted as G, is joined with another frequent pattern of size k, denoted as G, to form a candidate frequent pattern of size (k+1), if there exists a source vertex s in G and a sink vertex e in G such that the graph derived from G by subtracting node s equals with the graph derived from G G by subtracting node e.


Figure and show the level of agree fent btween the original and the total score minus OSCE and the total score minus clinical,respectively .

数字和显示的同意fent btween原件和总分减去欧安组织和总分减去临床分别。

The words "less 5" tell us we need a minus sign because we're going to subtract five.


The amount of financing capitalization to be requested by party B will be no less than 30 Million Uniter States Dollars($30000000)for a minimum term of the(10)years at an agreed overall annual interest rate cost of eight Percent(8%)to party B.The Overall Interest Rate Cost of 8% is comprised two parts,part one - the bank rate an set by lenderand part two-the commission Rate cost.the commission rate cost will be three percent(3%)of the loan for the first year or eight percent minus the bank rate(8%-the bank rate)which ever is the greater.for eachsubsequent year the commission payment will be 8% minus the bank ratefoe example if the bank rate in the second year is 7% the the second commission payment will be 1

金额融资资本要求由乙方将不低于三千万uniter美元为最低刑期的( 10 )年在一个商定的整体,每年利息成本的8%( 8 %)乙party的整体利益率的费用为8%,是组成由两部分组成,第一部分-银行利率一所订的贷款人项和第二部分-佣金率c o st.the佣金率的成本将三%( 3 %)的贷款为第一年或八%,减去银行利率( 8 %-银行利率),这是以往任何时候都greater.for eachsubsequent委员会今年的付款将被8%,减去银行利率(敌人,例如,如果银行利率在第二,今年是7%,第二委员会的付款将被一

The calculation of carbon stock changes for the purpose of accounting for harvested wood products, if so elected, on land that is to be accounted for under either reforested land or elected forest management land shall be based on the total increment of carbon stock growth in the eligible forest minus any changes in soil carbon, minus carbon stocks left over from timber harvest activities, minus carbon stocks from any wood residues from wood mills, minus carbon stocks from wood products used for the purposes of paper, wood chips or other short-lived wood products, minus a carbon release estimate of harvested wood products produced and then destroyed during the commitment period, times a conversion factor from carbon to carbon dioxide equivalent.


Subtracts the pixel values in the source channel from the corresponding pixels in the target channel.

减去 从目标通道中相应的像素上减去源通道中的像素值。

更多网络解释与减去相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

capital allowance:资本减免:可从公司利润中减去固定资产额,这样就能使纳税额减少

1capital 资本、资金 | 2capital allowance 资本减免:可从公司利润中减去固定资产额,这样就能使纳税额减少 | 4orgnization组织

Eliminate cellulite:减去橙皮脂肪

Help eliminate fat during sleeping 帮助睡觉时消除脂肪细胞 | Eliminate cellulite 减去橙皮脂肪 | Decompose fat 分解脂肪

cut down on sth:削减,减去

Count on sb依靠,指望 | Cut down on sth削减,减去 | Depend on依赖,取决于

deduct verb:减去, 扣除

deduce verb. 演绎, 推断 | deduct verb. 减去, 扣除 | deductive adjective. 推理的

deduct from:从...中扣除;从...中减去

cut down 1.砍倒(树木), 砍伐 2.减少...的量; 缩减 | deduct from 从...中扣除; 从...中减去 | die away (风、声音)逐渐消失; 减少或减弱

Get into shape, try to lose weight:锻炼身体,试着减去脂肪

Study at your leisure in your home 你利用空闲在家的时间学习 | Get into shape, try to lose weight 锻炼身体,试着减去脂肪 | Regain your confidence, control you fate 重获你的信心,掌控你的命运


记了一道,给一个表格,两个人成绩的mean均为72,标准差为8和10,还有课程的总数分别为多少(忘了,没用),问两人成绩的中值median,应该是无法比较(sure)41.(1) 某商人的利润(profit)等于每件商品的售价(selling price) 减去(minus)进价,n件商品共卖了S,

motional impedance:动生阻抗 从加载阻抗中减去受挡阻抗的复数差

mechanical stiffness 力劲 容性力抗乘以角频率 | motional impedance 动生阻抗 从加载阻抗中减去受挡阻抗的复数差 | Natural frequency 固有频率 系统自由振动时的频率,在多自由度系统中,固有频率是简正振动的频...


specified指定的 | substituting消去、减去、取代 | subtract减、做减法计算

