英语人>词典>汉英 : 内心的 的英文翻译,例句
内心的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
endocentric  ·  inner  ·  innermost  ·  intrapersonal  ·  intrapsychical  ·  inward

更多网络例句与内心的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He tried to shield himself from his own mental accusation, which told him that she was right.


This affair brod 9ht out all that was worst-all thatwas weakest in him.


From the bottom of one's heart内心深处例句: Though he is being rude at times, he respects you from the bottom of his heart.

虽然他有时对你有些不礼貌,但在内心深处他还是尊敬你的。I'll keep my eyes open。我会留意的。

Liverpool Football Club was the focus of so many people's lives that it was natural they should head for Anfield. It gave them somewhere to go, something to talk about.


These personal judgments can be generalized as an expression of values. According to the contradictions of Pugin's values, the fusion of Ruskin's values, and the relative importance of Viollet-le-Duc's values, we can infer the ideology of the theorists who encouraged the Gothic Revival.


From the stillness of your heart's core reach out.


Here he turned to the rough trundle bed full of little woolly(似羊毛的、蓬乱的、卷曲的) heads, and broke fairly down.


Spare me, therefore, your good intentions, your inner sensitivities, your unarticulated and unexpressed love. And spare me also those tedious psychohistories which—by exposing the goodness inside the bad man, and the evil in the good—invariably establish a vulgar and perverse egalitarianism, as if the arrangement of what is outside and what inside makes no moral difference.


Of course, we make gut decisions and follow our hearts, but how often does an executive, government official, teacher, computer engineer or anyone else act on their gut instinct or heart's desire?


Whereas Anakin was impetuous and kept his inner turmoil to himself, Veld was more deliberate and centered, and held no hidden demons.


更多网络解释与内心的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Heart-Inside Cento:内心的组曲

5 internal cento 内心的组曲 | 6 heart-inside cento 内心的组曲 | 7 ski tango 斯凯探戈舞曲

internal cento:内心的组曲

4 song of the future fire 未来之火的歌 | 5 internal cento 内心的组曲 | 6 heart-inside cento 内心的组曲

The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the lnner Eye:水晶球占卜的奥妙在于打开 你内心的眼睛

Broaden your minds. You must look beyond.|拓宽你的... | The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the lnner Eye.|水晶球占卜的奥妙在于打开 你内心的眼睛 | Only then can you see. Try again.|只有这时你...

See my inferiority complex kicks in:看我内心的自卑在作怪

But keep it concealed 但却一直隐藏在内心 | See my inferiority complex kicks in 看我内心的自卑在作怪 | And the words escape me 但却无从开口


21、allocate 分派、分配 | 22、innermost 最里面的、内心的、秘密的 | 23、copious 很多的、广识的、丰富的


intraproblem learning 问题内学习 | intrapsychic 内心的 | intrapsychic ataxia 内心运作失调


intrapsychic event 内心事件 | intrapsychical 内心的 | intrapsychological 心理内的

noble manhood:真诚--深刻真挚发自内心的真诚,是真正高尚的人性的一种品质

Silks and satins put out the fire in the kitchen. 绸缎要熄灭厨房的... | noble manhood. 真诚--深刻真挚发自内心的真诚,是真正高尚的人性的一种品质. | Six feet of earth makes all men equal. 在墓穴中人人都平...

shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed:(诡秘的微笑掩藏着你内心的秘密)

bodies close but souls apart (如此贴近,但你的心却已遛走) | shadowed smiles and secrets unrevealed (诡秘的微笑掩藏着你内心的秘密) | i need to know the way you feel (我想知道你此刻的感受)

peace of mind:内心的宁静

只是,我觉得内心的宁静(peace of mind)其实非常重要. 真正决定一个人的幸福感的东西,其实不是物质,而是这种内心精神. 这是我朴素的人生观. 所谓的知足常乐,大概就是这个意思吧. 美国前中情局(CIA)局长特尼特30日将出版他长达549页的回忆录,