英语人>词典>汉英 : 冲洗伤口 的英文翻译,例句
冲洗伤口 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
irrigate  ·  irrigates  ·  irrigating

更多网络例句与冲洗伤口相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results In group A, effusion of wound increased in 4 cases and the result of bacterial culture was negative; effusion was absorbed after 2 weeks of local irrigation, drainege and cortin management.

结果 A 组4 例伤口于术后3 d 渗液增加,渗液细菌培养为阴性,予局部冲洗、充分引流、应用皮质激素后2 周内渗液均吸收;B 组术后无大量渗液。

Methods 42 patients who received Mile s procedure were divided into two groups:herbal fuming group and the PP group;the wounds of each group were cleaned with diluted hydrogen dioxide solution before the 20-minute fuming and hip bath.

将42例Mile s术后患者分为中药熏洗组和高锰酸钾组,两组患者均先用稀释双氧水冲洗伤口后,熏洗、坐浴20min。

Objective To investigate the nursing intervention in preclusion of post-urethroplasty urinary fis-tula of hypospadia.Methods 70urethroplasty cases were randomly divided into2groups,the urethral stents were douched with0.9%N.S in the cotrol group,and the integrated nursing interventionwas applied in the treatment group,the INI includerays the use of10ml0.9%N.S plus80000units gentamicin for douche,swabbing genitals with nitrofurazone solution and infrared rays exposure of genitals.

目的 采用护理干预手段预防尿道下裂术后尿瘘的发生方法选择尿道下裂带蒂皮瓣正位开口期尿道成形术患者70例随机分 2组:一组是常规用生理盐水冲洗尿道支架管方法;另一组是生理盐水10ml加庆霉素8万U冲洗新尿道支架管,呋喃西林溶液擦拭外阴部以及红外线伤口局部照射的护理干预方法综合护理,观察尿瘘的发生率。

Infections of 3 cases were controled after treatment with the wound dressing and compression bandaging after local inflammation organic resection, oral Xinhuang Tablets of proprietary Chinese medicines and antibiotics; 9 cases were treated with arthroscopic joint clean-up washing , 2 case of them were treated with incision debridement combined by synovectomy arthroscopic due to inability to complete debridement ; 3 case of them were treated with temporary prosthesis replacement surgery on the infection after total knee debridement due to recurring knee swelling and rupture , filling bone cement containing sensitive antibiotics, convection to wash on the articular cavity, and second phase renovation in stable condition, finally they recoveried postoperatively and discharged.

结果:对22例出现炎症性反应的TKA术后患者,经抗感染、关节腔对流冲洗、清创和Ⅱ期再置换并配合口服中成药新癀片等处理。10例轻微肿痛病人经单纯药物治疗,症状改善。12例患者应用外科干预, 3例行局部炎症组织切除后伤口换药并加压包扎,口服中成药新癀片及抗生素治疗后控制感染;9例在关节镜下行关节清理冲洗,其中2例在行关节镜下手术时因无法彻底清创行切开清创合并滑膜切除; 3例因反复出现膝关节红肿、疼痛、甚至破溃予全膝置换术后感染清创临时假体置换术,用含敏感抗生素骨水泥填充,对关节腔进行对流冲洗,待关节情况稳定后行Ⅱ期翻修,术后痊愈出院。

MethodDebridement and closed type lavage,drainage for Ⅲ degree open fracture in tibiofibula during 2006~2008 were reviewed,early suture of wound,fracture fixation and lavage with tube.


Debridement and closed type lavage, drainage for Ⅲ degree open fracture in tibiofibula during 2006~2008 were reviewed, early suture of wound, fracture fixation and lavage with tube.


Methods:we made a comparison between the presacral space clysis group and the tradional treatment group on the therapy effectiveness, and made a risk factor analysis about wound infection.


Results:the time of vim convalescence, draining, antibiotics use, fervescence, intention, hospitalization were all shorter in the presacral space clysis group than that in the tradional treatment group.the times of dressing wound and the number of secondary suture and c healing were all smaller in the presacral space clysis group than that in the tradional treatment group.and the infection rate of the former was 0.136 times of the latter.


Methods 70urethroplasty cases were randomly divided into2groups,the urethral stents were douched with0.9%N.S in the cotrol group,and the integrated nursing interventionwas applied in the treatment group,the INI includerays the use of10ml0.9%N.S plus80000units gentamicin for douche,swabbing genitals with nitrofurazone solution and infrared rays exposure of genitals.


Although sterile saline is best for irrigating wounds, it will not be available in the wilderness.


更多网络解释与冲洗伤口相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


flush 冲洗,淹没,使脸红 | irrigate 灌溉,冲洗(伤口) | jejune lacking interest or significence:dull无味的,无意义的

jejune lacking interest or significence:dull:无味的,无意义的

irrigate 灌溉,冲洗(伤口) | jejune lacking interest or significence:dull无味的,无意义的 | braggart 吹牛,吹牛的


不应参加艾滋病患者的直接治疗、护理、检查工作. 操作时不慎被污染的锐器损伤时,应立即用流动水冲洗伤口10 min;在伤口旁端轻轻挤出血液,再用流动水和肥皂液冲洗;用0.5%碘伏消毒后包扎伤口. 按职业暴露后预防(PEP)的程序进行处理.

irrigable:可灌溉的 (形)

irrevocably 不能取消地; 不能撤回地 (副) | irrigable 可灌溉的 (形) | irrigate 灌溉, 使潮湿, 冲洗伤口; 进行灌溉 (动)


Healer 医治者 | Ligate结扎(血管等) | Irrigate 冲洗伤口