英语人>词典>汉英 : 养父母 的英文翻译,例句
养父母 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
adopter  ·  adopters

foster parent · adoptive parents · foster-parent · parent by adoption
更多网络例句与养父母相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Whatever the reason for the adoption, the adoptee becomes the legal child of the adoptive parents.


Lynelle Beveridge, who founded the Inter-Country Adoptee Support Network, says it is common for inter-country adoptees to be positive about their experiences while they still live with their adoptive parents, although some rebel as teenagers or strive to be the successful, grateful child.

创建跨国收养支持网络的 Lynelle Beveridge 说,认为被收养是好的跨国被收养者是很普遍的,他们仍然与养父母住在一起,尽管有些反叛的青少年或者正在努力成功和成为感恩的孩子。

What if I try to get in touch with the adoptive parents?


He was brought up by his adoptive parents.


There is also information on the adoptive parents in these records.


It is no secret that many children would be healthier and happier with adoptive parents than nature dealt them.


My adoptive parents didn't want it to come as a shock by telling me when I was older.


The boy loved his adoptive parents because they treated him very well.


I love you very much and even though I have adoptive parents there will always be enough room and love inmy heart for all of you!!!!


There is no real difference between a child who lives with his or her biological parents or with adoptive parents.


更多网络解释与养父母相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


adoptee 被收养者 | adopter 养父母 | adoption 采用

adoptee:被收养者, 被立嗣者

adopted | 被收养的, 被采用的 | adoptee | 被收养者, 被立嗣者 | adopter | 养父母


adoptee 被收养者 | adopter 养父母 | adoption 采用

adoptive parent:养父母

验货 (-:-) examination | 养父母 (-:-) adoptive parent | 养老抚幼 (-:-) provide for children and parents

adoptive parents:养父母

adoptive mother 养母 | adoptive parents 养父母 | adulteration 伪造;掺假

adoptive parents:领养父母 养父母

118 sovereign rights 主权权利 主权 | 146 adoptive parents 领养父母 养父母 | 146 adoptive child 领养子 养子女

adoptive studies:收养研究

养父母 adoptive parents | 收养研究 adoptive studies | 肾上腺 adrenal capsule


在异性恋父权空间感到错置的女同志﹔不断从事城乡或跨国流动以成为基层生产力的有色人种;厌女与以性别阐释工作内容意涵的粗鲁男性化工作环境;被白人养父母以肤色盲(color blind)方式养成的有色人种

Oh, I'm not a foster parent to Michael:我不是Michael的养父母

How many foster kids you got living with you?|你收养了多少个孩子? | Oh, I'm not a foster parent to Michael.|我不是Michael的养父母 | We were just helping him out.|我们仅仅是帮他

foster parents:养父母

她的生母(biological mom)在她3岁的时候因为生活所迫把她寄养到了她的养父母(foster parents)家,这同样也是一个贫困的家庭,而且她的养父有着酗酒、赌博的恶习.