英语人>词典>汉英 : 再生 的英文翻译,例句
再生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
anagenesis  ·  neogenesis  ·  palingenesis  ·  reactivation  ·  rebirth  ·  recovering  ·  regeneracy  ·  regenerate  ·  regeneration  ·  regrow  ·  reincarnation  ·  relive  ·  reproduce  ·  revivify  ·  epimorphosis  ·  recrescence  ·  regenesis  ·  reprocess  ·  regenerated  ·  regenerates  ·  regenerating  ·  relived  ·  relives  ·  reliving  ·  reprocesses  ·  reproduced  ·  reproduces  ·  revivified  ·  revivifies  ·  revivifying  ·  rebirths  ·  reincarnations  ·  revivals  ·  regen

更多网络例句与再生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

(1) cerebral ischemical reperfusion injury rats'limbs motor function is variable. Acupuncture could promote lims'functional recovery.(2) PCNA masc cells is visible in cerebral ischemical semidarkness region. There is cell regeneration phenomenon. Acupuncture could strengthen injury region's PCNA expression, could profit injury recovery and functional reconstruction.(3) In ischemia semidarkness region for the model group and acupuncture group, PCNA masc cells percentage of 14days group is lower than 7days group. Along with the recovery of injury, cell multiplication is weaken.(4) In cerebral ischemia semidarkness region, there is VEGF masc cells and regeneration phenomenon. Acupuncture could strengthen injury region's VEGF expression, could profit protection after injury and blood vessel regenerate.(5) In ischemia semidarkness region for the model group and acupuncture group, VEGF masc cells percentage of 14days group is lower than 7days group. Along with the recovery of semidarkness region, ischemia and anoxemia state is getting improved, and VEGF is reduce.(6) As there are PCNA and VEGF masc cells in brain injured region, we could conclude that, after brain ischemical reperfusion injury, there are blood vessel regeneration phenomenon. Acupuncture could promote blood vessel regeneration, recovery blood supply sufficiently and quickly, and promote the recovery of brain injury region.(7)The VEGF masc cells percentage of inhibitor group is lower than acupuncture group. It state that the effect of acupuncture promote VEGF is partly depend on the existing of eNOS.


In the present experiment, the tender stems of Dracaena cambodiana were used as explants to establish a two-step tissue culture and regeneration system. The effects of types and concentrations of plant hormones on the induction of callus were studied. Based on these, the reactions of callus regeneration to different mutation-induced approaches (60Co irradiation, EMS and colchicines), the regeneration ability of the treated callus as well as the characters diversities (including the appearance traits and cytological observations) of the regeneration plants were investigated.


All of the three rejuvenators recover the aged asphalts in temperature susceptibility at low and mid-high temperature. The effect of rejuvenator C is better than others. No obvious laws are found at middle temperature, the rejuvenators increase the aged asphalts temperature susceptibilities. Rejuvenator A decreases the temperature susceptibility at high temperature, however B and C increase a little.


Findings in clinical research show that life regenerative substances can activate and culture the healthy organ cells to regenerate and clone, while at the same time, these life regenerative substances can prevent the normal cells from canceration and can induce apoptosis of the cancerous tumor cells. Based on the animal experiments, we have successfully produced the nutritious foods with life regenerative substances according to the national food safety standards. Since Jan 25th 2008, more than 300 cases of cancer patients who had given up the traditional medical treatment accepted our holozoic diet therapy with the life regenerative substances, and remarkable regenerative effects have been obtained. The potential regenerative ability of the organ cells are actived by the life regenerative nutrients, thus the cancer patients continue to struggle against with cancers.


Background: Peripheral nerve injury is common and serious in clinically. According to the nerve regeneration theory of nerve tropism, neural regeneration room became hot spot for treating nerve injury.Then keep distance between the proximal and distal severed stumps with different conduits and others substance which can promote nerve regeneration ,the room can provid a favourable environment for nerve regeneration. a series of empirical study indicated immunosuppressant FK506 can promote nerve regeneration, chitosan is polysaccharose natural biomaterial , Chitosan is prepared by the N-deacetylation of chitin.


The Ca2+ salt solution as a new regenerant was presented in this paper. The influences of the calcium salt proportioning, temperature, dosage and flow rate on anion exchange fiber regeneration were studied. High regeneration can be obtained with 0.5 mol/L CaCl2+8 g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx sucrose solution at 70~80 ℃, the dosage of the Ca2+ salt solution was about half of the raw decoloring syrup, the regenerant flow rate should be lower than that of the raw decoloring syrup. It was shown that stable decolorization rate and lower decline in exchange capacity could be achieved with the new regenerant. It performed more effectively than the traditional sodium salt regenerant with less discharge of waste water.

选用二价钙离子蔗糖溶液为再生剂,再生蔗糖脱色后的强碱性阴离子交换纤维,研究了再生液的配比、再生温度、再生液用量、再生液流速等因素对再生效果的影响,结果表明配比为0.5 mol/L CaCl2+8 g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx蔗糖的再生液在70~80℃温度下,再生剂的用量约为脱色糖汁的一半,流速应低于脱色时的流速时,再生效果优于传统的钠盐再生剂的再生效果,重复再生后的纤维脱色率能保持稳定,交换容量下降少,且再生液能回收利用,废水排放量小,是一种环保型再生液。

The Ca(superscript 2+) salt solution as a new regenerant was presented in this paper. The influences of the calcium salt proportioning, temperature, dosage and flow rate on anion exchange fiber regeneration were studied. High regeneration can be obtained with 0.5mol/L CaCl2+8g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx sucrose solution at 70~80℃, the dosage of the Ca(superscript 2+) salt solution was about half of the raw decoloring syrup, the regenerant flow rate should be lower than that of the raw decoloring syrup. It was shown that stable decolorization rate and lower decline in exchange capacity could be achieved with the new regenerant. It performed more effectively than the traditional sodium salt regenerant with less discharge of waste water.

选用二价钙离子蔗糖溶液为再生剂,再生蔗糖脱色后的强碱性阴离子交换纤维,研究了再生液的配比、再生温度、再生液用量、再生液流速等因素对再生效果的影响,结果表明配比为0.5mol/L CaCl2+8g/L CaO+6.5 °Bx蔗糖的再生液在70~80℃温度下,再生剂的用量约为脱色糖汁的一半,流速应低于脱色时的流速时,再生效果优于传统的钠盐再生剂的再生效果,重复再生后的纤维脱色率能保持稳定,交换容量下降少,且再生液能回收利用,废水排放量小,是一种环保型再生液。

Particular inspection was given on the microstructure of gastric regenerative mucosa.Results Fiftyfive patients' lesions were benign and the morphology of gastric mucosa was classified as follows: fenced,spindled,node.

结果 55例良性溃疡中栅状再生黏膜占3.6%,纺锤状再生黏膜占16.4%,结节状再生黏膜占12.7%,两种或两种以上再生黏膜占67.3%。3例早期癌的再生黏膜均为结节状再生黏膜。

Particular inspection was given on the microstructure of gastric regenerative mucosa.Results Fifty?five patients' lesions were benign and the morphology of gastric mucosa was classified as follows: fenced,spindled,node.

结果 55例良性溃疡中栅状再生黏膜占3.6%,纺锤状再生黏膜占16.4%,结节状再生黏膜占12.7%,两种或两种以上再生黏膜占67.3%。3例早期癌的再生黏膜均为结节状再生黏膜。

This paper endogens carbon tax and subsidy two variables, discussing how to decide the optimal level of carbon tax and subsidy. The results of the research are obtained as the following:(1) price and capital subsidy which one is priority depend on the productivity of renewable energy capital, if productivity is high enough, then should adopt capital subsidy policy;(2) price and capital subsidy indeed exist trade-off and non-independent relationship;(3) renewable energy regulation ratio has negative effect on carbon tax, however has positive effect on price subsidy;(4) green certificate price increase will result in decrease carbon tax and price subsidy, but increase capital subsidy;(5) if the authority loose the environmental target, then should impose high carbon tax which maintains the environmental quality, but have ambiguous effect on subsidy policy;(6) increasing stability of renewable energy, then increase price subsidy, however, under budget constraint should decrease capital subsidy;(7) analyzing Taiwan's three wind power energy with different price subsidy, which can improve the technology of wind power energy. In another word, it can raise the capacity of wind power energy and reach the goal of renewable energy.


更多网络解释与再生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


二是新建再生(epimorphosis) 二是新建再生(epimorphosis),是由 创伤表面产生新的组织,并逐渐恢复失 去的部分.如附肢再生. 附肢再生的过程 1. 创伤愈合( wound healing ) 创伤愈合( 一旦伤口愈合, 表皮细胞增殖, 产生一个多层的细胞团,

regenerative braking:再生制动;再生制动器

regeneration 再生 | regenerative braking 再生制动;再生制动器 | regenerative chamber 蓄热室

regenerative repeater:再生转发器再生中继器

regeneration period 再生周期 | regenerative repeater 再生转发器再生中继器 | regenerative track 快速访问磁道

regenerative pump:再生泵,涡流泵

regenerative pulse generator 脉冲再生发生器 | regenerative pump 再生泵,涡流泵 | regenerative receiver 再生接收机,再生式接收机,再生收音机

resurgent gas:再生瓦斯;再生气体

再生瓦斯;再生气体 resurgent gas | 再生汽 resurgent vapors | 再生水 resurgent water


acrotorque 最大扭矩 | actification 活化,再生;再生作用 | actified solution 再生溶液

actifier column:再生器,再生柱

actified solution 再生溶液 | actifier column 再生器,再生柱 | acting head 作用压头,有效压头

actifier column:再生器;再生塔

actification 再生作用;复活作用 | actifier column 再生器;再生塔 | actin filament 丝状肌动蛋白

nonregenerative laser amplifier:非再生激光放大器,非再生式激光放大器

nonreflective ink 非反射墨水 | nonregenerative laser amplifier 非再生激光放大器,非再生式激光放大器 | nonregenerative laser oscillator 非再生式激光振荡器

regenerated rubber:再生胶,再生橡胶

regenerated protein fiber ==> 再生蛋白质纤维 | regenerated rubber ==> 再生胶,再生橡胶 | regenerated signal ==> 再生信号