英语人>词典>汉英 : 共生 的英文翻译,例句
共生 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
accrete  ·  paragenesis  ·  symbiosis  ·  intercrescence  ·  paragenesia  ·  accreted  ·  accretes  ·  accreting  ·  symbioses  ·  colacobisis

更多网络例句与共生相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The study shows that,in the process of the formation and development of CID,symbiotic units aggregation stage is the foundation stage.


The symbiosis behavior mode of enterprise and farmer household include commensalism、dissymmetry mutualism and symmetry mutualism.


In chapter four, the dissertation analyses different types of the symbiosis relationship between the independent college and its matrix school from the dimensions of organization and behavior, namely point symbiosis, intermittent symbiosis, constant symbiosis, integration symbiosis, parasitism, commensalism, symmetric mutualism and dissymmetric mutualism. It establishes twenty eight symbiosis morphologies between the independent college and its matrix school. What\'s more, it puts forwards two basic modes for the independent college\'s evolution, and has empirical studies on two typical cases.


In the conviviality orientations morality curriculum, according to different participating object, developed form can be divided into three types: moral conviviality between people and text, between people and others, between self and self.


The purpose of transformation of the urban industrial ecology is to realize the economic growth and dematerialization and there are the identical purposes with the industrial symbiosis network.


As the core concept of this dissertation, the connotation of symbiosis is the mode and the relation open to the differences based on some common value, norm and target, and with the premise of the competition and conflict. It is also the life process to create, discover and keep the differences.


This study shows that symbiont diversity in corals with maternal zooxanthella transmission is not necessarily lower compared to that in corals that acquire their algal symbionts from the environment every generation.


Discussed the subject on the rich symbiont germplasm resource in China and on further research being necessary to exploitation and utilization of the benificial germplasm.


Root-derived organic carbon is composed of three compartments: root detritus, root eaudates and root symbionts, which represents a large important and potential C sink in forest ecosystems, The known responses of root derived organic carbon and heterotrophic microbes to elevated CO2 were reviewed. Overall, increases in root biomass, productivity, and exudation indicate an augmentation of C inputs into the soil via roots, although changes in root lifespan are still unclear and may modify this flux positively or negatively, Altogether, changes in root chemistry and morphology that may augment soil C storage under elevated CO2 include decreased N concentration and wider root diameter, Alternately, a shift in rooting depth upwards in the soil profile may increase average turnover rates of root detritus. Effects of CO2 concentration on C qualities of root exudates and root symbionts are the least understood components discussed here, Changes of soil heterotropic microbial activity and community under elevated CO2 still remained large uncertainties.


To obtain a better understanding of the microbiota inhabiting the intestinal tract of wood-feeding lower termites, the European subterranean termite, Reticulitermes santonensis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), was used as a model system.

为了对木食性白蚁肠道共生微生物有一个全面的了解,以揭示白蚁肠道共生微生物在木质纤维素消化中的作用,本论文在国际上首次报道了应用分子克隆,DNA指纹分析,及荧光原位杂交等多种先进的分子生物学技术,以散白蚁Reticulitermes santonensis为模式系统研究低等木食性白蚁肠道内不同微生态环境中细菌的区系结构及多样化和主要细菌类群在该白蚁肠道的分布与定位等问题,并研究了与散白蚁Reticulitermes flavipes肠道共生鞭毛虫P.vertens相关的共生细菌的系统发育类型。

更多网络解释与共生相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accrete:共生, 合生, 附着 使依附, 使连接 共生的

accrescent | 成长的, 增大的 | accrete | 共生, 合生, 附着 使依附, 使连接 共生的 | accretion account | 增殖帐户

antagonistic symbiosis:拮抗性共生,拮抗性共生

antagonistic spring 反作用弹簧,复原弹簧 | antagonistic symbiosis 拮抗性共生,拮抗性共生 | antagonizing screw 调置螺旋


在自然界,两种生物在一起生活的现象非常普遍. 这种现象是生物在长期演化过程中逐渐形成的,称为共生(symbiosis). 从营养、居住和利害关系看,生物种间的共同生活方式一般可分为互利共生(mutual-ism)、偏利共生(commensalism)和寄生(parasitism)三种类型.


又可分义务性(obligatory)及非义务性(non-obligatory)互利共生两种:b.片利共生(Commensalism)一者自交互作中得利,但另一者不受影响. 亦可分为长期性接触的片利共生(Commensalism with continuous contact)及暂时性接触的片利共生(Commensalism with short contact)二种:(一)长期性接触的片利共生:大多是著生植物及著生动物,

symbiotic Mira:共生刍藁

symbiotic binary 共生双星 | symbiotic Mira 共生刍藁 | symbiotic nova 共生新星

symbiotic Mira:共生刍藁 疯狂英语学习

symbiotic binary 共生双星 | symbiotic Mira 共生刍藁 疯狂英语学习 www.e37.com.cn | symbiotic nova 共生新星


paragenesis 共生,共生次序,共生关系,共生组合 | paragenetic association 共生组合 | paragenetic mineral 共生矿物

paragenesis diagram:共生次序图

"共生;共生次序","paragenesis" | "共生次序图","paragenesis diagram" | "共生组合","paragenetic association"

cleaning symbiosis:清除共生,清洁共生 清除共生

cleaning 透光伐 除伐 N | cleaning symbiosis 清除共生,清洁共生 清除共生 Y | clear cutting 皆伐 皆伐 Y

mutualistic symbiosis:互惠共生

植物和动物的共生(symbiosis)和互惠共生(mutualistic symbiosis ),sym这个only benefit 一个生物,后面的两个都受益,但对外界环境可能有影响. 豆科植物和根瘤菌有的时候会在特定的环境下互惠共生,有些特定环境会共生. 此处有题,答案是环境的改变