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内科的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
medical  ·  medicals

更多网络例句与内科的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods: 154 inpatients with PCI in AMI therapy were divided into two groups randomly.78 patients in experiment group were given directed intervention of whole nursing according to their risk factors of AMI.76 patients in control group were given functional nursing.


Has 20 years experiences in internal medicine clinic. Good command of the basic theory about Cardio-Cerebral-Vascular Disease and Nephrology.


What about the doctors in the internal medicine department?


First of all, when I first came into Nephrology at the time, I became interested in it right away.


"Clinicians who prescribe these medications should be aware of the potential risk and may need to consider alternatives," said Sonal Singh, M.D., senior researcher and an assistant professor of internal medicine.

"开这些药物的临床医生应该意识到这些潜在的危险,并且需要考虑替代药物"内科的高级研究员Sonal Singh博士说,"此外,监管当局应考虑修改现行说明书以突出巨大的风险。"

There are subspecialty cardiology journals or the interventional cardiology journals that focus on journal cardiology or interventional cardiology.


The strains of imipenem-susceptible Pseudomonas aeruginosa mainly come from respiratory tract infections and wound infections, and the susceptibility for most antibiotics is high. As a kind of strong derivant, mipenem can make Pseudomonas aeruginosa induce resistance.


The true originator of Iridology was a Hungarian physician named Ignatz von Peczely. At 11 years of age Dr. von Peczely noticed an owl in a tree in his backyard. He tried to catch the owl.


Noting the "medical/psychological" nature of problem gambling behaviors,the letter said that before being readmitted to the casino he would have to present medical/psychological information demonstrating that patronizing the casino would pose no threat to his safety or well-being.


Particularly interested in Chinese medicine in rheumatology have.


更多网络解释与内科的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Internal medicine:内科

以大内科(internal medicine)为例,在相继分出传染病科、神经内科、肿瘤内科后,再按解剖系统分为心血管内科、消化内科、呼吸内科、血液内科、肾内科、内分泌内科,有些大型的综合医院还有更细的分科(比如风湿免疫科、糖尿病科、高血压科).

Internal medicine:内科医学

早在1998年颇具声望的医学期刊>(Internal Medicine)上曾发表过一项划时代的研究. 该项目中,88000名妇女在她们自1980年逃离癌症魔手之后的约15年间接受了研究的追访. 研究人员发现,每日至少补充400微克叶酸的女性,


但在疾病分类中上述系统唯有神经系统疾病被排除在所有其他按系统命名的内科疾病之外,单独归为一类与内科学(internal medicine)并列的学科--神经病学(neurology),随之也就出现了内科医师(internist)和神经科医师(ne


其本意是"用手工作的人",而"内科医生"(physician)一词的本意是"通晓自然的人". ...


它包括多个专业的卫生保健专业人士,例如内科医师(physician)、心理学家(psychologist)、护士、物理治疗学家(physical therapists)、职业治疗学家(occupational therapists)及其他专业的卫生保健提供者(health care provider),

Specialist Physician:内科医生

2312-79 Specialist Medical Practitioners NEC 未细化分类型的其他专科医生 | 2312-25 Specialist Physician 内科医生 | 2312-31 Surgeon 外科医生

intacta.whole, uninjured; healthy:未受损的;完整的

ingenuityn.skill and cleverness in making and arranging things机灵;独创性 | intacta.whole, uninjured; healthy未受损的;完整的 | internistn.a doctor who specializes in internal medicine内科医生

intact a. whole, uninjured; healthy:未受损的;完整的

ingenuity n. skill and cleverness in making and arranging things 机灵;独创性 | intact a. whole, uninjured; healthy 未受损的;完整的 | internist n. a doctor who specializes in internal medicine 内科医生



Tear-out cards with essential internal medicine concepts in pocket-ready format:催泪卡列原发性内科概念在口袋里准备的格式

* Insider tips for outstanding performance from st... | * Tear-out cards with essential internal medicine concepts in pocket-ready format *催泪卡列原发性内科概念在口袋里准备的格式 | The Student-to-Stud...