英语人>词典>汉英 : 冒险干 的英文翻译,例句
冒险干 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
risk  ·  risked  ·  risking  ·  risks

更多网络例句与冒险干相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Go back to your work, Becky," Miss Amelia had said; but she had stopped to pick up reverently first a muff and then a coat, and while she stood looking at them adoringly, she heard Miss Minchin upon the threshold, and, being smitten with terror at the thought of being accused of taking liberties, she rashly darted under the table, which hid her by its tablecloth.


In 2004 I went to Dacca, the capital of Bangladesh. I visited a village nearby and there was an international art workshop going on. In such a remote village, artists had to get rid of their original working habits and familiar experience, and started new adventure and exploration. Artists took advantage of local and ecological materials to do experiment: quilt, henhouse, dried branch, mud, leaves, agricultural appliance and even their bodies.


Pull sb's chestnuts out of the fire (亦作pull the chestnuts out of the fire for sb)— to help sb out of a difficulty at one's own risk; to assure another's burden or hardship代某人火中取栗,替某人冒险;为某人挑重担 I had pulled the chestnuts out of the fire for him on several occasions and was unwilling

to do it again。我已经替他冒险过好几回,我不愿意再干了。

Run a risk of doing sth.

vt。 冒。。。的危险,冒险干

Bertha slipped out of the side-door with a delightful feeling of doing something venturesome .


Mr. B told his son not to do any risky things because discretion is the better part of valor.


As the chronicler of their high-rolling adventure exclaims in the book The Eudaemonic Pie,"Why would anyone play roulette without wearing a computer in his shoe?"


As the chronicler of their high-rolling adventure exclaims in the book The Eudaemonic Pie,"Why would anyone play roulette without wearing a computer in his shoe?"


Pretended they were on a cruise.To take upon oneself; venture


To take upon oneself; venture


更多网络解释与冒险干相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Badlands:荒蕪之地

荒芜之地(The Badlands) 人口:2,000(40%干鼻豺狼人,20%黑铁矮人,20%石窟穴居人,10%火烟食人魔,5%部落兽人,5%铁炉堡勘探者) 主要定居点:卡加斯(100) 语言:初级通用语,矮人语,兽人语 信仰:圣光,萨满教义 资源:冒险, 废墟,

burst into laughter/a loud laugh:大笑起来

84 steep hill 陡峭的山坡 | 85 burst into laughter/a loud laugh 大笑起来 | 117 risk doing 冒险干某事

decide on sth:决定干某事

the representation of表现 | decide on sth 决定干某事 | venture into a place 冒险进入某地

play into sb.'s hands:干对...有利的事

take a chance 冒险 | play into sb's hands 干对...有利的事 | in the name of 以...的名义

to spend time doing:花时间干某事

30. to risk doing...冒某事之险,冒险干某事 | 31. to spend time doing...花时间干某事 | 32. to suggest doing...建议,提议干某事

venture into a place:冒险进入某地

decide on sth 决定干某事 | venture into a place 冒险进入某地 | bridge the gap between 消灭......差别

Ume? University:于默奥大学

瑞典于默奥大学(Ume University)医学院的捷安缇乔泰对两千名志愿者做过一项调查,调查的目的是探究人们对冒险的喜好和出生日期之间有没有关系. 喜欢冒险的人不愿意干重复的事情,愿意结交新朋友,寻求刺激,而保守的人正好相反,他们乐意重复同一件事,