英语人>词典>汉英 : 共和国 的英文翻译,例句
共和国 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
commonweal  ·  commonwealth  ·  republic  ·  republics

res publica
更多网络例句与共和国相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

For the next seven centuries, the Turkmen people lived under various empires and fought constant intertribal wars. Separated from Persia and annexed by Russia between 1865 and 1885, by 1894 imperial Russia had taken control of Turkmenistan.


I, instructed by the Government, have the honour to submit to Your Excellency the Instrument of Ratification of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the PRC") for the Seventh Additional Protocol to the Constitution of the Universal Postal Union, adopted by the 23rd Universal Postal Congress on October 5, 2004,(hereinafter referred to as "the Protocol"), and to state the following on behalf of the Government of the PRC


After World War I in 1918, the Southern Slavic nations set up the Serbs - Croats - the Kingdom of Slovenes, renamed the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929, Bosnia-Herzegovina is a part of it, is divided into several administrative provinces. In 1945, the peoples of Yugoslavia to achieve victory in the war against fascism, the establishment of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia (in 1963 renamed the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia), Bosnia and Herzegovina to become a republic Yugoslav federation. In March 1992, Bosnia-Herzegovina held a referendum on the independence of the country, Bosniac and Croat in favor of independence, Serbs boycotting the vote, after which broke out between the three communities in Bosnia lasted three and a half of war. May 22, 1992, Bosnia-Herzegovina to join the United Nations. November 21, 1995 in the United States under the auspices of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, Croatian President Franjo Tudjman and Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic signed the Dayton peace agreement, end of the war in Bosnia.


Article 241 A lawsuit brought against a defendant who has no domicile in the People's Republic of China concerning a contract dispute or other disputes over property rights and interests, if the contract is signed or performed within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or the object of the action is within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or the defendant has detainable property within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or the defendant has its representative agency, branch, or business agent within the territory of the People's Republic of China, may be under the jurisdiction of the people's court located in the place where the contract is signed or performed, the subject of the action is located, the defendant's detainable property is located, the infringing act takes place, or the representative agency, branch or business agent is located.


Article 243 In the case of an action concerning a contract dispute or other disputes over property rights and interests, brought against a defendant who has no domicile within the territory of the People's Republic of China, if the contract is signed or performed within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or if the object of the action is located within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or if the defendant has distrainable property within the territory of the People's Republic of China, or if the defendant has its representative office within the territory of the People's Republic of China, the people's court of the place where the contract is signed or performed, or where the object of the action is, or where the defendant's distrainable property is located, or where the torts are done, or where the defendant's representative office is located, shall have jurisdiction.


"Article 243 In the case of an action concerning a contract dispute or other disputes over property rights and interests, brought against a defendant who has no domicile within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, if the contract is signed or performed within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, or if the object of the action is located within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, or if the defendant has distrainable property within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, or if the defendant has its representative office within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China, the peoples court of the place where the contract is signed or performed, or where the object of the action is, or where the defendants distrainable property is located, or where the torts are done, or where the defendants representative office is located, shall have jurisdiction."


Karelia - Finland in 1940, as a Union Republic to join the Soviet Union in 1956 as a self-sufficiency of the Republic into the Russian Soviet Federative .190 years in March -191 years in December, in addition to Russia, the 14 republics have declared their independence .191 year December 25 the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic changed its name to the Russian Federation,.191 years, April 17 announced that Russia and the Russian Federation, with the name for the country, 191 12 26 the Soviet Union ceased to exist .1949 announced October 3-year diplomatic relations with China .191 year in January figures, the Federation is divided into 16 autonomous republics, 6 Krai, 49 states; 5 Krai, within each 1 autonomous prefecture, in a Territory, and eight states have autonomous zone 10 .192 1 month, all of the autonomous republic of the original be upgraded to a republic.


In the cases of violation of the laws or regulations of China by a foreign ship for military purposes or a foreign government ship for non-commercial purposes when passing through the territorial sea of the P.R.C, the competent authorities shall have the right to order it to leave the territorial sea immediately and the flag State shall bear international responsibility for any loss or damage thus caused.

第十条 外国军用船舶或者用于非商业目的的外国政府船舶在通过中华人民共和国领海时,中华人民共和国领海时,违反中华人民共和国法律,法规的,华人民共和国法律,法规的,中华人民共和国有关主管机关有权令其立即离开领海,令其立即离开领海,对所造成的损失或者迫害,损失或者迫害,船旗国应当负国际责任。

They are: Antigua and Barbuda, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Bahamas, the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, the Republic of Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, the Republic of Cameroon, Canada, the Republic of Cyprus, Dominica, Fiji Islands of the Republic, the Republic of Gambia, the Republic of Ghana, Grenada, the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, the Republic of India, Jamaica Republic, the Republic of Kenya, the Republic of Kiribati, the Kingdom of Lesotho, the Republic of Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives Republic, the Republic of Malta, the Republic of Mauritius, the Republic of Mozambique, Namibia Republic, the Republic of Nauru, New Zealand, the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Independent State of Samoa, Seychelles Seoul of the Republic, the Republic of Sierra Leone, the Republic of Singapore, Solomon Islands, the Republic of South Africa, the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, the Kingdom of Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, the Kingdom of Tonga, the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, the Republic of Uganda , Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic of Vanuatu, the Republic of Zambia.


The laws and regulations of Chinese ship registration can be found in the《The Maritime Law of the People"s Republic of Chinas》、《The ship registration regulation of the People"s Republic of China》、《The oceanic environment law of the People"s Republic of China》、《The execution explanation of the ship registration regulation》、《The minimum security regulation for the stuff on ship of the People"s Republic of China》、《The security regulation for the ship of the People"s Republic of China》、《The management of ship"s name、the regulation of the aged ship》and etc. The writer would like to study the ship registration from the respect of the public law and analyze the present registration system in China through the research on the theory and the development of the ship registration in the world and relevant international treaties .


更多网络解释与共和国相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Central Africa:中非共和国

SSALAM)BO-玻利维亚--玻利维亚共和国(BOLIVIA)BR-巴西--巴西联邦共和国(BRAZIL)BW-博茨瓦纳--博茨瓦纳共和国(BOTSWANA)BY-白俄罗斯--白俄罗斯共和国(BYELORUSSIA)CA-加拿大(CANADA)CF-中非--中非共和国(CENTRAL AFRICA)CG-刚果--刚果


AE-阿联酋--阿拉伯联合酋长国(UNITED EMIRATES)AF-阿富汗--阿富汗伊斯兰共和国(AFGHANISTAN)AL-阿尔巴尼亚--阿尔巴尼亚共和国(ALBANIA)AM-亚美尼亚--亚美尼亚共和国(ARMENIA)AO-安哥拉--安哥拉共和国(ANGOLA)AR-阿根廷--阿根廷共和国(ARGENTINA)AT-奥地利--奥






Peru) 玻利维亚共和国(Bolivia) 南美南部国家: 智利共和国(Chile) 巴拉圭共和国(Paraguay) 阿根廷共和国(Argentina/Argentine) 乌拉圭东岸共和国(Uruagay) 此外南美北部还有一块法国的海外领地:法属圭亚那(Guyane franç


--喀麦隆共和国(CAMEROON)CN-中国--中华人名共和国(CHINA)CO-哥伦比亚--哥伦比亚共和国(COLOMBIA)CR-哥斯达黎加--哥斯达黎加共和国(COSTA RICA)CS-捷克--捷克共和国(CZECH REPUBIC)CU-古巴--古巴共和国(CUBA)CY-塞浦路斯(C


: 厄瓜多尔共和国(Ecuador) 秘鲁共和国(Peru) 玻利维亚共和国(Bolivia) 南美南部国家: 智利共和国(Chile) 巴拉圭共和国(Paraguay) 阿根廷共和国(Argentina/Argentine) 乌拉圭东岸共和国(Uruagay) 此外南美北部还有一块法国的海外领地:法属圭亚那(Guyane franç


圭亚那合作共和国(Guyana) 苏里南共和国(Suriname) 南美中部国家: 厄瓜多尔共和国(Ecuador) 秘鲁共和国(Peru) 玻利维亚共和国(Bolivia) 南美南部国家: 智利共和国(Chile) 巴拉圭共和国(Paraguay) 阿根廷共和国(Argentina/Argentine) 乌拉圭东岸共和国(Uruagay) 此外南美北部还有一块法国的海外领地:法属圭亚那(Guyane fran


or) 秘鲁共和国(Peru) 玻利维亚共和国(Bolivia) 南美南部国家: 智利共和国(Chile) 巴拉圭共和国(Paraguay) 阿根廷共和国(Argentina/Argentine) 乌拉圭东岸共和国(Uruagay) 此外南美北部还有一块法国的海外领地:法属圭亚那(Guyane franç

Congo, Dem. Republic:(刚果民主共和国刚果民主共和国刚果民主共和国刚果民主共和国)

Burundi (布隆迪布隆迪布隆迪布隆迪) | Congo, Dem. Republic (刚果民主共和国刚果民主共和国刚果民主共和国刚果民主共和国) | Djibouti (吉布提吉布提吉布提吉布提)