英语人>词典>汉英 : 决裂 的英文翻译,例句
决裂 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
break  ·  rupture  ·  ruptures  ·  rupturing

break from
更多网络例句与决裂相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They made a break from/with the past/tradition.


The majority of black men in the North had remained outside the struggle. Nothing was happening in the ghettos. No one was making it happen. Ghetto rioting then was the first representation I perceived of movement and activity among the mass of Negroes in the North. It marked a break with the passive tradition of dependency and indifference.


Although his formal break with Anglicanism came in 1782, by 1776 the shift to Unitarianism had already taken place.


Now, after all these years of animosity, the two were finally parted once and for all.


Perhaps a fresh start will mean that Mr Sarkozy belatedly delivers the rupture that he once promised.


Summer, the Bolsheviks decided to break with traditional Russian.


It was wrong for him to break away from all his good friends.


Wrong for him to break away from all his good friends.


Or him to break away from all his good friends.


The 4th chapter discusses the diachronic development of Luxun's awareness of corporeality through various stages or series of contradictions in his life. At the end of his life, Luxun returns to his lonesome corporeal body after his breakup with Confucius tradition in 1906, with intellectual enlightening camp in 1920s, and finally with left-wing writers in 1930s.


更多网络解释与决裂相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They made a break from/with the past/tradition:他们与过去/传统决裂

She made one last appeal to her father to forgive her.她最后一次请求父亲宽恕她. | They made a break from/with the past/tradition.他们与过去/传统决裂. | call for"召集、号召、呼吁":

rural acculturation:乡村文化接受

rupture of diplomatic relations;邦交决裂;; | rural acculturation;乡村文化接受;; | Rural Advancement Foundation International;促进农村发展国际基金会;RAFI;

cerebral arteriosclerosis:脑动脉软化

schizophrenic reaction 精力决裂症反馈 | cerebral arteriosclerosis 脑动脉软化 | hypokalaemia 低钾血

break away from sb/sth:同....决裂;脱离

7, allow for 顾及;为...做准备;考虑到;体谅 | 9, break away from sb/sth 同....决裂;脱离 | a large/great number of ; a good/great many; 后面只能接可数名词,谓语动词复数形式.

to break with:与...决裂

652to break up... into拆散,分解成 | 653to break with与...决裂 | 654to burst out冲口说出


破产的英文bankruptcy,从字面上理解,是银行(bank)加决裂(rupture)的组合,在香港,如果我破产之后,我和银行的关系就GAME OVER. 这里有两个意思,一是银行或者财务公司不再借钱给我;二是我以前的债可以一笔OUT消,当然包括买房子的贷款.

schizophrenic reaction:精力决裂症反馈

tinnitus 耳鸣 | schizophrenic reaction 精力决裂症反馈 | cerebral arteriosclerosis 脑动脉软化


一夜间摆上了巴黎闹市维尔金音像/书籍商店紧靠收银台边最显眼的"绝对震动事件书籍台":它们是<<前第一夫人不为人知的一面>>(La face cachée de l'ex-première dame)、<<塞茜丽娅其人>>(Cécilia portrait)和<<决裂>>(Ruptures).

rupture of tubal pregnancy:输卵管妊娠决裂

残角妊娠 pregnancy in rudimentary horn | 输卵管妊娠决裂 rupture of tubal pregnancy | 盆腔积血 pelvic hematocele

Ankle: Ruptured Achilles Tendon:跟腱决裂

Ankle: Ruptured Achilles Tendon 跟腱决裂 | Ankle: Sprain 踝部扭伤 | Ankylosing Spondylitis 关节黏连脊椎炎